Astral projection,subcat-FITNESS.html,1525,717,00.html

All of the above appear to be based on a limited number of studies, so I'll keep looking. however, they all suggest that O2 consumption drops while in a meditative state. They do not specify O2 levels in the blood during that time period, just that the metabolism of dissolved O2 appears to drop.

some WebMD articles on relaxation and health:

the breathing techniques zanqet is describing are backed by the international medical community as good for your health. After some 4000 years of use in asia, there are no known side effects in individuals without prior conditions.
I thank you river-wind for providing such excelent information.

and I noticed one section of your post which I would like to perhaps shed some light on

And in reguards to your assertion that AP and dreaming are the same: I don't know for sure. I can tell you that they feel considerably different. However, it could simply be that they are two different types of dreams - maybe they are dreams which occur during different sleep phases (ei during different primary brain wave pattern periods), and therefore have a different physical and psycological effect on the mind.

You may call this theoretical nonsence, and you may already be aware of this but as the theory goes (and of what I have myself verified) AP and dreaming are infact the same thing. But not in the way you might expect from the scientific-psychological point of view. The ether (or akasha), which some call the 5th dimention, is supposedly very sensitive to thought. When the mind is as silent as possible we can percieve what actualy exists there, however when the mind is in the normal unconcious daily scheduel mechanicaly repeating the same thoughts and emotions these immages are projected onto the akasha appearing to us the dreamer as a dream.
So when we dream we are infact APing but unconciously so, we are not aware of the fact that we are in the 5th dimention and *think* we are in the physical world no matter how silly our subcontious projections might be. It's those subcontious projections which personify our ego and it is interesting and very usefull to anylize these (dreams) if we want to learn more about the self.
AP and dreaming are infact the same thing


The ether (or akasha), which some call the 5th dimention, is supposedly very sensitive to thought. So when we dream we are infact APing but unconciously so, we are not aware of the fact that we are in the 5th dimention

Complete nonsense. I would suspect other AP’ers would also consider that nonsense since it further decreases the credibility of AP, if that’s possible.
what fun
ap is usually tied in with "lucid dreaming."

at one time...all tired and shit with my seemingly endless meditation, i hoped for a shortcut...namely thru neurology. stimulate the right spot and up and off you go. i believe progress is being made. to hell with hard work, hook me up doc!

i recently had a lucid sex thing. it was awesome. i had to check for leakage. it was with my cousin:eek:
Well, yesterday, I was going to try Astral Projection with the heartbeat method. But, somebody has told me this story that has kept me from trying and probably will until I am sure it is nnot true. The person who told it to me is not sure where she has heard it, maybe even on this very same forum, but here's all she could remember from the story:
Somebody had an OBE and everything was going all fine and dandy until...he turned around and saw his body. There, by his solid self was an old man trying to get into his body! The OBE'd person got scared and was thrown back into his real self.
That got me thinking. I've been hearing things about how there are ghosts all around us, and even if there aren't, is there a way a spirit might want to try to escape into the real world by using your body once youre out of it? And can you get back to it? Or if two people are Astral Projecting, can they switch? And what about the "silver cord", that I hear to be there, connecting us to our bodies? If it cannot break, how it has been claimed, does that mean we cannot get into somebody else's body?
Can the story be true and does it suggest the scary possibility of us being "stuck" or "left behind" in the what will become lonely world of Astral Travel?
Any thoughts? Because personally, I am freaked out by this.
Thank you,
is there a way a spirit might want to try to escape into the real world by using your body once youre out of it? And can you get back to it? Or if two people are Astral Projecting, can they switch? And what about the "silver cord", that I hear to be there, connecting us to our bodies? If it cannot break, how it has been claimed, does that mean we cannot get into somebody else's body?
Can the story be true and does it suggest the scary possibility of us being "stuck" or "left behind" in the what will become lonely world of Astral Travel?

You’ve presented some interesting questions that I’d be interested to hear explanations from our most prestigious AP’ers. Those explanations are going to require a mechanism to explain the connection between the so-called ‘spirit world’ and reality and why that connection is inherently attached to each individuals body and spirit.
Okay, vitaminA as far as I know it is impossible for any entity to enter your physical being without your consent (where black charlatans sometimes 'channel' letting various demons into their bodies). And as for getting stuck out there, this is also impossible unless you are killed in the physical world.
I can't give you a concrete explenation for why this is so, besides saying that it is forbidden. But as people tend to find the concept of astral projection itself unbeleivable and ludicrous going further into this is just asking for more trouble.

As I said before astral projection and dreaming are the same thing, so what you are in essence doing is that everytime you go to sleep and dream you are projecting into the astral dimention. However you are doing so unconciously, now I ask what would be more dangerous, astral projection in a concious and lucid manner or doing so without being aware of it?
I have personaly proved to myself that which many others claim, that astral projection and dreaming is the same thing by becoming lucid in a dream and thinking "I am now in the astral" I have been able to explore my room and house as they are in the physical.

So how would I explain the story told by this person? As I have said before the ether (which comprises the astral dimention) is extremely sensitive to thought, so when that person projected they were probably carrying a subcontious (or even concious perhaps) fear that someone might be able to enter their body while they're out. So what he feared he projected and saw the mental representation of that fear, the same thing as dreaming.

Now by question of how the "spirit world" connects to "reality", I will assume that the inquirer means how does the astral dimention relate to the physical dimention?
The explenation is that reality is comprised of several different dimentions that intertwine and permeate each other without getting mixed up, each dimention corresponds to it's own level of conciousness. Getting successively higher with each dimention. How the physical world we experience in 'waking' life (or 'sleeping' if you study the relative levels of lucidity of conciousness required to dwell in awareness in each of them) is connected to the astral dimention is on the subatomic scale. Scientists are still dumbfounded at how subatomic particles can dissapear and reapear in a seemingly random and impossible ways, many theorys exist.

People with dormant conciousness will always accept what is told to them, so I urge anyone reading this not create preconceptions and predjudices.. Don't beleive in astral projection. Prove it for yourself. Objectively.
You already have the ability to do it, and the methods are available for free, all it will cost you is your ignorance.
it is impossible for any entity to enter your physical being without your consent

Things are done on a daily basis without consent, why should this be any different?

And as for getting stuck out there, this is also impossible unless you are killed in the physical world.

This would assume some sort of mechanism that would connect your body to your spirit, what is that connection?

I can't give you a concrete explenation for why this is so, besides saying that it is forbidden.

If you have no reason, then you can’t say it is forbidden – you are only making 'stabs in the dark' at this point.

now I ask what would be more dangerous, astral projection in a concious and lucid manner or doing so without being aware of it?

There is no difference – like you said, its just a dream.

I have been able to explore my room and house as they are in the physical.

So what? Those were simply memories of your house and room – no big woop.

As I have said before the ether (which comprises the astral dimention)

Where is this so-called ‘ether’ and why has it not been detected?

The explenation is that reality is comprised of several different dimentions that intertwine and permeate each other without getting mixed up, each dimention corresponds to it's own level of conciousness.

Considering that a dimension is a coordinate, where is the astral dimension located?

Scientists are still dumbfounded at how subatomic particles can dissapear and reapear in a seemingly random and impossible ways, many theorys exist.

No, they are not dumbfounded and their theories have absolutely nothing to do with your assertions.

Don't beleive in astral projection. Prove it for yourself. Objectively.
You already have the ability to do it, and the methods are available for free, all it will cost you is your ignorance.

If you are in a dream state, you can’t prove anything because you’re sleeping. And since you can’t answer any of the questions presented, then the concept of AP means very little aside from being a dream state.
hmm...I understand what both of you are saying. Thank you for back-up information, but I don't think it is worth for me astral projecting, because there are so many possibilities of what can happen. Right now the only difference I can see between OBEs and lucid dreaming is the level of consciousness and awareness.
Maybe I should just stick to trying to gain control and awareness in my dreaming, which I think is impossible for me to do, unless it happens by itself. =)
I am happy for all of you who think you have astral projected, and I can only hope it will accidentaly happen to me someday so I don't have to blame myself for anything. :p
Thanks again for discussing this with me,
(Q) I respect your oppinion completely. But I must inform you that it is completely uninteresting to me.

It's obvious that no matter what I say you will not beleive me, and frankly I don't give a damn if you believe me or not. I never did care.

I'm not asking you or anyone else to believe in it. Don't you understand that?
(Q) I respect your oppinion completely. But I must inform you that it is completely uninteresting to me.

No problem. It is reasonable to assume that those who choose to live a fantasy are not interested in reality. In all the time I’ve spent here, it appears reality is what drives those to fantasize. Curious.

I'm not asking you or anyone else to believe in it. Don't you understand that?

Of course I understand your concerns – what I don’t understand is why one chooses to believe in something not founded in reality, that’s why I question.
Jesse - I began to read "astral dynamics" a year or two ago but had to give it back to the owner before I finished. :(
What I did read of it seemed very well written and straight forward, not like the usual hocus pocus BS! I gotta get my hands on a copy again one of these days...

To all interested in the subject -

Ive gotten to the "humming" stage many times and can see the world through closed eyelids. I get stuck in the jelly feeling and cant get any further. Its like I've got rubberbands attached to my limbs holding me down.
A couple of weeks ago I was in this stage and was determined to work out whether it was a dream or a version of reality. I was waving my arms around in front of my face and could "feel" them moving through the air but at the same time I could still see them laying still along side me. Kinda freaked me out a bit so I decided I wanted to wake up, but I couldn't make myself no matter how much I waved my arms and legs!
I was getting quite stressed by this point so I tried to reach up and push something off the shelf (in arms reach) above me, hoping that it would fall on me and wake me up. There was a coke can there so I tried to push it but couldn't, so kept fumbling for something else.
Now comes the strange bit. I felt a pack of cigarettes on the shelf, lifted it up and held it in front of my face so I could see it (I couldn't move my head). I distinctly remember thinking "what the fuck?" because I quit smoking 5 months ago and even while in this state, knew for afact that there were no cigarettes in the house. So at this point I knew something wasn't quite right!
Then I regained consciousness.
The lighting in the room was the same, the time was the same, the coke can was there, everything else was the same except the cigarettes (which weren't my brand that I used to smoke BTW)
Be fucked if I know what to make of it all but because of the cigarettes I'm guessing it was just a lucid dream...

Damn I wish I'd tried to smoke one of those cigarettes!

Anyway, thats my story...
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Vitamin A

I don't think it is worth for me astral projecting, because there are so many possibilities of what can happen.

I'm glad you found the information usefull, but I assure you that nothing can happen to you during astral projection.
And infact it's safer than normal sleep and dreaming because if something nasty was coming for you (and the worst thing it can do is scare you) you can always wake yourself up. Or even better to conjour it using certain techniques.

So if someone or something realy was itching to hurt you or take your body (which they can't do), surely they would try when you are flying arround in the astral plane unaware of yourself (dreaming) rather than when you are concious and ready to defend yourself.


Ive gotten to the "humming" stage many times and can see the world through closed eyelids. I get stuck in the jelly feeling and cant get any further. Its like I've got rubberbands attached to my limbs holding me down.
A couple of weeks ago [...] I'm guessing it was just a lucid dream...

As far as my knowledge goes and from what I can tell from your post is that you were definately in the astral, and it was more than a lucid dream. Which means that I must congradulate you on having astraly projected!
There exist objects in the astral that do not exist in the physical, what we percieve as objects from the physical while in the astral are simply 'representations' of the ones in physical they are not solid and permanent (just like nothing in the physical is permanent) but as they exist in relation to different laws their state does not always correspond to that of what they are at that moment in the physical.
In other words a carton of ciggarettes can be found in the astral even if it does not exist in that place at that moment in the physical, it could have been placed there many many months before or perhaps it's going to be placed there in the near future. It could even have been a simply mental projection, your subcontious desired cigarettes and therefore you found ciggarettes (this is how dreams work).
I have read much of this from "astral dynamics" by Robert Bruce and the courses at mysticweb, but most importantly I have also proved most for myself by projecting in my house and finding furniture that is placed differently or even that is even alien to the house (from those who lived here before us).

Also the reason why the time was the same (if this surprized you) was that time is realy a very subjective thing, and in the astral time also corresponds to different laws and is perceived very differently there. In other words what may seem like 5 mins in the astral might be only 30 seconds in the physical. This I have also proved for myself by projecting and flying arround for a certain length of time and then waking up finding that during what seemed like 5 mins the minutes display on the digital alarm clock hadn't even changed!

I hope that helps to answere any question you had.
cool! definately gonna try again! BTW when I said the time was the same, I meant the clock showed the same time towards the end of the dream/projection as afterwards, not before and after.
Also, I started smoking again the same night (had experience earlier in day, approx 2pm) at my work christmas party! Still smoking a week and a half later, quitting again new years!
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I see that this topic has really taken a turn in what you'll are discussing, i suppose a few days can seriously change a few people's way of thinking. What i'm here to ask you is, what exactly is this "humming" stage. Do you hear something? What exactly do you hear? Can u be little more specific than, "I hear a humming sound". And, what exactly is the difference between lucid dreaming and astral projection.
According to most definitions a lucid dream is simply a dream (all in your head) but very vivid and you have complete control over your actions and you seem to have conscious thought processes, as opposed to a normal dream where everthing follows a script and is pretty vague, so to speak. Astral projection is supposedly your "mind" leaving your physical body and moving independantly.

The "humming" for me, is more like a slight internal vibration feeling rather than an external sound...

I'm still not 100% convinced what I had was projection, but it was definately different to an average dream and I didn't have any mind altering drugs in my system!
Gotta come up with some tests so I can find out for sure next time... any ideas anyone?
Ok, so how can you tell the difference between lucid dreaming and astral projection?