Astral projection

Right, as I said. It would be quite hard for me to find something self-gratifying here.
Read comment above....

OK I'll shut up now. I have no problem with shutting up. :p
What would you rather do? Go on a worthless mission to fullfill all your desires?

Why not try and find out why instead?
Why do we live? Why do we suffer?

Is your mind closed to 'why'? Perhaps you don't want to know why, maybe you don't care... But that is OK, everyone has a choice and that choice must be respected.

More importantly is the understanding of ‘how’ as opposed to ‘why.’ You need to understand how things work before asking why they work. If you don’t understand how something works, the reason for why it works is meaningless.

Hence the problem with Astral Projection – most could care less how it works and are more interested in the mystical aspect. If they took the time to understand how it works, the mysticism would disappear and they would realize that imaginary entities from your body don’t suddenly leave to travel freely on their own.

Of course, there are those who would much rather live a delusion than face up to reality.
(Q) said:
More importantly is the understanding of ‘how’ as opposed to ‘why.’ You need to understand how things work before asking why they work. If you don’t understand how something works, the reason for why it works is meaningless.

All I know is that it is real. Nothing less.
It can just be fun.

Yes, of course – but I’m not alluding to that.

There is a big difference between having fun with it and purporting it to be something other than brain activity during sleep.
Yeah, I don't know whether it's all just in my head or not. If not, it's not this world either, at least for me. I'm not sure the distinction matters since it seems so real that I could just as well alter my definition of reality.

You didnt read my whole reply did you? you got a rush of blood by reading my first couple of lines I think.Do you really know that what you do is actually AP? I mean what can you say is the difference between a concious dream where you could manipulate the simulation world that you see around the world or an AP where you project into different dimension.I mentioned Robert Bruce because he has written some portion of text that has been taken from Yogic powers descriptions in Vedas,Puran etc.Some part he has taken i suppose from himself.I am sceptical of people who Project and share their experience on the Internet because there are Zillions of them,i dont mean to offend you in many ways.I have also mentioned earlier about Carl Sagan's experiemnt with Indian Kids.I know where this took place,and he did this experiment 5 times repeatedly with accuracy,that i presume cannot be taken for granted.
Since no one took notice of the post,i "ll ellaborate again as mentioned in Broca's Brain of Carl.
The house was of 4 rooms.There was a separate library room which contained 5000 different volumes of Books,all of different Generes.4 subjects one was a 4 yr old boy,other was an 8 yrs old girl and two others were twins
boy and girl (5 yrs old) all of the subjects werent aware of places that they were taken and tied.The boys were tied ,their hands i mean with eyes closed with a cloth and blackness surrounding them.They were asked to project then.Meanwhile Carl picked up a random book out of the library and the child who was projecting was asked to identify the book while Carl was reading it in other room after the AP,this helped him to identify that there was something like AP happening.Tests was conducted at 8 different places with different things to be identified.All the tests were positive.The things were identified by children accurately.

But what about other people who claim to project?are they telling the truth or do they know for sure that they are projecting and not conciously dreaming? I cannot say that for sure.I mentioned SHivanna Maharaj from my knowledge,but its upto all of you guys to believe in him or me.

zion, I understand... And please note that I was not upset or offended. I tried to use language that was 'powerfull' enough to show how important it is to ask such questions.

So no hard feelings whatsoever.

Also note that I have never shared my experiences, I give general advice and back it up by saying that I don't give advice unless I have tested and confirmed it myself.
My experiences are personal, and they are of no pertinence to anyone else but me.
long ago did i try to 'prove' my point when it came to energy healing/ap/ other stuff like that. if people dont want to believe.. too bad... no amount of jumping up and down is going to change their minds. everyone's perception of reality is different, therefore, what i perceive to be an AP may well be someone elses idea of an oxygen deficient dream... lol.. nice one btw.

as a child i used to astral project, as a coping mechanism in times of distress. i wasnt in it for money. i didnt even know it was open for debate. i just did it. i thought everyone was like that. it wasnt until i 'grew up' that it became such a big issue.

i get the ringing vibrations. sometimes i 'slip' into this state, when i am sick.. completely uncontrolled... i wish i could induce it myself... im getting better at that tho..

the ringing i put down to a change in consciousness, a change in vibration of my own self.. of my core energy..

i dont think i am having a lucid dream.. because i am not asleep when this happens. thats my interpretation of LD...

just for the record.. just because you dont experience it the way someone else does, doesnt mean it isnt real for YOU..
A recent discovery of mine you OBEers might try yourself...when I get pulled back to my body I used to think that’s it until another night. Now I’ve learned that when the excitement wears off and I relax again, I can often just get up out of my body again with no vibrations/humming required. The last 2 nights I projected I was able to get up 5 or so times in one hour. Now if I could just stay out longer; that’s difficult because I’m doing some experimenting.
Astral projection is not a dream. The difference is quite dramatic to the participant. During an out-of-body-exp, the participant is often as conscious as you are now. Dreams, on the other hand, are experienced as a rapidly changing motion picture, projected within your awareness. At least three factors not found in a dream are normaly present in a out-of-body-exp: your ego self-awareness is present; you consciouly control your movement; and you consciously varify your experience. :)

For you non-belivers, im not telling you to take my word that AP is real, all im asking you to do is try it out for yourslef. The only way you can proove that this is a real phenomena, is that you must proove this to your self. :)
