Astral projection

You don't know where you feel it? Then give me some kind of general area then. If you can't answer this the it's most likely just a figment of your imagination, or a tingling caused by restlessness due to your mental activities trying to "Astral Project"
Sorry dude, I was editing my post while you posted your last comment. I was refering to your dream vs projection question
As for the humming, its an all over feeling, but very slight in my case. From what I understand it can differ greatly from case to case tho.

I can sense a skeptical tone in your postings votorx! :)

Trust me, I'm a classic skeptic myself, not some airhead teenager (no offense teenagers!). I don't believe anything unless I witness it first hand, so I can't expect you to!
If your interest in the subject is genuine, then I recommend reading "astral dynamics" by Robert Bruce. Its a step by step guide to projection. Apparently EVERYONE is capable of projecting, its not some sort of mystical "gift".

There are others on this thread that seem to have a much greater knowledge on the subject than myself so I ask you direct questions to them.

...FYI, not all teenagers are airheads, i sure as hell am not an airhead.

Now if you cannot tell the difference between lucid dreaming and astral projection then you know there is some serious flaw. For all we know you are simply having what u would call a lucid dream. And yes i am very skeptical about this topic. If you read what i had posted towards the first page you will see that the idea of AP is total crap in my mind, but im willing to be persuaded only if you can convince me that such a thing exists.

As for buying the book, why waste my time when such a thing has yet to be proven, other than a few testimonies over a internet forum?

And these questions are for everyone, it's just that you were the first to answer.

P.S I do not wish to have a heated argument so if you can keep any personal comments to yourself that would be helpful.

P.P.S Sometimes i can be unclear about things so if you need something varified just ask. Also i may go on for a while without answering something since im not on the computer very often, so bear with me.
...FYI, not all teenagers are airheads, i sure as hell am not an airhead.

P.S I do not wish to have a heated argument so if you can keep any personal comments to yourself that would be helpful.

Easy tiger! It wasn't a generalization, I was stating that I wasn't an airhead variety of teenager (or even a teenager for that matter). The comment was stating what I'm NOT, not implying what you ARE or what all teenagers are. :)

Now if you cannot tell the difference between lucid dreaming and astral projection then you know there is some serious flaw. For all we know you are simply having what u would call a lucid dream. And yes i am very skeptical about this topic. If you read what i had posted towards the first page you will see that the idea of AP is total crap in my mind, but im willing to be persuaded only if you can convince me that such a thing exists.

As for buying the book, why waste my time when such a thing has yet to be proven, other than a few testimonies over a internet forum?

I agree, but I wish to find out for myself what is was that I experienced. If you read my posts you will see this. I'm still not convinced that it was anything more than a lucid dream and have never inferred otherwise!

As for the book, I would never have bought it as I had the same opinion as yourself. I borrowed it from a friend. It was only a recommendation to people who have a genuine interest in the subject, as there is a whole lot of hocus pocus BS out there. I found this book to be a more analytical approach than most.

I do not wish to attack you, I am just trying to engage in an upfront conversation on the matter with others who share an interest. I'm not here to try and convince anyone of anything, except perhaps myself.

My apologies for any offense caused.
I agree, but I wish to find out for myself what is was that I experienced. If you read my posts you will see this. I'm still not convinced that it was anything more than a lucid dream and have never inferred otherwise!



Well anyways, to those who deeply believe that Astral Projection is real, then what is making you believe this and not allow you to see that it may be nothing more than a very lucid dream?
Originally posted by Votorx
I agree, but I wish to find out for myself what is was that I experienced. If you read my posts you will see this. I'm still not convinced that it was anything more than a lucid dream and have never inferred otherwise!



Easy tiger! It wasn't a generalization, I was stating that I wasn't an airhead variety of teenager (or even a teenager for that matter). The comment was stating what I'm NOT, not implying what you ARE or what all teenagers are.

Haha you may have misunderstood me. That statement I made wasn't directed to you but rather to the activists who are going to reply to my posts.


Well anyways, to those who deeply believe that Astral Projection is real, then what is making you believe this and not allow you to see that it may be nothing more than a very lucid dream?
Originally posted by Votorx
Well anyways, to those who deeply believe that Astral Projection is real, then what is making you believe this and not allow you to see that it may be nothing more than a very lucid dream?
In my limited experiences when lucid dreaming I have full control over everything, in the astral I can not just wish things/people away.
I want to make this painfully clear that I am not here either to argue for astral projection or to try and prove to -anyone- that it's true. I am here to answere questions to the best of my ability and to discuss astral projection with those who are interested in it...

ScRaMbLe and Vortox

Gotta come up with some tests so I can find out for sure next time... any ideas anyone?

Ok, so how can you tell the difference between lucid dreaming and astral projection?

There is one very simple test, you simply take a large jump with the intention of flying.

If you're thinking of something more concrete there is an endless number of tests you can do, one example could be using a deck of cards... For example, you shuffle the deck and *without looking* place 3-4 cards face up in a nearby room. You can of course ask a friend or family member to do this for you making the experiment even better. You simply project and go to the room and see which cards they are. Come back immediately so you don't forget.

Another one could be that you ask someone in your house to place a random object (chosen by the other person) at a defined spot in the house. You project and go there and make a note of which object it is.

There are many many varietys of these.

It's hard, impossible to explain. When you are profoundly concious in the astral you simply *know* because it is so real, almost more real than the physical sometimes which might sound strange when considering that gravity doesn't apply, but it's a very natural feeling. And it is also very pleasant, there's no pain, not real distinction between heat and cold. And you are so light.

Please understand that I am very serious about my experiences. I do not consider them cool or amazing things that I've simply got to tell eveyone about. I work hard utilize and develop the skill, I see it as an invaluable tool for learning and self-realization. My focus of this skill is in other words not to simply have fun and do cool things but to gain spiritual experience. Do you realize the profound implication that astral projection has on the very nature of the universe and conciousness?
And what about this humming sound I keep hearing about? What exactly is this suppose to be and how does it help you in "Astral" Projecting? And exactly why do you believe so deeply that you are actually leaving your body rather than simply having a very vivid dream?
And what about this humming sound I keep hearing about? What exactly is this suppose to be and how does it help you in "Astral" Projecting?

The humming sound is simply a pre-split symptom, one of the many sensations felt when nearing a concious split. I doubt that it has a defined purpouse.
There are various symptoms of the pre-split stage, they are different for different people, they aren't always the same and can also vary with which method is being used. It can be sensations of electicity, surges of heat spinning sensations, heart palpitation.. usualy a combination of these.

I don't know the mechanics of how a split occurs, so I can't say why there is a humming sound. All I know is that there is a humming sound.

And exactly why do you believe so deeply that you are actually leaving your body rather than simply having a very vivid dream?

Well it's something you have to experience to understand. It seems absurd that the brain could recreate with such profound acuracy every single tiny detail of *everything that exists*. And even more absurd that it could extract information about the world that it did not know before going to sleep. For example the experiments that I mentioned.

In the astral you can pick up a book you've never read, open it and read it and will find later when you wake up that what you read in the astral is exactly the same as what is in the book.
I like the card suggestion. I'll try it once I can work out how to get rid of those rubber bands!
I had this experience this morning, but I'm still not quite sure if it's astral projection that I had experienced.

I half woke up this morning and felt really relaxed. The thought of astral projection came into my mind and suddenly I felt the humming sensation. I knew this is one of the things people experience just before they projected, so I got pretty excited and let the sensation carry on. Then I told myself to lift my arm and I did, thought I don't think it was my physical body, because it felt different. When you are in a very relaxed state, you body will feel heavy, but the arm I lifed up didn't feel that heavy and all my senses are hightened and I could feel lots of sensations. Then I somehow moved away from my bed but I couldn't really control my "body", I felt I fell down but I didn't feel any pain and almost instaneously, I felt I am again on my bed. This whole process happened twice. But the second try, I remember I was lying near the wall side of my bed before I felt I fell down onto the floor, but I told my "body" to look at the bed to see if I'm there, but I didn't see my body. This is the part that confused me. Now I don't know if I projected all not, whether it's just very realistic dream???

And just a question, how do I actually got back to my body?
Hevene - I think you did project. Yours is a classic description. CONGRATS. Don’t expect to see your body lying in the bed. The only thing I’ve seen in my bed was my son once. But then I’ve looked only a few times. I wouldn’t be concerned about getting back to your body. It usually happens when you don’t want it to anyways. If you really want to, just focus on your physical body in bed.

Last night I also got out. Hooray! I had been dreaming that I had killed a friend of mine with a steak knife on impulse and it freaked me out so I awoke. I was then so relaxed that the rushing noise started immediately (like rushing water; it’s either that or vibrations or humming). At first I thought, maybe it’s not such a good idea to project after having a killing dream. But I don’t get the opportunity to project every night so I went for it.

While the rushing noise continued I thought about what I would do when out. I decided I’d jump up again. That’s a suggestion in this thread. The first time I tried it, last week, I got stuck in the rafters but it seemed promising. After ten seconds or so of the rushing noise I lifted my head and it was weightless (that always amazes me!). I rolled out, gently pulling out my astral body as fast as it would yield. I’m a master at getting out now. Of course I’ve probably done it a billion times. It feels so good to get out!

I stood up next to the bed and focused on getting my sight. Then I jumped up and took off like the rocket I imagined myself to be. For the first time I mentally asked for help and immediately there was a woman by my side. I didn't look at her; I just focused ahead of us. We went up many miles it seemed. The stars were a perfect rendition, even twinkling. Then they morphed into what looked like rock salt and a circular black void opened up in the center of them and widened, us heading toward it. I jokingly said, “Hey, I’ve been cheated!” Immediately I fell back all the miles in about 1 second and splashed into my body. That was neat but I wish the experience had lasted longer.

that sounds like a wonderfull acheivement, I am glad for you. Perhaps next time you will be more weary of letting your mind and ego interfere with the experience! As you can see when you let that silly thought come in you were immediately thrown back.


it sure sounds like AP to me. However you apparently did not have full concious controll, I think your subcontious was interfering alot- But don't be worried, your experience sounds very much like what my first astral experience was like.
exsto_human - That didn't occur to me. That makes sense. I need to stay an impartial observer.