As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

What does any of that have to do with lack of belief in a god? I guess it's easier to argue against and insult atheists if you're able to group them into a big strawman of generalization.

Ok then lets compare, who genrally supports abbortion atheists or thesists? Supporting abortion = scum.

Atheists who actualy go out of their way to teach kids that god is fake and there is no such thing as heaven = scum.

I could point out a few reasons why i think certain theists are scum aswell, I think agnostics are the ones who i cant really say anything bad about as a general rule they have taken a logical stance and dont tend to be extream as a rule.

Atheists seem like the group who support Human sterilization where as most theists dont care about how many people are on earth because they know god will provide.

It's the atheist zionist governments who push horrible laws on people look at israel and america, and don't even call the american system a religious system they are no holy men they are war mongers and criminals who want land power and oil and don't give a damn about the people.

II could list tons of things but i wont because im just giving you examples of what im talking about, Im not even tryign to bring a list together, but if you want to talk "generalizing" yeah i can in a way because it's true, just poll the results for yourself you will find less theists support abortion than atheists, because truly atheists dont value life as much because deep down even they dont admit they know they willd ie and they dont really care about what happens tot he earth. You think a man who thinks he is doomed to total death of his consciousness actualy cares about what happens tot he earth in 1000 years? they just say they do to save face, atheists only care about right now, and there personal future,
Hmm thanks for expressing yourself in a detailed and nice manner.

Your welcome. That's why I joined.

Upon reading everything you wrote only a couple of questions remain in my mind.

1 is do you see sadness or Joy when you teach this?, dotyou see hope or dispair deep down? regardless of what they say to put on a brave face deep down how do you think they are in general happy about death or sad about death?

Sad, most definitely. Even if a person accepts their own death, they will still probably be touched by the loss of something they love. It could be their dog, even. I have known someone who has died, and though I have accepted it, and I know that they are 'okay', I can not say that I am not sad that I can't go over to their house and see them whenever I want.

Also Do they actualy believe god and heaven are not real because of you or have you contrinuted to them not believing?


I don't know concerning all of them. These are other people's children (I don't have any of my own) that I have spoken to. One of them is my stepbrother, though, and I know that he is a Christian. It is possible that what I say to them could contribute to them not believing. But this is not my goal. I stress independent thought.
Supporting abortion = scum.
Personal opinion.

Atheists who actualy go out of their way to teach kids that god is fake and there is no such thing as heaven = scum.
Personal opinion.

because truly atheists dont value life as much because deep down even they dont admit they know they willd ie and they dont really care about what happens tot he earth. You think a man who thinks he is doomed to total death of his consciousness actualy cares about what happens tot he earth in 1000 years? they just say they do to save face, atheists only care about right now, and there personal future,
Pure stupidity on your part.
Neither are you.

Ok heres what yeah, you post all of your contributions into one single post here and lets put it all together and see what you have said.

I bet you wont do it, because you know you spout inconsitent one liners and your styles of debating is notching up kodus points in a point score system where you refute anything even down to a spelling error or a simple "diss-agreement" you have. your posts read like this

Wrong actualy,
Proof please?
Hmm sure,
total stupidity,

And thats all you do and ont he odd occasion you write 1 sentence that explaiins how much they fail and how much crap they are spewing. Why are you such a little wretch? what is wrong with your brain? Why do you ignore everything you dont want to answer and then you glide over all my detailed lengthy posts and reply to only what you can dismiss in a single word? even when you refute something you dont even do it int he proper manner? your supposed to refute it and then give the correction not just say


Stop telling us all whats so wrong and for once correct us and say This is wrong for Reason A), because infact (x) proves this to be the case and (Y) obviously shows this to be correct.

You are not good.
I have read 11 pages of posts and ALL OF YOU are full of shit.

Firstly, the OP: What are you trying to prove and what exactly is your point? ATHIESTS can be liars and hypocrites and that has nothing to do with the truth of whether or not god exists. I will take the bait. I’m an atheist that will lie to my kids about god. So you can call me a liar and a hypocrite. This is not a premise to prove the existence of God. You CAN NOT call me a bad parent. You CAN NOT even call me immoral as I BELIEVE the moral thing to do is to lie.

Now for the rest of you: You either have no children or you are selfish parents who put your needs before those of your kids. Despicable! “God forbid” you would sacrifice what you believe to be your morality for the happiness of your children. “Kids are strong”, “we must not lie to children”, “I tell my kids the truth” – well F$%K you all. Go ahead and validate your convictions. Kids must be protected – sometimes even from the truth – until they are old enough to protect themselves. And when they are older, they will understand why you lied to them or they will remember you shoving truth down their throats when they needed comforting. A child dying of cancer – I will lie , lie, lie until I’m blue – and be proud of it.
Ok heres what yeah, you post all of your contributions into one single post here and lets put it all together and see what you have said.
Also wrong. You have ignored where I answered your questions and then you avoided sticking to the topic.

And thats all you do and ont he odd occasion you write 1 sentence that explaiins how much they fail and how much crap they are spewing. Why are you such a little wretch? what is wrong with your brain? Why do you ignore everything you dont want to answer and then you glide over all my detailed lengthy posts and reply to only what you can dismiss in a single word? even when you refute something you dont even do it int he proper manner? your supposed to refute it and then give the correction not just say
And then you resort to insults, points that have nothing to do with the OP...

Stop telling us all whats so wrong and for once correct us and say This is wrong for Reason A), because infact (x) proves this to be the case and (Y) obviously shows this to be correct.
I gave my reasons. Which you have yet to refute.
I have read 11 pages of posts and ALL OF YOU are full of shit.

Firstly, the OP: What are you trying to prove and what exactly is your point? ATHIESTS can be liars and hypocrites and that has nothing to do with the truth of whether or not god exists. I will take the bait. I’m an atheist that will lie to my kids about god. So you can call me a liar and a hypocrite. This is not a premise to prove the existence of God. You CAN NOT call me a bad parent. You CAN NOT even call me immoral as I BELIEVE the moral thing to do is to lie.

Now for the rest of you: You either have no children or you are selfish parents who put your needs before those of your kids. Despicable! “God forbid” you would sacrifice what you believe to be your morality for the happiness of your children. “Kids are strong”, “we must not lie to children”, “I tell my kids the truth” – well F$%K you all. Go ahead and validate your convictions. Kids must be protected – sometimes even from the truth – until they are old enough to protect themselves. And when they are older, they will understand why you lied to them or they will remember you shoving truth down their throats when they needed comforting. A child dying of cancer – I will lie , lie, lie until I’m blue – and be proud of it.

An honest man appears (or woman)

I appreciate your honesty and i appluad you for using our religious teachings to telly our kids i think it's the right thing for a parent to do and if i was an atheist i would do it too but im not im a theist.

You understand though that atheistm does offer no comfort to them, i kow it doesn't i teach children all the time it's a commen theme Im not calling you bad this was exactly what i was waiting for, an Honest Atheist to tell the truth. and you did and i think your a good person for what you do because wipong those tears away fromt he eyes is sewrious business and important, it isnt jus "oh a kid's crying what a shame" it's your little princess who is crying and your little special guy and you want to do anythign to make them smile.

But you see that atheistm offers no comfort for the children it is empty, and i know i was an atheist for over 20 years i had no faith, i was agnostic/atheist mood swing agnostic?.

You borrow teachings from islam and other books of scripture, about the angels and heaven and god and all the other good stuff because this is what children need to hear it's what they crave. they want o be immortal! they want to always be alive.

May god bless you with faith one day that is strong and steady. may your children have strong faith and understand peace and happiness.

God bless you
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Also wrong. You have ignored where I answered your questions and then you avoided sticking to the topic.

And then you resort to insults, points that have nothing to do with the OP...

I gave my reasons. Which you have yet to refute.

So when i repeatedly asked you to answer them again and repeat them or link me to all your answers to all mnysquestions where were you with all these 100's of answers because yes i have asked tons of questions not just the select 3-4 you wish to answer.

You ignored when i directyly asked how many children you have, when i asked what would you tell an ugly girl about how ugly she thinks she is, you refused to answer the bottom line about what you think makes a child more happy,

and you know what you are doing thats the worst par, you are aware of howmuch of a toad you are and you refuse to do anything except continue to be a toad!
So you're assuming that anyone who didn't give the answer you wanted was lying?
Way to go...

See the only time you find joy ios when your laughing "AT" somebody, your a grumpy little pessimist until you find some insult funny or until you can laugh at somebody else or look down ont hem

You r a slimeball dude
Many kids get pissed at their parents for hiding the truth "for their own good".

At least my relationship is grounded in honesty...they know what I say is what I think, and visa versa.

Everyone has different parenting styles. But I'm not going to pretend something just so I avoid an awkward situation. The concept of mortality is a very tough thing to discuss with a child or adult, but at least I have been able to discuss it and help them realize they have a life to live now, to mot piss it away because they'll get a magical eternal one later.

Call me a bad parent, but the proof is in the pudding, and others say we've done a great job.
See the only time you find joy ios when your laughing "AT" somebody, your a grumpy little pessimist until you find some insult funny or until you can laugh at somebody else or look down ont hem
You r a slimeball dude
Wrong again. But at least you're consistent in your delusion.
So when i repeatedly asked you to answer them again and repeat them or link me to all your answers to all mnysquestions where were you with all these 100's of answers because yes i have asked tons of questions not just the select 3-4 you wish to answer.
I gave a link to the post where I answered the OP.

You ignored when i directyly asked how many children you have
And I pointed out that you were making an assumption (didn't that give you a clue?). For your information you didn't ask how many children I have.

when i asked what would you tell an ugly girl about how ugly she thinks she is, you refused to answer the bottom line about what you think makes a child more happy
And as I noted: this is NOT the topic of the thread. It's a different question altogether since it doesn't involve "god" or "heaven" or any theistic claims.

and you know what you are doing thats the worst par, you are aware of howmuch of a toad you are and you refuse to do anything except continue to be a toad!
Wrong again.