Are you there God?'s uh, Sciforums.

because it cannot be known if some of your premises are true or nor not for it to be sound it must a be valid and b all premises must be true the lack of knowing if some are true or not makes it impossible for it to be sound
Give an example...all you do is say things
Give an example...all you do is say things

If you showed a brick defying gravity they would try to explain how the brick naturally happened to defy gravity and if you said it was supernatural they would say it can't be, and if they could not explain it by naturalistic means they would say the "natural cause is currently unknown" naturalism is unfalsifiable...

There are lots of things where the natural cause is currently unknown..does this cause you to believe naturalism is false? Exactly.

example found
Well I know that, its because sounds are energy, but I don't find it effective

You don´t find it effective, but you are trying to do the same thing; therefore it cannot be effective if not even you trust in it.


From what I've see the New Ager in their mind says "Manifestation works, so that means that Law of Attraction must work", how disgusting are New Agers, but after meditating on true knowledge of how manifestation works, it doesn't work like that at all, there is no Law of Attraction to be found anywhere in science like they falsely procalim, also manifestation has been mentioned by everyone, Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, etc...

The way it really works is this is your personal universe, everything is made of thought-energy, when you imagine the feeling of already having a desire you generate the thought-energy of the desire, from this thought-energy you move closer into the universe where your desire has occured

The movie "The Secret" is the most disgusting of all, falsely making it seem like wishful positive thinking works, when in reality positive thinking can have no effect, it just depends on the thought-energy (karma) you output

Ok, so for you, Law of Attraction do exist, and you personally practice it as you´ve claimed, but you find the term "Law of Attraction" disgusting. Oh, and New Age BS, when it is just a name for what you are doing; there is something wrong there dude.
But so what if those powers exist? Does it really make any difference? How would your life change if they existed?

I'd like to understand how come you're basing this "experiment" on beginning to believe in God by seeking proof for the existence of God.

If God (as various theisms describe God) existed, and you knew it, what do you expect knowing this would change for you?

Good question. I think the impact of this would be significant, not just for me, but for all of society. We would give up science and start praying. Religious people would gain political power and promote theocracy. Science would be an illusion, since natural laws could change at whim.
For VitalOne,

What if a brick suddenly turned into a flower, with all trickery accounted for, a controlled situation. This would prove naturalism is false.
Good question. I think the impact of this would be significant, not just for me, but for all of society. We would give up science and start praying. Religious people would gain political power and promote theocracy. Science would be an illusion, since natural laws could change at whim.

But in that case, we wouldn't perceive this to be a loss or a disadvantage. I do suspect we'd live in a tempest of fear and hope.

To add - I'm not Buddhist, but their teachings make some good points, such as this one:

"Monks, there are these three sectarian guilds that — when cross-examined, pressed for reasons, & rebuked by wise people — even though they may explain otherwise, remain stuck in [a doctrine of] inaction. Which three?


"Having approached the priests & contemplatives who hold that... 'Whatever a person experiences... is all caused by a supreme being's act of creation,' I said to them: 'Is it true that you hold that... "Whatever a person experiences... is all caused by a supreme being's act of creation?"' Thus asked by me, they admitted, 'Yes.' Then I said to them, 'Then in that case, a person is a killer of living beings because of a supreme being's act of creation. A person is a thief... unchaste... a liar... a divisive speaker... a harsh speaker... an idle chatterer... greedy... malicious... a holder of wrong views because of a supreme being's act of creation.' When one falls back on creation by a supreme being as being essential, monks, there is no desire, no effort [at the thought], 'This should be done. This shouldn't be done.' When one can't pin down as a truth or reality what should & shouldn't be done, one dwells bewildered & unprotected. One cannot righteously refer to oneself as a contemplative. This was my second righteous refutation of those priests & contemplative who hold to such teachings, such views.


I agree with the Buddha on this point. I can't conceive how one could believe in God and still be happy. Hence my wondering about how come you took up this experiment.
I have no desire to be happy. I am taking up this experiment because if God would reveal itself to me, I would have to accept it as truth. I only want to know the truth. I'm also a big fan of Buddhism, but I'd like to respond to this:

"When one can't pin down as a truth or reality what should & shouldn't be done, one dwells bewildered & unprotected. "

Yes. Exactly.

Look, and it can't be seen.
Listen, and it can't be heard.
Reach, and it can't be grasped.

Above, it isn't bright.
Below, it isn't dark.
Seamless, unnamable,
it returns to the realm of nothing.
Form that includes all forms,
image without an image,
subtle, beyond all conception.

Approach it and there is no beginning;
follow it and there is no end.
You can't know it, but you can be it,
at ease in your own life.
Just realize where you come from:
this is the essence of wisdom.

TTC vs 14
I have no desire to be happy.

I do, though.

I think that all people want to be happy, and that nobody wants to suffer. But the pursuit of happiness has gotten a bad reputation, especially in the West. As if it were something shallow and fake.

I only want to know the truth.

There are many truths. Most of them are useless in the pursuit of happiness and making an end to suffering.
My focus is on the truths that are both true and useful.
I say the opposite, a REAL Christian believes in Jesus, and Jesus had mentioned reincarnation in early authentic Christian writings...

Also Jesus says "Forbid him not, for he who is not against us is for us", proclaiming religious tolerance, no problem with believing in Buddha

The supposedly real Christians are fake Christians, they are pretenders, just like Jesus says "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of God; but only he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity" (Matt 7:21-23)

The supposedly "REAL" Christians can careless about Jesus, what he says, the works he says to do, etc...they only care about hating others in name of Jesus

Jesus never mentioned reincarnation. Reincarnation comes from Hindu religion. Jesus speaks of heaven and hell. The bible speaks of resurection, being reunited with your body, and then you either go to the kingdom of heaven or into the lake of fire.
Believe in Jesus and repent, (follow His teachings in the KJV New Testament) and you will be happy forever in heaven. Don't believe in Jesus or don't repent of sin, and you will be tormented forever in a lake of fire as a punishment.
Eternal happiness is balanced against eternal suffering.
Jesus never mentioned reincarnation. Reincarnation comes from Hindu religion. Jesus speaks of heaven and hell. The bible speaks of resurection, being reunited with your body, and then you either go to the kingdom of heaven or into the lake of fire.
Believe in Jesus and repent, (follow His teachings in the KJV New Testament) and you will be happy forever in heaven. Don't believe in Jesus or don't repent of sin, and you will be tormented forever in a lake of fire as a punishment.
Eternal happiness is balanced against eternal suffering.

Doesn't revelations say something about all the dead coming back to live in a paradise on Earth when it's all over?
Buddhism and Daoism together? We are talking "Zen" here dude.

I find they are very similar. Only by giving yourself up to be unprotected and bewildered can the truth enter. Ideologies are like self-defense mechanisms. Jesus seemed to do the same thing on the cross. Instead of getting all his disciples to fight back or go into hiding, Jesus gave himself up, and thus served as an example to others of the evil of the Roman justice system (one presumes this was already obvious, but hey).
Jesus never mentioned reincarnation. Reincarnation comes from Hindu religion. Jesus speaks of heaven and hell. The bible speaks of resurection, being reunited with your body, and then you either go to the kingdom of heaven or into the lake of fire.
Believe in Jesus and repent, (follow His teachings in the KJV New Testament) and you will be happy forever in heaven. Don't believe in Jesus or don't repent of sin, and you will be tormented forever in a lake of fire as a punishment.
Eternal happiness is balanced against eternal suffering.

Luke 16:9
"And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations."