Are you there God?'s uh, Sciforums.

Thanks for the'll never believe regardless of it works or not :rolleyes:

Atheism is unfalsifiable, its just another faith

oh how did I know that you would purposely ask me something like that and whatever I answer you would claim to see the truth of light in all atheism combined...the paranoia...
oh how did I know that you would purposely ask me something like that and whatever I answer you would claim to see the truth of light in all atheism combined...the paranoia...

What are you talking about? You said if it does work you'll think it was faked...

Its a real shame these delusional atheists just can't admit that atheism is unfalsifiable, just like any other faith-based belief system, and that atheism IS a faith-based belief system
What are you talking about? You said if it does work you'll think it was faked...

Its a real shame these delusional atheists just can't admit that atheism is unfalsifiable, just like any other faith-based belief system, and that atheism IS a faith-based belief system

everything is faith based. :p you silly. one cannot not not believe.
If a god appears then atheism is falsified. Simple.

You're basing this off an can't gather this happening, its like a foolish person saying "Well you know if a comet hits Earth, then it exists, otherwise until then it cannot possibly exist, its just a delusional lie"

So atheism remains unfalsifiable, except for hypothetical evidence no one can possibly gather

Let me awaken yet another delusional atheist...

The truth is the truth with or without evidence...regardless of if something is proven or not, if its true its already true
Thanks for the'll never believe regardless of it works or not :rolleyes:

Atheism is unfalsifiable, its just another faith
M*W: "Faith" is where you believe in something. "Atheism" is not. Why is it you people can't understand this? There is nothing to believe in.
M*W: "Faith" is where you believe in something. "Atheism" is not. Why is it you people can't understand this? There is nothing to believe in.

Time to awaken another delusional atheist...

If you don't believe in something then you believe in something else...obviously

When will you guys wake up from this delusinal fantasy world
You're basing this off an can't gather this happening, its like a foolish person saying "Well you know if a comet hits Earth, then it exists, otherwise until then it cannot possibly exist, its just a delusional lie"
If a comet hit the earth we could gather evidence of the event. If god appeared and performed amazing miracles we could gather evidence of the event.

Your analogy does nothing to support your position.

Atheism is falsifiable. Just because the evidence required to falsify atheism hasn't appeared that doesn't change that fact.
Except that 'nothing' is not a something.
No its not, its something, if you don't believe in something then you believe in an alternative obviously..

Time to awaken yet another delusional atheist....

Both of these are beliefs:
"I don't believe OJ Simpson killed his wife"
"I believe OJ Simpson killed his wife"

If a comet hit the earth we could gather evidence of the event. If god appeared and performed amazing miracles we could gather evidence of the event.

Your analogy does nothing to support your position.

Atheism is falsifiable. Just because the evidence required to falsify atheism hasn't appeared that doesn't change that.

Weren't you paying attention? Ofcourse after the event happens you can gather evidence, but you can't gather an event can't possibly gather "God coming down one day" or "a comet hitting Earth", those events just happen, but you can't gather it happening

Atheism IS NOT FALSIFIABLE, why are you lying to yourself for? You can't gather an event happening, you can only gather evidence of after the event happened

So basically your argument is "Atheism is falsifiable if some hypothetical event happened of which no one possibly gather happening, but if it happened it would be falsified"

ROFL great tactic
Except that 'nothing' is not an alternate something.

Yes it is, atheists usually believe in naturalism, which is also unfalsifiable, everything happens by causeless chance + nature

How did the universe begin? "It spontaneously came into existence, naturally"
How did evolution happen? "By natural selection and mutations"

So basically atheists belive in causeless chance + nature are the cause of all things
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Yes it is, atheists usually believe in naturalism, which is also unfalsifiable, everything happens by causeless chance + nature

How did the universe begin? "It spontaneously came into existence, naturally"
How did evolution happen? "By natural selection and mutations"

So basically atheists belive in causeless chance + nature are the cause of all things

um their is evidence that proves the whole evolution thing you know right and there are a few different theories about how the universe started but i do not have enough understanding of that level of science to explain them
um their is evidence that proves the whole evolution thing you know right and there are a few different theories about how the universe started but i do not have enough understanding of that level of science to explain them

I never said there was no evidence...I'm not arguing whether or not evolution is true :rolleyes:
If Jerry Falwell prayed before a scientific panel of experts and God caused something extremely improbable to happen, like turned them all into chickens, that would prove atheism wrong. Thus, falsifiability.