Are you there God?'s uh, Sciforums.

Pray that God turns me on to your logic system, so I will realize the error of my atheistic ways, and believe.

Firstly I'm not praying to God directly, just manifesting a desire, the way Jesus and others have described to, to prove that it really works, this doesn't logically prove that God exists just that prayer manifestation works

Secondly that intention is too vague, it won't breed good results. What do you mean by my logic system? What is the end result?
I think I'm supposed to see a bright light, or something. And an angel leading me up out of the pit.
I think I'm supposed to see a bright light, or something. And an angel leading me up out of the pit. are supposed to see the mirror reflections of yourself...recognize them as your own and be not recognize them as your own and you shall drift amidst nothingness.
VitalOne is going to prove God's existence by praying me out of my faith in atheism.

My take is that you already believe in God, in some way or other, but you have no faith to find happiness with God.

What Vital One (or any other theist) would have to do, is to actually convince you that true happiness lies only with God, can only be given by God, that you are helpless and that you need God.

As long as you have your wits about, I don't think anyone could convince you of that!
crunchy: lets not all try to overwhelm the guy, it's impossible now, without stopping him before he starts, there’s more chance of a God existing, then him converting an Atheist.
This thread is interesting, I believe in the power of prayers considering that words are magical talismans... Something might just happen you guys, stop fooling around, the end is near!!!
One thing's for sure, when it doesn't work, VO has an infinite number of ways out of the challenge: spidergoat didn't truly want "help;" we can't know [insert favorite god]'s plan; it did work and spidergoat won't admit it; etc., etc.

I'm sure VO isn't worried about losing the challenge since he can always transfer blame for its ultimate and predictable failure.
This thread is interesting, I believe in the power of prayers considering that words are magical talismans... Something might just happen you guys, stop fooling around, the end is near!!!

Words are magic talismans? I'm not using mantras or anything like that

I don't know if that will be effective, all I'm doing is taking a desire and imagining the feeling of it already happening, thats what I've found to work everytime

But I didn't start yet, I need to get the right intention
One thing's for sure, when it doesn't work, VO has an infinite number of ways out of the challenge: spidergoat didn't truly want "help;" we can't know [insert favorite god]'s plan; it did work and spidergoat won't admit it; etc., etc.

I'm sure VO isn't worried about losing the challenge since he can always transfer blame for its ultimate and predictable failure.

If it doesn't work, then the only person who has failed is me, my own self

I didn't start yet, still trying to get the best desire, but when I do spidergoat and Enmos will definitely feel the effects

I'm sure after it DOES work SkinWalker and all the atheists will always have a way out (atheism is unfalsifiable), they'll say something like "this doesn't prove anything, it must be some psychological trick" they always have the way out either way, atheism is unfalsifiable, just like any other faith-based belief system
Concentrate hard Vital One, atheists have one thing in common, they seek the truth.
Show us the truth!

Can I ask Vital One or Seti alpha or Lightgigantic to show me the truth?
My belief is that Yee who follow the path of the lord must relinquish their sense of humour to honour thy lord who it seems was quite a serious chap!
I therefore believe that a true believer has their humour removed from their being.
Being a seeker of truth I ask that the lord showeth me througheth his disciples a sign.
A sign that despite their allegiance to his will, they will each relinquish their abstinence from said humour to have me rolling around the aisles at which point I shall declareth a freakin' miracle and sign up for eternity and then some.
Respectfully, Spud ( in God's image but a bit blacker).
Concentrate hard Vital One, atheists have one thing in common, they seek the truth.
Show us the truth!

Can I ask Vital One or Seti alpha or Lightgigantic to show me the truth?
My belief is that Yee who follow the path of the lord must relinquish their sense of humour to honour thy lord who it seems was quite a serious chap!
I therefore believe that a true believer has their humour removed from their being.
Being a seeker of truth I ask that the lord showeth me througheth his disciples a sign.
A sign that despite their allegiance to his will, they will each relinquish their abstinence from said humour to have me rolling around the aisles at which point I shall declareth a freakin' miracle and sign up for eternity and then some.
Respectfully, Spud ( in God's image but a bit blacker).
If you were really a seeker of the truth then you would be agnostic at least, but you're just another delusional atheist trapped in your own ignorant delusional fantasy world, believing "evidence causes something to become true", atheists don't seek the truth, thats why they never consider any evidence of God given, they always have a new excuse a new way out, then when asked "So what can be considered evidence of God and not a 'god of the gaps'?" they are speechless, get upset and are angered, knowing that they really can't give an example and their faith is unfalsifiable

Atheists ALWAYS have a way out, regardless of it works (just like James Randi), atheism is unfalsifiable, if it really does work they'll just say "so what this doesn't prove anything, must be some psychological trick or a causeless coincidence", if it doesn't work they'll say "see manifestation doesn't work" all done in order to preserve the atheistic faith-based beleif system
One thing's for sure, whether it works or doesn't work, this thread is more about pyschic powers than divinity and probably should be in the parapsychology or pseudoscience forums. But we'll tolerate it for now....
Yeah, I think that's quite funny, I'm waivering.
You have me all wrong Vital One.

One question, Vital One, If I died now, would I die young, die pretty or diagnostic?

Fark I'm a funny bastard! Someone show me the light!
Shit! One more question...if it's O.K and I presume it's O.K because I'm led to believe that good Christian folk ARE forgiving by nature( not to be confused with naturism)
If I'm a delusional atheist, does that mean I'm a confused Theist?
Please help. I fear I can not much longer face these eternal questions without some ... intervention! At your Forgiving and merciful hands, Spud ( the black incarnation, it's not a flower, of Gawd)
Seriously, help me through this!
One thing's for sure, whether it works or doesn't work, this thread is more about pyschic powers than divinity and probably should be in the parapsychology or pseudoscience forums. But we'll tolerate it for now....

Technically, all Theistical claims belong in parapsychology / pseudoscience :)