Are you there God?'s uh, Sciforums.

I promise to be honest and receptive as well. I had a Christian upbringing until the age of ten or so when I started thinking for myself regarding this subject. I also own a bible and went to Christian schools until the age of 19.
In Roman times, those charged with believing in God were called atheists. So, in a relative way, you have already declared your belief in God.
Words are magic talismans? I'm not using mantras or anything like that

I don't know if that will be effective, all I'm doing is taking a desire and imagining the feeling of it already happening, thats what I've found to work everytime

But I didn't start yet, I need to get the right intention

That is the only reason I say that words are talismans. Each word is full of intention, and when you say a word, you inmediately project an image of what it means to you in your head, and that is the power behing mantras. The power is not in the word itself, but the feelings and images you get in your head by the mere fact of thinking of the word.
If you can project the intentions without words, then it is the same stuff, but it is more difficult to achieve by most people; you normally use words, even when you don´t say them outloud.

I don't know if that will be effective, all I'm doing is taking a desire and imagining the feeling of it already happening, thats what I've found to work everytime

But I didn't start yet, I need to get the right intention

Oh, I see what you´re saying. But this is not prayer, it is Law of Attraction.

This will be fun to watch, it will be like a movie: "Spidergoat and Emmos Reloaded - The realization of the theist within".
Are you really a BUddhist? I don't think you are...I sincerely believe in Gautama Buddha, but I don't think you you really believe in heaven/hell, Brahmas, ghosts, devas, spirits, reincarnation, reality is an illusion, faith in Gautama Buddha is good, the effect of karma?

Anyway regardless of if you really are a Buddhist I suggest the fastest path to full perfection in this lifetime is to destroy all your insecurities, develop a high concentration ability (there's this book called the Power of Concentration with good exercises in it), and maintain constant rememberance that all problems simply exist as feelings, impulses, etc...and nothing more

I am sincere, but I have one question, what exactly am I manifesting? Is it that you all should "fully believe that God really exists"? I have to get the correct intention down

Oh yeah there should be some type of deadline for results, I say give it at least one month from when I start the that ok?

I predict complete failure of this experiment. A real Christian does not believe in bhudda, or reincarnation or any other false religious junk. If you are not a real Christian, or at least seeking to become one, then the true God won't even hear your prayers, according to the bible.
Failed experiment. Even if a real Christian prayed for these guys, it would still be up to them to get saved. If they are demon possessed, (many people are) the problem of them coming to a belief in God and true knowledge of salvation would be greatly hindered.
IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO BELIEVE IN GOD. YOU MUST ALSO BELIEVE IN JESUS AND REPENT OF SIN. [Read the King James version New Testament for the true teachings of the real God.]
A real Christian does not believe in bhudda, or reincarnation or any other false religious junk.

First, thank God that Christians don´t believe in "bhudda", that guy had no clue.

So reincarnation is false religion junk, but hell, heaven, virgin birth, walk on water, transform water into wine: that is all so damn scientific.
I propose everybody just cut out the snide remarks and accusations and await results with baited breath theist and atheist alike.
That is the only reason I say that words are talismans. Each word is full of intention, and when you say a word, you inmediately project an image of what it means to you in your head, and that is the power behing mantras. The power is not in the word itself, but the feelings and images you get in your head by the mere fact of thinking of the word.
If you can project the intentions without words, then it is the same stuff, but it is more difficult to achieve by most people; you normally use words, even when you don´t say them outloud.
Well I know that, its because sounds are energy, but I don't find it effective

Wisdom_Seeker said:
Oh, I see what you´re saying. But this is not prayer, it is Law of Attraction.

This will be fun to watch, it will be like a movie: "Spidergoat and Emmos Reloaded - The realization of the theist within".

From what I've see the New Ager in their mind says "Manifestation works, so that means that Law of Attraction must work", how disgusting are New Agers, but after meditating on true knowledge of how manifestation works, it doesn't work like that at all, there is no Law of Attraction to be found anywhere in science like they falsely procalim, also manifestation has been mentioned by everyone, Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, etc...

The way it really works is this is your personal universe, everything is made of thought-energy, when you imagine the feeling of already having a desire you generate the thought-energy of the desire, from this thought-energy you move closer into the universe where your desire has occured

The movie "The Secret" is the most disgusting of all, falsely making it seem like wishful positive thinking works, when in reality positive thinking can have no effect, it just depends on the thought-energy (karma) you output
I predict complete failure of this experiment. A real Christian does not believe in bhudda, or reincarnation or any other false religious junk. If you are not a real Christian, or at least seeking to become one, then the true God won't even hear your prayers, according to the bible.
Failed experiment. Even if a real Christian prayed for these guys, it would still be up to them to get saved. If they are demon possessed, (many people are) the problem of them coming to a belief in God and true knowledge of salvation would be greatly hindered.
IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO BELIEVE IN GOD. YOU MUST ALSO BELIEVE IN JESUS AND REPENT OF SIN. [Read the King James version New Testament for the true teachings of the real God.]

I say the opposite, a REAL Christian believes in Jesus, and Jesus had mentioned reincarnation in early authentic Christian writings...

Also Jesus says "Forbid him not, for he who is not against us is for us", proclaiming religious tolerance, no problem with believing in Buddha

The supposedly real Christians are fake Christians, they are pretenders, just like Jesus says "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of God; but only he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity" (Matt 7:21-23)

The supposedly "REAL" Christians can careless about Jesus, what he says, the works he says to do, etc...they only care about hating others in name of Jesus
I just tried a test on spidergoat, this is what happened

For a moment spidergoat started believing God existed, but then he thought about the Bible something about 6000 years and tried to cancel it out, but there's still the effect

I need to fine-tune'll definitely work
I just tried a test on spidergoat, this is what happened

For a moment spidergoat started believing God existed, but then he thought about the Bible something about 6000 years and tried to cancel it out, but there's still the effect

I need to fine-tune'll definitely work

:eek: oh what a joker.
:eek: oh what a joker.

Ok...only spidergoat knows if its true or not

Can't wait to seriously try this...but even after it works atheists will have a brand new excuse refusing to believe in God "oh it doesn't matter doesn't prove anything, must be a psychological trick or a causeless coincidence"

Still need to fine-tune the desire to a perfect 10 in desirability...this is fun
:rolleyes: I'm the one perfecting myself...not God.

You're not a Buddhist stop faking, you're an Alan Watts fan, the Westerner type of Buddhist (you know ignore everything in Buddhism sounding supernatural)

Gautama would be ashamed...

So draqon, if it really does work, will you believe God exists or believe what I say is true or anything?
You're not a Buddhist stop faking, you're an Alan Watts fan, the Westerner type of Buddhist (you know ignore everything in Buddhism sounding supernatural)

Gautama would be ashamed...

So draqon, if it really does work, will you believe God exists or believe what I say is true or anything?

what works? your telepathy? ha ha ha...faked.
Does that mean you'll be fully enlightened by the end of 2007?

no it does not mean I will be full enlightened by than. It only means that I will be fully contempt of myself from there on to start my living as I have always dreamed of.