Are you there God?'s uh, Sciforums.

It's not strange at all. It's from a fairly common Christian doctrine about who goes to hell. Namely, according to that doctrine, there are people who know God, but who refuse to worship Him, people who refuse to acknowledge God's superiority. According to that doctrine, these are the worst kind of people, destined for eternal damnation.

And I always picture god up on his throne peering down through his magic looking glass, all red in the face with his fists balled up and going "Oooohhh! They make me sooooo mad! Those non-worshippers! I'll show them. When they die..."
VitalOne is back from his ban. Has he prayed anyone into a Theist yet?

Yeah, last night I was drinking beer and watching my Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker re-runs on VHS, which I usually do for fun, then a bright light illuminated the entire room, and I felt a peace flow through me, and I knew that the Lord was real. I got down on my knees right then and prayed for forgiveness for my athiest ways. Praise the Lord!
Yeah, last night I was drinking beer and watching my Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker re-runs on VHS, which I usually do for fun, then a bright light illuminated the entire room, and I felt a peace flow through me, and I knew that the Lord was real. I got down on my knees right then and prayed for forgiveness for my athiest ways. Praise the Lord!

Glorry Hallelujah! Amen brotha' goat!
Just a question, after this works will anyone actually re-consider their atheism?

That is not a fair question, it is a double bind.

Regardless whether they answer yes or no, they lose.

If they answer yes, they have made an unqualified statement about the future; ie. they now don't know God yet and they don't know what it would be like to know God, therefore, they now can't make qualified statements about a possible future where they would know God.

If they answer no, they are sabotaging the experiment.
OOH, OOH (waving hand wildly) I awoke this morning and and had to shout " Oh, haysoos" of course a large breasted blond stripper was performing felatio on me.:shrug:
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That is not a fair question, it is a double bind.

Regardless whether they answer yes or no, they lose.

If they answer yes, they have made an unqualified statement about the future; ie. they now don't know God yet and they don't know what it would be like to know God, therefore, they now can't make qualified statements about a possible future where they would know God.

If they answer no, they are sabotaging the experiment.
Why isn't it a fair question?

Your answer seems to be no, re-confirming precisely what I said, atheism is unfalsfiable

The question was not would they become theists, the question was would they re-consider their atheism...
So, if either I or Enmos, known atheists, suddenly admit belief in God, sometime after VitalOne declares the prayer to be finished, it will be proof that prayer works. It will also be a miracle. I agree to be receptive of suggestion (not actively working against the prayer), and honest about my beliefs.
It will never work. You have free will and that cannot be overriden. No matter how much Vital prays, it won't do nothing to you. Trust me, if prayer worked that way I would have had over 10 girlfriends in my life, not just 3.... :D