Are you there God?'s uh, Sciforums.

So Vital's second ban is over. When the hell is he going to perform? Or is his committment a lie?
This is the saddest thread I've come across. One of many things I don't get about athiests is their obsession with theism.

After I finish this manifestation I'll be leaving the forum forever, the moderators won't tolerate criticism of atheism so I'm not welcomed here

I still didn't start, but once I do Enmos and spidergoat will be compelled to believe in their mind they will say "no it couldn't possibly be because of VitalOne" and eventually become theistic
It will never work. You have free will and that cannot be overriden. No matter how much Vital prays, it won't do nothing to you. Trust me, if prayer worked that way I would have had over 10 girlfriends in my life, not just 3.... :D

You lack understanding....

Here's what's actually happening...

There's already another reality/universe where Enmos and spidergoat are theistic

We each exist in our own personal reality/universe

I'm alternating myself into the reality/universe where Enmos and spidergoat are theistic

You see, it doesn't contradict free will at all, because in that reality I enter into, Enmos and spidergoat with their own free-will are theistic
You lack understanding....

Here's what's actually happening...

There's already another reality/universe where Enmos and spidergoat are theistic

We each exist in our own personal reality/universe

I'm alternating myself into the reality/universe where Enmos and spidergoat are theistic

You see, it doesn't contradict free will at all, because in that reality I enter into, Enmos and spidergoat with their own free-will are theistic

...that was a joke right? Please tell me that was a joke.

After I finish this manifestation I'll be leaving the forum forever, the moderators won't tolerate criticism of atheism so I'm not welcomed here

I still didn't start, but once I do Enmos and spidergoat will be compelled to believe in their mind they will say "no it couldn't possibly be because of VitalOne" and eventually become theistic
M*W: Buh bye.
You lack understanding....

Here's what's actually happening...

There's already another reality/universe where Enmos and spidergoat are theistic

We each exist in our own personal reality/universe

I'm alternating myself into the reality/universe where Enmos and spidergoat are theistic

You see, it doesn't contradict free will at all, because in that reality I enter into, Enmos and spidergoat with their own free-will are theistic
M*W: Why is it that atheists lack understanding, in your opinion, when the brainwashed among us seem to know it all?
Hey guys,
I woke up the other day with a spot of about 7mm in diameter, on my forehead, right in the middle of the hairline. It has no crust, it looks bloody, and it won't heal. I have no idea how I got it, it just was there in the morning.

Hey guys,
I woke up the other day with a spot of about 7mm in diameter, on my forehead, right in the middle of the hairline. It has no crust, it looks bloody, and it won't heal. I have no idea how I got it, it just was there in the morning.


Maybe you turned Hindu.. blame VitalOne for screwing up ;)

After I finish this manifestation I'll be leaving the forum forever, the moderators won't tolerate criticism of atheism so I'm not welcomed here

I still didn't start, but once I do Enmos and spidergoat will be compelled to believe in their mind they will say "no it couldn't possibly be because of VitalOne" and eventually become theistic

Well alright.
What's keeping you so long.. ? :shrug:
I think he quietly left..
He said he was going to leave as soon as he converted us, but I haven't heard of him since.. and I'm not converted yet.
This is the saddest thread I've come across. One of many things I don't get about athiests is their obsession with theism.

We don't try to force you to believe as we do. We don't form cults and hold meetings in tax exempt buildings denouncing you. We don't go door to door with our version of the 'watchtower'.
The obsession is entirely the theists.
I'll kind of miss Vital One.
I had him pictured as lanky, grey bearded chap with flowing robes to match his flyaway hair, singlemindedly trying to save the heathens, tapping away madly on his elevated keyboard from his rickety fruitbox, barely eating in his highly focussed quest.

I'm sure someone else will take up the mantle.