Are you there God?'s uh, Sciforums.

I'll kind of miss Vital One.
I had him pictured as lanky, grey bearded chap with flowing robes to match his flyaway hair, singlemindedly trying to save the heathens, tapping away madly on his elevated keyboard from his rickety fruitbox, barely eating in his highly focussed quest.

I'm sure someone else will take up the mantle.

I'm sure. It was pretty sad though..
I'm sure he left without even trying. Not that it would have mattered.

He appears to have left being unable to define the words, let alone apply either. But he was only 19 wasn't he? I would like to think that education and experience help most people to mature.
Of course, I'm often disappointed:bugeye:
He appears to have left being unable to define the words, let alone apply either. But he was only 19 wasn't he? I would like to think that education and experience help most people to mature.
Of course, I'm often disappointed:bugeye:

*Nods in agreement*

So, if either I or Enmos, known atheists, suddenly admit belief in God, sometime after VitalOne declares the prayer to be finished, it will be proof that prayer works.

The underlying reason, IMO, why you don't believe in God, is because you don't have to, and therefore you choose not to.

It will also be a miracle. I agree to be receptive of suggestion (not actively working against the prayer), and honest about my beliefs.

Then you should view the transformation of former atheists like Anthony Flew, Fransic Collins, Alistair McGrath as miraculous events, stop beating about the bush, and open your mind to the broad aspect of life. :)
But somehow I don't think you will

VitalOne has a good chance. I own a bible, and some Elaine Pagels books about Gnostics. Also one volume of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh's essays on Jesus, and the Book of Morman.

Is it possible that when Flew was travelling all over the place denouncing any idea that God is possible or probable, that God is a man-made concept, and people who believe this concept are deluded, that some people upon hearing these presets, may have taken it upon themselves to pray for his soul?

You have yet to hear the WORD OF GOD HOW IS IT THAT YOU CLAIM TO BE SUCH AN EXPERT AT DISPROVING JESUS.I can at this time tell you that your genetics are from the serpent you truly are his homo as your speech indicates nothing else.You don't percieve that do you well your distant relative cain lacked that perception also TIME TO FIGHT STARION THIS IS FUN TO FIGHT SOMEONE WHO FIGHTS SOMETHING THEY CLAIM DOESN'T EXIST. YOU HAVE BEEN DEFEATED BY STARION SO CRY TO THE MODERATER ABOUT YOUR SHAME.

Dear davidon, I think you missed athread from 1974, see if you can dig that one up . It's called " God foresakes Starion, sends to hell with other retards"
Heh, I remember this thread. VitalOne lied his pants of and failed the evidence demonstration big time.
That's what they all say. But your early posts in this thread of full of confidence. Put up or shut up.

No, thats not what they all I say, I think I'm the only one who said that....

Confident as usual, there's a 0% chance that it won't work