Are YOU Destined To Burn For Eternity?

No it's the sum of my total experices. This was not something which was immediately evident as a child,
So you say you gradually began seeing a pattern and you eventually concluded that that pattern was God ?

at that time children simply believe just like anyone who's introduced to something which they have no prior experiences with.
I didn't.
Well, a pattern did start to imerge. But I'm refering to actually experiences. not just a a pattern. For instant I found that my prayers aligned with God's will are always answered. Recently the only prayer that really mattered was answered...and I can't express how grateful I am.
Mark 10
23 Then Jesus looked around and said to His disciples, “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!” 24 And the disciples were astonished at His words. But Jesus answered again and said to them, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches[d] to enter the kingdom of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
26 And they were greatly astonished, saying among themselves, “Who then can be saved?”
27 But Jesus looked at them and said, With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.”

Jesus makes it clear. It is impossible for a man to be perfect enough to have eternity with God, But He says in the same sentence that With God nothing is impossible. So only through Gods intervention can man be saved. And that was done By Jesus. This is the message echoed by Paul.

Men are what they are because God made them that way. He was the one who created them, remember? He is also the one who supposedly threw all of mankind out of His "house" (the Garden) after just two of them made a single mistake. Great role model for a father, don't you think? Strange, they are behaving just like children who have been rejected by their own father. You know the one who is supposed to love them and teach them and correct them, oh yea, without killing them. Funny, most human fathers know how to do this.

If it is impossible for man to be perfect enough to have eternity with God, then God is responsible for that very thing, and all of mankind must be held innocent for their lack of perfection which, again, God designed into them. Did I mention that I think that God is responsible for this? The Bible teaches that God is sovereign, right?

I am not justifying sin. I am accepting that i am a sinner who has been forgiven by a Just God.

You are most likely using your religion to justify your own choices and lifestyle and condemn everyone else, no matter whether theirs is truly good or evil.

Then you demonstrate your rebellion against the Will of God. Because of pride you have rejected the Redeemer and His gift of salvation

I demonstrate my rebellion against calling the work of a few men (the Bible) the very "Word of God". That is all. You do the same thing with the Quran for the same reasons that I do this with the Bible. This alone does not mean that you are proud at all, does it?

You believe in a "god", a god of your own construct. You have reached your own conclusion and in trusting in your self...

Yes, and so have you, and so has everyone else. There is no agreement within the Christian church as to what the real "truth" even is and yet you still pretend that everyone who disagrees with your own personal version of the "truth" is automatically condemned for all eternity. Seems a little arrogant to me, and you think that I am the one with the pride here? You are fooling yourself at the expense of anyone who dares to disagree with you.

Hope you have a great weekend, anyway.
For instant I found that my prayers aligned with God's will are always answered.

So in short:

Every prayer that failed only did so because god didn't want to answer it, and every prayer that did work was because god did?

How do you ever establish reality working under such a silly notion?

"hey that prayer didn't work.. it's ok there's a reason for its failure.." :crazy:

I can easily turn that around LG, but I'm getting tired of these games. I'm not really that interested in it anyway. I have no problem with you believing what you believe. I think everyone is free to believe whatever he or she wants as long as they don't bother others with it.

pipe down with those beliefs of yours – you are starting to bother me with them


The effect which is demonstrated through the fossil record supports, in full, the theory of evolution. There is a physical phenomena demonstrated in the fossil record that links all species on Earth through evolution.
my precise point is that this “linkage” is not demonstrated (by demonstrated I mean “observed” as opposed to “inferred”) – if it was, the history of understanding that surrounds evolution since Darwin wouldn’t be as turbulent as it is – to take a parallel, it has been demonstrated that water boils at 100 degrees by placing water on a burner

As a single example of macro evolution, scientists came up with the theory that sea mammals must have evolved from land animals. Pretty obvious right, because they are... er... mammals. But there were no discovered transitioning fossils to prove this which prompted much criticism by creationists. Yet scientists claimed there must be transitioning fossils and sure enough the evidence was not long in coming as another gap was filled that strengthened the theory of evolution further.
no matter how strong a theory is thought to be , it remains a theory until it is actually demonstrated – this is the nature of discerning facts via empiricism
Well, a pattern did start to imerge. But I'm refering to actually experiences. not just a a pattern. For instant I found that my prayers aligned with God's will are always answered. Recently the only prayer that really mattered was answered...and I can't express how grateful I am.

How do you feel and rationalize those prayers that really matter that don't get answered?

Why would you pray for something that didn't align with your gods will? What would those prayers look like?
no matter how strong a theory is thought to be , it remains a theory until it is actually demonstrated – this is the nature of discerning facts via empiricism

With some theories, the requirements for extended periods of time can be tantamount to its success as a theory and the only way in which it can be demonstrated, unlike other theories that can easily be demonstrated under laboratory conditions.

Cosmology, for example, is just one of those theories requiring extended periods of time to observe changes. We are fortunate that the speed of light is finite and when traveling over great distances can take millions of years. We can look back in time by simply looking at objects great distances away and thusly view the past.

Evolution is also one of those theories requiring extended periods of time to observe changes. But again, we are fortunate to have another view into the past; the fossil record.

So, as light travels across the universe to reveal the past for us, the fossil record does exactly the same thing, they are the results of demonstrations, both of tests from extended periods of time and of the theories themselves.
Well, a pattern did start to imerge. But I'm refering to actually experiences. not just a a pattern. For instant I found that my prayers aligned with God's will are always answered. Recently the only prayer that really mattered was answered...and I can't express how grateful I am.

What do you mean with "prayers aligned with Gods will" ?
I'm sorry but it sounds like you meant what Q derived from it.
What do you mean with "prayers aligned with Gods will" ?
I'm sorry but it sounds like you meant what Q derived from it.

It's a spurious justification for why other prayers weren't "answered", and a "rationale" for events that did happen.
Men are what they are because God made them that way. He was the one who created them, remember? He is also the one who supposedly threw all of mankind out of His "house" (the Garden) after just two of them made a single mistake.

No, it was No Mistake. That's where you have it wrong. It was a conscious decision to rebel against the clear instruction of God.

Great role model for a father, don't you think? Strange, they are behaving just like children who have been rejected by their own father.

They where not Rejected by their Father until After they rebelled. Not before. And this rejection is not eternal; For God has provided a Redeemer for those who accept Redemption.

If it is impossible for man to be perfect enough to have eternity with God, then God is responsible for that very thing, and all of mankind must be held innocent for their lack of perfection which, again, God designed into them.

Wrong. God made man good. It was man who knowingly rebelled against God's will that caused the problem, not God.

Did I mention that I think that God is responsible for this? The Bible teaches that God is sovereign, right?

Blaming God for the evil of Men shows the spirit of rebellion still within you.

You are most likely using your religion to justify your own choices and lifestyle and condemn everyone else, no matter whether theirs is truly good or evil.

False allegation. I do not justify my lifestyle. The very same Words of God that reveal that everyone else is a sinner revel to me that i am a sinner. The difference between people is that some accept His Words as the truth while other reject His Word.

Yes, and so have you, and so has everyone else. There is no agreement within the Christian church as to what the real "truth" even is and yet you still pretend that everyone who disagrees with your own personal version of the "truth" is automatically condemned for all eternity. Seems a little arrogant to me, and you think that I am the one with the pride here? You are fooling yourself at the expense of anyone who dares to disagree with you.

Hope you have a great weekend, anyway.

I am either right in what i have given or I am wrong. You can paint me with a brush of pride or a brush of arrogance in an attempt to make rejection of what i have said easier. But in the end if i am right your artistic efforts will all be for nothing.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Originally Posted by lightgigantic

no matter how strong a theory is thought to be , it remains a theory until it is actually demonstrated – this is the nature of discerning facts via empiricism

With some theories, the requirements for extended periods of time can be tantamount to its success as a theory and the only way in which it can be demonstrated, unlike other theories that can easily be demonstrated under laboratory conditions.
hence empiricism as a means of discerning truth has inherent limitations

Cosmology, for example, is just one of those theories requiring extended periods of time to observe changes. We are fortunate that the speed of light is finite and when traveling over great distances can take millions of years. We can look back in time by simply looking at objects great distances away and thusly view the past.

Evolution is also one of those theories requiring extended periods of time to observe changes. But again, we are fortunate to have another view into the past; the fossil record.

So, as light travels across the universe to reveal the past for us, the fossil record does exactly the same thing, they are the results of demonstrations, both of tests from extended periods of time and of the theories themselves.
the difference is that in cosmology the cause and effect are directly and continuously observed (even if its done several millions of years after the said event) - in other words the "raw data" for such conclusions is light, regardless of how long it has taken to reach us
as far as evolution is concerned however the "raw data" (ie the fossil record) is observed neither in its state as cause or effect - rather we take a fossil and via the theory of evolution , place it in a chain of cause and effect (after determining its approximate age)
LOL oh really :roflmao:
And why is that ?

I guess you truly don't believe this then

I have no problem with you believing what you believe. I think everyone is free to believe whatever he or she wants as long as they don't bother others with it.

I guess you truly don't believe this then

I have no problem with you believing what you believe. I think everyone is free to believe whatever he or she wants as long as they don't bother others with it.


I do believe that, but that doesn't mean i cant dislike you for who you are or at least for how you act. I'm mean what kind of answer was that :bugeye::

I can easily turn that around LG, but I'm getting tired of these games. I'm not really that interested in it anyway. I have no problem with you believing what you believe. I think everyone is free to believe whatever he or she wants as long as they don't bother others with it.
pipe down with those beliefs of yours – you are starting to bother me with them
When your conscience talks you out of doing something wrong you are on the right path.
Remember, like in when we were child, I remember vividly one moment when I was about 5 years old and have an opportunity to take something from my friend, I didnt take because he was my friend and I felt the sting in my heart even because even to think something like that, when that moment was over I felt very good and light, like I was in heaven ;) lol
Well, later on my life when you learned how corrupt and shit the world is from some parts, it wasnt hard to steal from local shop some candybars, my conscience had been corrupted trough all the unjustice of world, teenage rebellion, you know. :)
And what goes for hell, if your conscience doesnt quide you anymore you are in hell already, all the fire&brimstone talk is just mindcontrol, God isnt that hard to find, She is in you and all around you, you just have to listen it.
Thats why I appreciate eastern religions, they dont try to measure everything i.e. not trying to make square out of circle.
hence empiricism as a means of discerning truth has inherent limitations

That's not what I said. What limitations are you referring?

the difference is that in cosmology the cause and effect are directly and continuously observed (even if its done several millions of years after the said event) - in other words the "raw data" for such conclusions is light, regardless of how long it has taken to reach us
as far as evolution is concerned however the "raw data" (ie the fossil record) is observed neither in its state as cause or effect - rather we take a fossil and via the theory of evolution , place it in a chain of cause and effect (after determining its approximate age)

So what?
God isnt that hard to find, She is in you and all around you, you just have to listen it.

I'm listening... nada... ziltch... maybe it's that time of the month?

Thats why I appreciate eastern religions, they dont try to measure everything i.e. not trying to make square out of circle.

So, you choose a religion that is suited to your needs?
No, it was No Mistake. That's where you have it wrong. It was a conscious decision to rebel against the clear instruction of God.

They where not Rejected by their Father until After they rebelled. Not before. And this rejection is not eternal; For God has provided a Redeemer for those who accept Redemption.

Wrong. God made man good. It was man who knowingly rebelled against God's will that caused the problem, not God.

They were rejected by an unforgiving and angry father for merely eating the wrong thing just one time. They actually used the brain that God gave them to make an independent decision. God created them with the absolute certainty that this would happen. It is how He designed them to be.

Most good fathers know that this is the process by which their children will grow and learn and improve. You warn them about eating a rotten apple, they do it anyway, they get a stomach ache, and low and behold they decide not to do it ever again. And guess what; they even learn to trust you more now than they ever could have if they never disobeyed you. They see that you were right all along. How hard is this stuff for God to understand? In our middle school, every year, the principle even tells the parents that he WANTS the children to make mistakes now, in middle school, because they will learn from their mistakes now while the costs are low. Is he being unjust according to Biblical standards? Should he not kick all of them out of school for the slightest infraction of any one of them? Would that not be true Biblical justice? Or should he instead wait thousands of years and then kill himself to pay himself for their infraction. What kind of justice would that be?

They dared to eat a piece of fruit that was placed in the Garden, that God had given them, to tempt them. Your child is hungry, just the way you designed him to be, you place a piece of chocolate in front of him to tempt him, you tell him not to eat it and you walk away. Of course, like any really good and loving father, you have put poison in the chocolate that will kill him if he eats it. Serves the little kid right, if he eats it, right? This is justice after all according to the Bible. Now it all makes sense to me. No, actually it really does not!!!

If God made man good then part of that goodness had to have been the ability or potential to think and reason and make decisions that were in opposition to Him.

Please tell me what would have been so catastrophic if God would have just forgiven His own children on the spot. That would have saved the entire human race an eternity of assorted earthly and hellish tortures. Is forgiveness really that hard for God? Why is God not capable of doing what even simple minded men like me can do? I forgive my children all of the time whether or not they ask me to. What is wrong with that? How does that make me an unjust father?

Adstar, what do you suppose will happen if you ever make just one little mistake in thought or in action in heaven. According to this man made tale, He cannot bear imperfection in His presence, right? Out you go! Sorry! Why would it not be the Garden of Eden all over again for you?

Blaming God for the evil of Men shows the spirit of rebellion still within you.

The Bible portrays Him as such. And I disagree with that portrayal of Him. It is written and organized by imperfect men and that is why it is imperfect.

False allegation. I do not justify my lifestyle. The very same Words of God that reveal that everyone else is a sinner revel to me that i am a sinner. The difference between people is that some accept His Words as the truth while other reject His Word.

It remains, in my opinion only, that you are making "Your Words" and "Your Judgments" equal to "His Words" and "His Judgments".

Take Care!
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I'm listening... nada... ziltch... maybe it's that time of the month?
-Hey, I just wanted to refer that if there is God, it includes everything, every atom, shed of light and so on. To me, its a personal journey to find what is my/your God or no God, that simple. Maybe you werent listening after all ?

So, you choose a religion that is suited to your needs?

-Actually, I made my own conclusions through experience and knowledge, I dont kneel to nobody in these matters, so maybe in your books I´m a atheist or pagan ? My needs, if I would be choosing religion with that point in my mind
I would probably choose some satanic religion. ? . To me it not about that, its the nature of things what, I think, religion is supposed to explain.
I took only good parts from every religion which I´m encountering.
Come and burn my pagan bones in bonfire :D
-Hey, I just wanted to refer that if there is God, it includes everything, every atom, shed of light and so on. To me, its a personal journey to find what is my/your God or no God, that simple. Maybe you werent listening after all ?

Perhaps you're right, my 'supernatural' ears may not be correctly tuned to the god frequency.

Most refer to 'everything, every atom, shed of light and so on' as the Universe.

its the nature of things what, I think, religion is supposed to explain.
I took only good parts from every religion which I´m encountering.

And that is what religion is all about. Most use religion to explain what they "think" is the nature of things, while only taking what they "think" are the good parts.

Neither has anything to with reality.