Are YOU Destined To Burn For Eternity?

and the rest of the sentence reads
"in contrast with microevolution,[1] which refers to smaller evolutionary changes (typically described as changes in allele frequencies) within a species or population. The process of speciation may fall within the purview of either, depending on the forces thought to drive it."

Actually no it doesn't. The rest of the sentence reads:

"Any changes that occur at higher levels, such as the evolution of new families, phyla or genera, are also therefore macroevolution, but the term is not restricted to those higher levels. It often also means long-term trends or biases in evolution of higher taxonomic levels."

It then says:

"Microevolution refers to any evolutionary change below the level of species, and refers to changes in the frequency within a population or a species of its alleles (alternative genes) and their effects on the form, or phenotype, of organisms that make up that population or species. It can also apply to changes within species that are not genetic."

The text you quoted is not found on that page at all! "rest of the sentence" indeed. LG you truly are the master of lies and deception. I guess you're going to reincarnate as a fox.

I guess from here we can have a long drawn out discussion (with the usual flaming) about what the words "macro-evolution" really means

There's absolutely no need. Your complete and total undeniable lack of education on the matter - except perhaps a theist-science diploma from the holy school of krishna, (lol), mean you have nothing whatsoever to say on the matter.

To put it bluntly and to make it totally clear: you're wrong.

namely that one genus of animal evolving in to another has not been demonstrated

This statement alone shows a distinct problem with your understanding. You are seemingly implying that nobody has ever seen a frog turn into a kangaroo. I suggest if you want to understand evolution better that you don't try and find answers in the baghavad gita. Instead pick a science journal.

the next question is whether speciation demonstrates macro evolution ......

It does, according to the scientific definition of macro evolution. Of course I doubt it will be sufficient for those that learnt about evolution in bible school. I wonder which has more sway in the matter... Hmmmmmm...

Good day.
The question is simple enough.. can't you just answer it ?

That's why I'm asking you a question in return. You don't have to answer that if you don't want to.

However it leads you to what you should already know. You've chosen. I'ts as simple as that. We all have choices. Scientist area supposed to explore every avenue. However they haven't explored every avenue...

Thus you may ask how do I know that you don't know...Iknow because you've told me.

I however can know everything you know. That is something that I embrace. All facts and science in terms of what can be expressed logically.
That's why I'm asking you a question in return. You don't have to answer that if you don't want to.

However it leads you to what you should already know. You've chosen. I'ts as simple as that. We all have choices. Scientist area supposed to explore every avenue. However they haven't explored every avenue...

Thus you may ask how do I know that you don't know...Iknow because you've told me.

I however can know everything you know. That is something that I embrace. All facts and science in terms of what can be expressed logically.

So you wont answer my question ? :bugeye:
Everyting. It's something you can't relate to without a common frame of refrence. Quite naturaly then how could you come to any conclusion about what I know if you lack any comparable refrence?
Everyting. It's something you can't relate to without a common frame of refrence. Quite naturaly then how could you come to any conclusion about what I know if you lack any comparable refrence?

What reference ? And this isn't about me, I'm genuinely interested in how you know..
If you're genuinely intrested, that's great...but I have no idea how to relate to you my expericences. It's the defining difference.
What you experience in life on a day to day basis makes you know that God exists, if I'm correct. So how do I have to see that ? Is it like you walk somewhere and see something happing and you think "That must be the work of God" ? Is it like that ?
Me Burning in Eternity

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What you experience in life on a day to day basis makes you know that God exists, if I'm correct. So how do I have to see that ? Is it like you walk somewhere and see something happing and you think "That must be the work of God" ? Is it like that ?

No it's the sum of my total experices. This was not something which was immediately evident as a child, at that time children simply believe just like anyone who's introduced to something which they have no prior experiences with.