Are YOU Destined To Burn For Eternity?

How do you feel and rationalize those prayers that really matter that don't get answered?

Why would you pray for something that didn't align with your gods will? What would those prayers look like?

Thus far that hasn't happened. Two years ago I would have said. "wait and persist in prayer" and I would still follow that advice.

What do you mean with "prayers aligned with Gods will" ?
I'm sorry but it sounds like you meant what Q derived from it.

I don't know what Q derived from it. But "prayers aligned with God's will," means acting in harmony with your prayers or doing God's will so that he can bless you, being in good standing with his righteous requirements (for he will never hear a prayer of a person practicing unrigteousness), and asking in prayer for things which follow his purpose on the Earth. To do that you must know his purpose.

One of my Elders put it this way... "We all might be inclined to give a dollar or even five dollars to a homeless man if we felt he needed it, but we might pause if he asked for 50 dollars. Person that neither knows your name nor you theirs. A person you've never met before."

If you approach god with the attitude of a wishing well or genie in a bottle many have found themselves sorely disappointed. Appropriately working in harmony with prayer and being persistent in it keeps your goal in mind and very often it is the dedication to righteous standards such as removing ones self from immorality, abusive speech and thus being forgiving of one another patient and joyful can work to our benefit.

How is a fitful person ever rewarded?
Does not profanity beget profanity? Is there not escalation to hostility?
Does sexual immorality bring lasting happiness and trust?

Self help books will say that half the problem if not more, that we have are all of our own doing. Unexpected pregancies, STD's, fights, unstable career enviroments. We can bless ourselves. We thus make it appropriate for God to also bless our efforts. It's not that we ever really deserve it being sinful but God is a good gift giver.
(Q) said:

Or, do you think your god has already decided you will burn for eternity in his hell?

I suppose this is a question for salvation monotheists, but I'll take a swing, anyway. Should I ever find myself standing before the God of judgment, I will make sure that I burn. If, by some twist of divine logic I am admitted entry, I shall refuse to enter until all have gone before me. If I get in, everyone gets in. Otherwise, fuck God.
No matter what I do, I just need to accept JESUS as my savior, and I'm safe. What a deal!

The simplicity is beautiful. What it entails is a life long battle.

The question at hand shouldnt be 'am i destined to burn?' But its should be what is free will?

Not many people understand free will they boil it down to a meaning that misses the point of it.

I will therefore start a thread, what is free will?
So in short:

Every prayer that failed only did so because god didn't want to answer it, and every prayer that did work was because god did?

How do you ever establish reality working under such a silly notion?

"hey that prayer didn't work.. it's ok there's a reason for its failure.." :crazy:

Every prayer is answered, sometimes the answer is no.
Every prayer is answered, sometimes the answer is no.

Sure - the same goes for my tea cup, pack of ciggies and even this computer.

So why pray to gods when it works just as well praying to inanimate objects? (sometimes the prayer gets answered, sometimes it doesn't and sometimes it happens later [yes/no/wait])

No wait, I ask the wrong thing.. (just woke up)..

Hmmm.. would there be any merit in asserting that it was a god that was answering your prayers if I could get an equal or greater percentage of good outcomes from praying to my cup of tea?
So it was.

Post withdrawn and apologies to you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I'll take back the idiot part then.
I apologize for that, I was already a bit irritated and then you said what you said and well.. you get the picture :)
So, that makes prayer useful how?

Dear god, how about saving my mothers life from cancer?

Absolutely not.

How about a donut?

No problem.
I could understand it if all (or even some > 50%) of my prayers were clearly acted on. Or even if there was a totally negative correllation (every damn time I pray, I get screwed!). That would at least be something. But the outcomes are so totally random (as one would predict if there was no one listening).
I could understand it if all (or even some > 50%) of my prayers were clearly acted on. Or even if there was a totally negative correllation (every damn time I pray, I get screwed!). That would at least be something. But the outcomes are so totally random (as one would predict if there was no one listening).

You pray?
So how do you (first person hypothetically) pray?
Well, I would first strip naked (since my god would require this). Then I would begin to chant the prayer of the walrani (don't even ask) while my nether regions were immersed in warm canola oil (which my god also requires).

After 20 minutes of chanting, I may then make specific requests of WQGBRAK (we do not speak her name aloud). She is a vengeful but loving god(ess). If my prayer is answered, the warm canola oil begins to swirl of it's own accord, resulting in a spectacular, ummm, release. I may then expect the results of the prayer in 7 to 10 working-days. If the prayer will not be answered, then I do not wish to describe the subsequent behavior of the now not-so-pleasant canola oil.

This is how I (hypothetically) pray.

What 'bout you?
Well, I would first strip naked (since my god would require this). Then I would begin to chant the prayer of the walrani (don't even ask) while my nether regions were immersed in warm canola oil (which my god also requires).

After 20 minutes of chanting, I may then make specific requests of WQGBRAK (we do not speak her name aloud). She is a vengeful but loving god(ess). If my prayer is answered, the warm canola oil begins to swirl of it's own accord, resulting in a spectacular, ummm, release. I may then expect the results of the prayer in 7 to 10 working-days. If the prayer will not be answered, then I do not wish to describe the subsequent behavior of the now not-so-pleasant canola oil.

This is how I (hypothetically) pray.

What 'bout you?

Ah I see where you are going wrong. You need to boil the oil before you immerse your nether regions in it.

How I pray?

I have a special red mat for it. I like to be alone, but if someone is there I shut my mind to them, I close my eyes, empty my mind and focus on the words of prayer. After praying, I think about whatever is bothering me and usually give it over (ie its no longer something I need to think about), after this it usually gets resolved on its own; sometimes, if its very troublesome or deeply painful (like a personal loss) I pray for strength to keep me going until the next time I pray, that is a short enough duration to get through and its easier to take it a step at a time. Its very relaxing and liberating.