Are YOU Destined To Burn For Eternity?

Sounds like it. I'm glad it helps you.

Most people I know who are disappointed in prayer, pray for things or a change in outcome; that is not prayer in my opinion, there is no bargaining in prayer, that is an unreasonable expectation; prayer is not magic.:p

My prayers, you see, are always answered. ;)
So, that makes prayer useful how?

Dear god, how about saving my mothers life from cancer?

Absolutely not.

How about a donut?

No problem.

Is your mother dieing of cancer?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Sure - the same goes for my tea cup, pack of ciggies and even this computer.

So why pray to gods when it works just as well praying to inanimate objects? (sometimes the prayer gets answered, sometimes it doesn't and sometimes it happens later [yes/no/wait])

No wait, I ask the wrong thing.. (just woke up)..

Hmmm.. would there be any merit in asserting that it was a god that was answering your prayers if I could get an equal or greater percentage of good outcomes from praying to my cup of tea?

Welcome to Annalogy Imperfect...your how SnakeLord.

science or psychology hasn't seemed to correct your dependency issues, nor the need for self destruction. This negtive aspects reveal that a chemical imbalance that could be one of the many reasons why you have a problem with those who make a logical discussion of faith and God.

You're so anti God...(as I've detected before) you present nothing but conversation that is nothing but eyes wide shut even when offering the pretense of intrest in seemlying insightful questioning.

Commentary by Saquist.
Welcome to Annalogy Imperfect...your how SnakeLord.

Uhh.. what?

If you see a problem with what was actually said then kindly point it out, it seems like a better plan than pretending you're my GP.

You're so anti God...(as I've detected before)

No more than I am anti mermaid. :shrug:

you present nothing but conversation that is nothing but eyes wide shut even when offering the pretense of intrest in seemlying insightful questioning.

Actually I presented the reality of the situation - that if the 'answer' can be yes/no or wait then the same is true of my cup of tea or anything else. You can respond to that or just keep attacking my character, whatever.
I don't believe in no, don't think I am destined for that really bad sunburn and eternal torture by evil little devils.
Most people I know who are disappointed in prayer, pray for things or a change in outcome; that is not prayer in my opinion, there is no bargaining in prayer, that is an unreasonable expectation; prayer is not magic.:p

My prayers, you see, are always answered. ;)

But, that doesn't have anything to do with gods or religion, but is merely a self-disciplinary technique, like stress management.
Missed me? A girls gotta eat y'know. Singapore rice noodles, ummmm:)

Y'know for guys with a lack of belief y'all shore flap yore lips on the topic a lot.:D

*blows kisses*
We absolute love to flaunt our clear superiority as non-believers (read sane, well adjusted rationalists).
Uhh.. what?

If you see a problem with what was actually said then kindly point it out, it seems like a better plan than pretending you're my GP.

No more than I am anti mermaid. :shrug:

Actually I presented the reality of the situation - that if the 'answer' can be yes/no or wait then the same is true of my cup of tea or anything else. You can respond to that or just keep attacking my character, whatever.

Well that it isn't it. It's one thing to be aethiest if you believe the facts say just so. It
s quite another to bend the facts in the desired direction. That being the case in this situation you're not what I'd call a good perspective.
It's one thing to be aethiest if you believe the facts say just so. It
s quite another to bend the facts in the desired direction.

Atheism has nothing to do with this. If you assert that a prayer can result in a yes/no or wait answer then the same is ultimately true of anything - from my tea cup to a pile of bird poop.

Can you show anything to refute that point?
Certainly. The point came back on page 8 after you asserted that all your prayers were answered, (if god wanted to answer them). What you're doing is basically ignoring all the failures, concentrating on good outcomes and saying "hey look, there is a god and it answers my prayers".

I am asking how you can ever come to such a conclusion working on the basis of yes/no and wait, or indeed yes and no. The point is you can't. You can no better establish that it is a god answering your prayers or show a better outcome than I can do with a cup of tea.

But whatever, you knew all this. I know your game.
I'll spit in Jesus's eye then kick him in the balls before he tosses me into his Nazi-like Hell. Jesus is a sadistic pervert into torturing folks for eternity....he's as evil as they come. Jesus is one sick puppy and he won't get me without a fight.