Are YOU Destined To Burn For Eternity?

What's inaccurate and misleading is your parroted cultish claptrap. I've got one thing to say to you:

another gospel--Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Photizo, I have one thing to say to you:

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. Matthew 7:1
Nope, it just says you will burn forever. Hey, I don't believe it either - but I was merely showing that your statement that nowhere does scripture say people burn for eternity was inaccurate.

There's a difference. Don't believe a commonly circulated bible translators' inscription without knowing exactly what it means or what it's really refering to. External scriptural commentators confirm that the Bible Idea of Hell is different from the Greek inspired perception society currently holds.

It's just hope information and origins.

I see. So basically you're telling me that jesus was talking out of his ass?
No, that's what you're saying. You may Imply anything you wish.

:bugeye: Which version would you like me to use?

Multiple versions and do research on the words Gehenna, Sheol and Hades. But you have to be willing to do the research yourself.

It has been a repetitive prescedent that you don't trust what say to you. As a result there is an intentions spin on what you chose to understand. Thus do your own research. That's true understanding and honesty, the consistancy which you have to your own self.
Afterlife? You won't have an "afterlife"...The majority of you wandering these fora are dead even as we speak... You will continue on in the pathetic state you find yourself now (separated from the source of Life Himself, i.e. Jesus Christ) which is a far cry from being alive...I don't envy you...all the wailing and gnashing of teeth that will occupy every moment of your existence....sheesh. You know the attitudes you exhibit towards God and religion now? They will be nothing compared to how you will feel 'then' in your so called "afterlife." So, yea, it certainly will be a bitch--for you (plural) anyway.

O.K., two things:

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. Matthew 7:1
"Multiple versions and do research on the words Gehenna, Sheol and Hades. But you have to be willing to do the research yourself."

Unfortunately, this has been researched, and re researched, interpreted and re interpreted for roughly 2000 years, and even today there is no clarity? Just disagreement, division and conflict. This god is confusing? Que?
Matthew 13:40
"As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age.

Matthew 18:18
"It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire."

Matthew 18:19
"It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell."

Matthew 25:41
"'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire.."

Mark 9:43, Mark 9:48, Mark 9:49, Luke 3:9, John 15:6, Hebrews 10:27, Jude 1:7, Revelation 20:15, Matthew 13:42, Matthew 13:50...

And that's just at a quick glance.

Sorry, you were saying?

"As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age."

This says "at the end of the age." Not "after death," or "for all eternity." It says that the weeds will be burned up; destroyed.

Many of the other verses you've quoted are addressed in the link I provide below.

You've said that the Bible says nothing to imply that the "eternal fire" stated should not be taken to mean "literal eternal pain." But this is not true. There are many passages that do not coincide with this view.

Take for instance:

Paul warned that when Jesus Christ returns He will come “in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power…” (2 Thessalonians 1:8, 9, italics added).

Everlasting destruction, he says. I do not need to define "destruction."

“ The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23, italics added).

"The wages of sin is death." Death. Oblivion is on one end, eternal life on the other.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

It does not say, "that whoever believes in Him shall not suffer the eternal pain of hell," but "that whoever believes in Him shall not perish."

Here is text from a website that illuminates this interpretation more clearly than I can:

Here’s the entire verse:

“Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” (Jude 7)

Notice carefully: it was the physical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah that “suffered the vengeance of eternal fire,” not just the people. In addition, their punishment is “set forth as an example” of what will happen to the unsaved. In 2 Peter, we find an almost identical verse, yet Peter inserts one tiny, significant detail. Look closely:

“And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an example unto all those that after should live ungodly. ” (2 Peter 2:6, italics added).

What was the net result of that “eternal fire” which fell upon Sodom and Gomorrah ? Those cities became ashes. But that’s not all. Describing “the punishment of the sin of Sodom,” Jeremiah said that those evil cities were “overthrown as in a moment” (Lamentations 4:6, italics added). Now put the pieces together. By comparing Jude 7 and 2 Peter 2:6 with Lamentations 4:6, we discover plainly that the “the vengeance of eternal fire” was so incredibly hot that it reduced Sodom and Gomorrah “into ashes” in “a moment” of time. Now think about it. Are Sodom and Gomorrah still destroyed? Yes. But are they burning now? Obviously not. Then what does “eternal fire” mean? By comparing Scripture with Scripture, it means that the fire came from God and that the punishment lasts forever, not the flames. And again, both Jude and Peter called this punishment “an example” of what will happen to all the lost.

Jesus Christ also warned that He will someday declare to lost sinners, “Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41, italics added). Is this fire the same type of fire mentioned in Jude 7, one which destroys completely? We know it is because five verses later our Lord clarified, “And these [the lost] shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal” (Matthew 25:46). Thus the lost experience “everlasting punishment,” not punishing, just like the Sodomites."

There is an existing opposing view that has scriptural basis. It would be good to delve a little deeper into the topic(s), instead of taking the texts out of context.
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There's a difference.

A difference to what? Certain biblical text, as shown, does state that you will burn for eternity. Whether that's in a hole in the ground or your back garden is irrelevant, I am merely pointing out to you that it does actually say it. If you want to argue that translators suck ass and all the priests and preachers are talking nonsense, that's fine - I tend to agree, but I would advise taking that up with them.

It would be good to delve a little deeper into the topic(s), instead of taking the texts out of context.

It would be good to read my post and see why it was made. It wasn't an argument that the bible does not have conflicting passages. Of course, when I hear a religious person mention context that's when the problem arrives because everyone has it out of context to someone else.. such is the flexibility but also ultimately the inherent problem with scripture. You can make it say anything you want.
Yes that's true but did you look at context? Did you look and see whether the word for "burn for eternity" was Gehenna? If you didn't look in the original text and search for the propper understanding according to many bibles and scholars then you'll take it litteraly.

How ever no one burns in eternity in the litteral Gehenna. Fire in the Hebrew nation had a symbolic meaning of permanent destruction. Apply that to the propper scriptures the truth is reveal. That its not being litteral

Translator have motives too. The Bible has been assualted before by would be translators...such replacing God's name with a substute and even attempt to add the Trinity into the Bible. First see what you can find and then question the status quo.

The typical chruch goer isn't taught from the bible but from the pulpit. They are not told that Hell in the Bible means "The common grave of mankiind"
They are taught to plead for their souls. They are taught they have an immortal soul.

They are taught that the soul and body are seperate when the bible says the are one and the same and specificly that the soul is the very blood itself. The bible tells us that they are the same.

They are told all good people go to heaven..(also not true) and that only bad people go to hell ( an error) They are not told of the hope of a resurrection to life and they are not told about the coming of God's Kingdom which he's purpose his sone to rule.

They are not told...that death will be no more...neither will mourning nor out cry nor pain be anymore...that the former things will pass away...They are not told that the bible says that the "meek will inherit the Earth and will reisde forever upon it."

The ommitions are loud and as thunderous as the lies about the bible that false religion teaches...and we see the effect on those so called Christian societies...a continuous stream of hyporicsy. Christians participating in war...abortion, and churches welcoming homosexuality...None of these things are representative of God these are the works of his rival.
Translator have motives too. The Bible has been assualted before by would be translators...such replacing God's name with a substute and even attempt to add the Trinity into the Bible. First see what you can find and then question the status quo.

I have no disagreement with this, indeed I would generally concur - but what it ends up with is a world full of christians that argue and [kill] based upon different ideas of context and different ideas as to what is and what isn't. This is what make christianity, and indeed religion in general, such a farce.

Of course this problem continues when you say "false religion", because you would need to show that it is false, and I can assure you they can do the same with regards to your personal ideas on scripture.
If that is the logic you place on religion then it is the same logic you can apply to science.

If you resign to give on the search for the truth you can never say you've found any truth at all. And I asure you the contradiction the majority of the world believes in terms of the bible is based on the lack of basic bible no they can not do the same with my personal ideas on the scriptures.

My understanding of the scriptures is scriptural and without contradiction looking first at bible standards rather than doctrine and paganism which are contradictions.

Why else would I say do your research? Religion may be a farce but God is not. Thus the search for truth is not either.
Religion may be a farce but God is not.

Would that be the same god who may decide to roast you in hell for all eternity and let snakelord into heaven?

Remember, the point of the thread is that your god will ultimately decide your fate in the afterlife, not you.
My understanding of the scriptures is scriptural and without contradiction looking first at bible standards rather than doctrine and paganism which are contradictions.


Don't be too hard on Paganism. ;)
After all much of Christianity draws it's mythical stories and concepts from it:

*The Virgin Birth
*The Resurection
*The concept of the Trinity

All of these predate Christianity.
If that is the logic you place on religion then it is the same logic you can apply to science.

Uhh, no.

If you resign to give on the search for the truth you can never say you've found any truth at all.

That's the point, you all claim to have the absolute truth of the matter while being utterly incapable of showing it to be so.

And I asure you the contradiction the majority of the world believes in terms of the bible is based on the lack of basic bible no they can not do the same with my personal ideas on the scriptures.

Saquist knows best heh.. :bugeye: I'm not one to trust a person that's so quick and eager to blow his own trumpet.

Religion may be a farce but God is not.

Lol, no. However, now that I know there's no hell, let me be the first to say that if the biblical god exists, he's a knob.

I do not concur. Any system constructed with the human process is capable of falibility. It is proven. Science is not immune.

That's the point, you all claim to have the absolute truth of the matter while being utterly incapable of showing it to be so.

So therefore you don't look at all.
You can't claim absolute truth if there is contradictions. As for myself I was taught well. The knowledge I have is not my own. I don't mind "tooting" my horn if I have reason to. I'm used to confrontation I simply avoid it as a rule.
I do not concur. Any system constructed with the human process is capable of falibility. It is proven. Science is not immune.

Certainly not immune, but trying to liken it to religion is extraordinarily naive.

So therefore you don't look at all.

Incorrect. I have heard hundreds of versions of the truth (tm). I have looked and don't see what you see. Impress me with your version.

Finally.. I guess you saw no issue with my last statement. I just thought it perhaps worthy of the point to let you know that god is a tosser. Jesus is a homo. It's easy to see he's a hippy poofter. It's actually quite relieving to know there is no hell. The fag in the sky has no power now. Am I wrong?
Certainly not immune, but trying to liken it to religion is extraordinarily naive.

Fortunatly that's not quite provable is it, so you're safe.

Incorrect. I have heard hundreds of versions of the truth (tm). I have looked and don't see what you see. Impress me with your version.

I don't impress and I don't fetch books either.
I give you samples of what I know for the sake of peaking your intrest.

You've made a descion, Snakelord. You've decided to conspicously refute every comment that I make and then....ask for source material. This is your method but your method is also a choice.

Your choice is not to listen and you made the choice long before you met me.
You've made a descion, Snakelord. You've decided to conspicously refute every comment that I make and then....ask for source material. This is your method but your method is also a choice.

Your choice is not to listen and you made the choice long before you met me.

My apologies, but I don't see what you're arguing. You and I both know full well that everyone and their pet dog will espouse truth as far as biblical interpretation goes. Absolutely regardless to what may or may not be true, the christian will always assert that his version of it is as correct as it gets.

Now, and it must be said with your case - and I notice that you've completely ignored it the last few times I've mentioned it - that in saying what you have said, there is nothing left to fall back on. Here it comes: god is a smelly pansy. jesus was gay, he bonked john, sucked matthew. god in all his wisdom is a complete bell end - an absolute incompetent.

There is no hell, so what's he gonna do when I launch an assault on him?

Your god has no power and no sway over me.
I know many interpretations are not true. But does that mean there is no true interpretations-You seem to think so.
Well, I certainly think that you have no basis with which to assert that your interpretation is the true one.

However, right now I am vastly more interested in your earlier statements and what the outcome is if I now call god a stinking, incompetent, halfwitted knob end. What now?
Well, I certainly think that you have no basis with which to assert that your interpretation is the true one.

However, right now I am vastly more interested in your earlier statements and what the outcome is if I now call god a stinking, incompetent, halfwitted knob end. What now?

Well, there is still always the option of turning you into a pillar of salt. You might want to brace yourself! Hopefully this will not be your last post!

Are you still alive SnakeLord? ;)