Are you an introvert or extrovert?

self defecating is far more profitable for a stand up
Is this when a standup doesn't close the door to the toilet cubicle? :eek: :D
I'm assuming that "self-defecating" is the same as "self-deprecating"?
Or is it really only an act in some of the more... um... specialist clubs? ;)
I'm assuming that "self-defecating" is the same as "self-deprecating"?
we may need winnie the pooh to launch a pooh roundtable to try and make something pass
im sure it will be a total gas
it will surely be a sit down job as he searches
the chamber might be pot luck
a well flushed grin should signal the situation unblocked
I had to mention it here.... and it went directly to the toilet... which is not my subject matter of choice.
Okay then, I'll be a beekeeper instead. Beneficial activity, lots of interaction with undemanding friends.
Is this when a standup doesn't close the door to the toilet cubicle? :D
Had cause to use the toilet cubicle the other day at my local watering hole, and there was some graffiti on the bottom of the door, which read, "Beware of Limbo Dancers":D
I think we're all lying. We sound like a bunch of extroverts who love to talk about randomness. :D
So, I had a chat with my boss, today. Basically, shared with him that I don't like giving all of these presentations. He asked me why, etc...and we talked it out.

After about 15 minutes of discussion, and a series of awkward pauses, he offered his opinion. ''I think you're afraid of failing.'' I stared off into the distance, not really interested in entertaining that idea. He said ''have you ever heard the saying 'the teacher will keep showing up until the lesson is learned?' " I nodded. He believes that if I don't continue giving presentations, and ''dump this opportunity,'' that the teacher will show up somewhere else.

I asked him, ''did the Mothership send you?'' We both laughed. He offered to put me into a different role, but he feels that I will regret it, because I'd be leaving my current role out of fear.

Sometimes, I wish had wings, and could fly away when I'm afraid. :rolleye:
So, I had a chat with my boss, today. Basically, shared with him that I don't like giving all of these presentations. He asked me why, etc...and we talked it out.

After about 15 minutes of discussion, and a series of awkward pauses, he offered his opinion. ''I think you're afraid of failing.'' I stared off into the distance, not really interested in entertaining that idea. He said ''have you ever heard the saying 'the teacher will keep showing up until the lesson is learned?' " I nodded. He believes that if I don't continue giving presentations, and ''dump this opportunity,'' that the teacher will show up somewhere else.

I asked him, ''did the Mothership send you?'' We both laughed. He offered to put me into a different role, but he feels that I will regret it, because I'd be leaving my current role out of fear.

Sometimes, I wish had wings, and could fly away when I'm afraid. :rolleye:

Sure sounds like you'r bein pushed into somptin you dont want.!!!
So, I had a chat with my boss, today. Basically, shared with him that I don't like giving all of these presentations. He asked me why, etc...and we talked it out.

After about 15 minutes of discussion, and a series of awkward pauses, he offered his opinion. ''I think you're afraid of failing.'' I stared off into the distance, not really interested in entertaining that idea. He said ''have you ever heard the saying 'the teacher will keep showing up until the lesson is learned?' " I nodded. He believes that if I don't continue giving presentations, and ''dump this opportunity,'' that the teacher will show up somewhere else.

I asked him, ''did the Mothership send you?'' We both laughed. He offered to put me into a different role, but he feels that I will regret it, because I'd be leaving my current role out of fear.

Sometimes, I wish had wings, and could fly away when I'm afraid. :rolleye:
This is a test everybody has to face at some point - especially in the corporate world. Most people don't like it.
It's an important step though.

If it's really affecting your balance then I wouldn't push you into it, but if you can manage it, I think you really should. Not only will this help you here, but it will be a valuable life milestone.

IOW, I agree with your manager. You don't want him thinking you're not willing to expand your comfort zone. He may start looking elsewhere when he needs someone who is up challenges.
So, I had a chat with my boss, today. Basically, shared with him that I don't like giving all of these presentations. He asked me why, etc...and we talked it out.

After about 15 minutes of discussion, and a series of awkward pauses, he offered his opinion. ''I think you're afraid of failing.'' I stared off into the distance, not really interested in entertaining that idea. He said ''have you ever heard the saying 'the teacher will keep showing up until the lesson is learned?' " I nodded. He believes that if I don't continue giving presentations, and ''dump this opportunity,'' that the teacher will show up somewhere else.

I asked him, ''did the Mothership send you?'' We both laughed. He offered to put me into a different role, but he feels that I will regret it, because I'd be leaving my current role out of fear.
He sounds like a good boss - telling you what he thinks you should do to develop your skills, while giving you an out.
So, I had a chat with my boss, today. Basically, shared with him that I don't like giving all of these presentations. He asked me why, etc...and we talked it out.

After about 15 minutes of discussion, and a series of awkward pauses, he offered his opinion. ''I think you're afraid of failing.'' I stared off into the distance, not really interested in entertaining that idea. He said ''have you ever heard the saying 'the teacher will keep showing up until the lesson is learned?' " I nodded. He believes that if I don't continue giving presentations, and ''dump this opportunity,'' that the teacher will show up somewhere else.

I asked him, ''did the Mothership send you?'' We both laughed. He offered to put me into a different role, but he feels that I will regret it, because I'd be leaving my current role out of fear.

Sometimes, I wish had wings, and could fly away when I'm afraid. :rolleye:

fear ain't a good counselor for making wise decisions
''I think you're afraid of failing.''

thats a common bullshit line when they dont know what to say and want to terminate your opposition and divert the subject.

most managers(99.90%) lack the skill to be able to comprehend the nature of that reality.

He offered to put me into a different role, but he feels that I will regret it, because I'd be leaving my current role out of fear.

what is the difference between fear and lack of inspiration ?
how does he sit with you defining the nature of his reality in this function as being "not interesting to you"
does his ego lose ?

most managers do not understand fear
what they term fear is the manipulator to get their sales staff to keep doing something they know is not efficient.
if your role is sales based to determine a need to waste effort to gain a value return coefficient to productivity, then your need to "get past the 'no's" is simple
when you get enough experience you can feel what is working and what is not.
keeping in mind in such a role you must be capable of constant change.

it doesn't sound like you have talked trough the process of the event with him.
do you enjoy the prep ? sounds like your quite nervous(thats normal but most people who specialise in this see this as the pre race warm up and are a bit OCD hadd, almost semi manic(those i have talked to personally try not to dislike the prep but still feel dislike and fear and anxiety, but they are skilled in dealing with that & constantly self monitor through the process)because that is the only process that allows the ability to stay laser focused on the inter-change of presenting data as on-boarding to the mind then translating to the metaphor as a up-take in relatable dialogue content.

strip it down and look at it from a few different angles

if you had lots of time to make up the presentation, and could only do it when you felt at your best.
would you still dislike it ?

using the word "fear" without intimately knowing the functional composition of someones psyche is talking shit(its talking body language metaphors instead of intellectual design)

Sometimes, I wish had wings, and could fly away when I'm afraid.

lets get real for a second
are you in fear of losing some 3rd person interpretation of your personal ego ?
(dont let it become a sausage party of man-baby egos, or reduced to one)

engaging in higher brain function (cognitive fluid dynamics) uses a lot more of the critical vitamins and minerals in your body.
this is the same with lots of emotion.
increasing your work load in this specific way requires you to change your diet if you do not wish to suffer from fatigue.
many people refuse to change and stick to a super healthy diet to combat this type of performance.
they suffer from weight gains/losses and cravings for drug enabled escapism / alcohol/sugars/fats/cocaine etc...(sudden fatigue disorder etc... immune compromise, sudden onset of bad flu's etc)
you see the massive addiction rate in sales teams in the traditional male dominated sales world of the mid 90s.

(some concepts have been deliberately altered to align non discovery requirement of specific role function) :)
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This is a test everybody has to face at some point - especially in the corporate world. Most people don't like it.
It's an important step though.

If it's really affecting your balance then I wouldn't push you into it, but if you can manage it, I think you really should. Not only will this help you here, but it will be a valuable life milestone.

IOW, I agree with your manager. You don't want him thinking you're not willing to expand your comfort zone. He may start looking elsewhere when he needs someone who is up challenges.
I think you're right, Dave.

Was I lying?
I was actually just kidding, when I posted that.

What do you thank you'r Bosses motive is.???
To keep me in a role that maximizes profits. lol And, to see me grow.
kudos to your boss
reads like you've found a good one
Yea, he's pretty cool. Sometimes, hard to read, but he has been very forthright with his opinions, lately. Our earlier chat today definitely got me to reflect on my fears, and how I truly don't want them to ruin an opportunity.

thats a common bullshit line when they dont know what to say and want to terminate your opposition and divert the subject.

most managers(99.90%) lack the skill to be able to comprehend the nature of that reality.

what is the difference between fear and lack of inspiration ?
how does he sit with you defining the nature of his reality in this function as being "not interesting to you"
does his ego lose ?

most managers do not understand fear
what they term fear is the manipulator to get their sales staff to keep doing something they know is not efficient.
if your role is sales based to determine a need to waste effort to gain a value return coefficient to productivity, then your need to "get past the 'no's" is simple
when you get enough experience you can feel what is working and what is not.
keeping in mind in such a role you must be capable of constant change.

it doesn't sound like you have talked trough the process of the event with him.
do you enjoy the prep ? sounds like your quite nervous(thats normal but most people who specialise in this see this as the pre race warm up and are a bit OCD hadd, almost semi manic(those i have talked to personally try not to dislike the prep but still feel dislike and fear and anxiety, but they are skilled in dealing with that & constantly self monitor through the process)because that is the only process that allows the ability to stay laser focused on the inter-change of presenting data as on-boarding to the mind then translating to the metaphor as a up-take in relatable dialogue content.

strip it down and look at it from a few different angles

if you had lots of time to make up the presentation, and could only do it when you felt at your best.
would you still dislike it ?

using the word "fear" without intimately knowing the functional composition of someones psyche is talking shit(its talking body language metaphors instead of intellectual design)

lets get real for a second
are you in fear of losing some 3rd person interpretation of your personal ego ?
(dont let it become a sausage party of man-baby egos, or reduced to one)

engaging in higher brain function (cognitive fluid dynamics) uses a lot more of the critical vitamins and minerals in your body.
this is the same with lots of emotion.
increasing your work load in this specific way requires you to change your diet if you do not wish to suffer from fatigue.
many people refuse to change and stick to a super healthy diet to combat this type of performance.
they suffer from weight gains/losses and cravings for drug enabled escapism / alcohol/sugars/fats/cocaine etc...(sudden fatigue disorder etc... immune compromise, sudden onset of bad flu's etc)
you see the massive addiction rate in sales teams in the traditional male dominated sales world of the mid 90s.

(some concepts have been deliberately altered to align non discovery requirement of specific role function) :)

Sausage party? haha!! RS, you are so funny, sometimes.

Regarding my diet, I'm pretty healthy and into fitness, so this won't cause me to slump into a depression and start stuffing my feelings down with food. I know that can happen, much of corporate America is unhealthy, on a number of levels, from overwork and stress. To answer your question, if I had more time to prepare...would I still dislike it? Funny thing is, I'm the type to put together a presentation a few hours before the event. Pressure makes me focus, so if I give myself too much time, I stress.

Since you seem to loathe it so, I take it that you don't work in a corporate setting?

Thanks everyone for chiming in. It helps to get objective, balanced opinions.