Are you an introvert or extrovert?

Not to make this thread about my job, but think I'm going to look for something new. Don’t wish to get into it, but my boss stepped over the line with me, and I'm done. He doesn’t know that, but I’m going to send resumes out this weekend.
Good luck!
I should move to Italy and work at an espresso bar. No stress. Meet a hot Italian guy, and ride off into the sunset.

Dear diary. . .
It is normal to have a fear of failure.

"i need to assert you into my normal box, and stuff you in like a pair of dirty old socks"

"but your really all new and shiny and you can be new and shiny just as long as you agree with what i say you are"

"now im going to tel you how to feel and why you feel it"

"ready ?"

you are talking McDonalds happy meals
i am talking 5 star dining

thats ok.
many people want mcdonalds happy meals
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The trope of the executive who does no work because he isn't swinging a wrench and getting his hands dirty (or perhaps Lucille Balling on the conveyor belt) no doubt has appeal to the lowest common denominators out there
That trope has nothing to do with my post, however. (swinging a wrench?)

The only executives I referred to are the ones caught between ignorant and absentee ownership's minions and the working floor they manage; and the single but representative illustrative example - taken from life, not "populist tripe" - of a new hire by said ignorant and absentee ownership. Those are both examples of hardworking, busy, diligent executives doing their demanding jobs as they understand them to the best of their abilities.

It's a simple fact that open plan offices, encouragement (and even requirement) of long working hours, and the like, are still trending, still more common, now. These and related restorations of pre New Deal practices are taking over wherever politics does not step in - and political oversight is being cut back. That is the context of this:
If you are trying to decide between the company's well-being and the employee's - you are missing the whole point of employees.
They are. That is, the contributors to this trend and enforcers of the practices and supporters of the concomitant politics are missing the normal informed person's, liberal and left, assumed "whole point of having employees".
Increasingly. This is visible on the ground, in the media, and in the numbers.

Meanwhile: These misreadings of yours, accompanied by irrelevant pejoratives, are becoming more frequent. Reading comprehension problems? A psychological need to fit my posting into some pre-ordained category of "populist"? (That's gotta be stretch, or a shrinkage, or inversion, or something, from my objectionable disparagements of Trump voters).

My guess: you have committed yourself to bothsiding all political issues, as befitting your notion of reasonableness in assessment of almost anything. Unfortunately, that very attempt puts you on one side of many Reagan Era issues - and it's by necessity one of the wrong sides, those being the only beneficiaries of false bothsiding. Hence the misreading - a straight reading won't allow your fit of your own approach.

But I'm open to other suggestions of what's going on here - "populist tripe" is a bizarre pejorative to find in an ostensible reply to one of my more elitist-leaning, university social science supporting, good management praising, loss of good management to reactionary anti-science policies and practices mourning, posts.
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Not to make this thread about my job, but think I'm going to look for something new. Don’t wish to get into it, but my boss stepped over the line with me, and I'm done. He doesn’t know that, but I’m going to send resumes out this weekend.

did he have one hand on his penis when he did it ? (mansplaining the macho male psyche archetype as the norm) ?
That trope has nothing to do with my post, however. (swinging a wrench?)
text book corporate speak
like hes copying it directly from middle management work books.

he is selling something, im not sure what.

im waiting for the "everyone has a place and they should know it" type of comment
Absolutely. Nor does everyone on the line belong there. A great many problems in employment come from people being in the wrong place for their skills.

you dont need any skill to preach such sermons
and it gives an undercurrent of fear in feeling a sense of lack of self confidence by stealing the air of knowledge of self confidence and placing that into his hands.
many managers dont even realise they are undermining their staff to feed their own need for power and control
it is normalised in many cultures.

"the best practice is the process that knows its own limits"

it sounds like your/(e.g) saying something quite profound, but the subtle turning of the inference of doubt in the statement re-directs the content of the inspiration into a form of debasing the self confidence.
asserting a need for someone to have overt control over the others.

its pretty sneaky shit
butt that's the way it was designed to make sure the penis got praised
as modern and amazing as millennials are, it is still a long way from the corporate culture being able to evolve into a millennial corporate non discriminatory power and control function.

however, introverts and extroverts are still culturally controlled with dogmas of gender stereo types in most cultures.
being a business conservative in business means you have to pander to those sexist ideologies.
failing to do so leaves the more fiscally focused types in a position thinking your just not serious about finance.
it is paranoid ring fencing with ideological gate keeping.
such is sociology
you can only do what you can do.
you cant force people to suddenly stop living their life as a patriarchal stereo type.
these things take time.
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Mansplaining was definitely involved.

oh darn
i thought you liked him.
maybe he has a fear that he is playing out through you.
the mansplaining is him trying to transfer that on to you without facing what ever it is in his life.
maybe a personal relationship issue.

note global sales are all down
sales teams are getting the big boots up the ass
its hard to keep a smiling face when your sales are dropping because the global economy is shrinking.
none of the stock broker types or wall st types will admit it though.
its been happening for just over 6 months now.
I should move to Italy and work at an espresso bar. No stress. Meet a hot Italian guy, and ride off into the sunset.

Dear diary. . .

best idea ever !
though you want to keep the expresso bar job and just have little jaunts so you can come back anytime and eat and drink for free.
park your scooter out front and live like cafe royalty

i have ridden one of these for a short test ride
a very long time ago

this looks better for touring
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best idea ever !
though you want to keep the expresso bar job and just have little jaunts so you can come back anytime and eat and drink for free.
park your scooter out front and live like cafe royalty
A scooter. That would be fun. I have this fantasy of riding a bike with a basket in the front, filled with flowers. And it takes me to my espresso bar job, where I forget about Corporate America. And I learn how to speak Italian, and make cannolis.

I'm also middle eastern, but it's a bit more dangerous to visit some of those regions right now. Maybe someday.
I should move to Italy and work at an espresso bar. No stress. Meet a hot Italian guy, and ride off into the sunset.

Dear diary. . .
Sorry to hear about the job conflict. That sucks. Don't work at a retail job though. Being a cashier, dealing with the public all day is more stressful than you would think.

A decent paying job is usually less stressful than a low paying job as well. :)

While I was applying to grad school (many, many years ago) I worked for a year in retain (similar to Nordstroms) and, especially at Christmas, it was stressful (not in the same way as a corporate job but stressful nevertheless).

Standing up all day, dealing with an irritable public tired of standing in line, no mental challenge, it's not fun. I'm always nicest to retail clerks and waitresses as they have tough jobs IMO.

There are different degrees of corporate jobs though. I used to work in corporate banking (int'l banking) and that was the most "corporate". I then worked for a smaller, progressive company and that was much more fun and less stressful.

Some corporate environments are more about status, ass kissing, etc. Others are less about status and more about "team building", more equality of treatment , more about the customer/product/service and not about internal status. That's a much more enjoyable environment. Less formal dress is a perk as well. Suits (for a guy) suck. To finally get away from that was very welcome.

If you do change jobs, make sure that you aren't just going from one unpleasant job to another one.
Not to make this thread about my job, but think I'm going to look for something new. Don’t wish to get into it, but my boss stepped over the line with me, and I'm done. He doesn’t know that, but I’m going to send resumes out this weekend.

Good for you... you sound happy an strong.!!!

An sinse... "Mansplaining was definitely involved"... that shoud remove any fear of regrets he seemed to want to instill in you if you refused his offer... an you can at least fantasize about tellin him to stick his advice up his Azz... lol.!!!
A scooter. That would be fun. I have this fantasy of riding a bike with a basket in the front, filled with flowers. And it takes me to my espresso bar job, where I forget about Corporate America. And I learn how to speak Italian, and make cannolis.

I'm also middle eastern, but it's a bit more dangerous to visit some of those regions right now. Maybe someday.

middle east is fine if you travel by air around mach 3

islamic lynch mobs targettnig women is not a very attractive holiday package(Pakistan).
equal worse luck if you want to run to the corner shop for an ice cream and dont have a penis to lead you there like a dog on a leash.
very strange concept of "honoring women" i must say.



its not a perfect world, but introverts need to learn to keep that to themselves
Not to make this thread about my job, but think I'm going to look for something new. Don’t wish to get into it, but my boss stepped over the line with me, and I'm done. He doesn’t know that, but I’m going to send resumes out this weekend.
"he was right"
i'm quitting
in less than 24 hours

Sorry to hear about the job conflict. That sucks. Don't work at a retail job though. Being a cashier, dealing with the public all day is more stressful than you would think.
Agree. In college, I worked in retail and then as a receptionist at a hair salon, and it was insanity, all day, every day. lol

A decent paying job is usually less stressful than a low paying job as well. :)
True. How can I have the best of both worlds?

While I was applying to grad school (many, many years ago) I worked for a year in retain (similar to Nordstroms) and, especially at Christmas, it was stressful (not in the same way as a corporate job but stressful nevertheless).

Standing up all day, dealing with an irritable public tired of standing in line, no mental challenge, it's not fun. I'm always nicest to retail clerks and waitresses as they have tough jobs IMO.
Totally agree with you on this. But, there's something mystical about Europe to me, the bistros...the cafes. Everyone sitting about in the middle of the afternoon, sipping their espressos, talking about art. Just seems more chill than your average Starbucks.

There are different degrees of corporate jobs though. I used to work in corporate banking (int'l banking) and that was the most "corporate". I then worked for a smaller, progressive company and that was much more fun and less stressful.
My job before this one, super corporate. This job, moderately corporate.

What was international banking like? Sounds like it could be sexy, in small doses.

Some corporate environments are more about status, ass kissing, etc. Others are less about status and more about "team building", more equality of treatment , more about the customer/product/service and not about internal status. That's a much more enjoyable environment. Less formal dress is a perk as well. Suits (for a guy) suck. To finally get away from that was very welcome.
There needs to be structure, and rules - yet there also needs to be team building and equity of treatment. To blend these worlds together would equal the perfect employer. Maybe it's out there, just waiting to be found.

If you do change jobs, make sure that you aren't just going from one unpleasant job to another one.
I'll give it much consideration, indeed. Thank you for sharing this. :smile:
"he was right"
i'm quitting
in less than 24 hours

I know, but I won't leave foolishly, or without a better job, first. He was right, I do fear failing. But, that's not why I'm thinking of leaving.

The fear of failing, it comes from a place deep inside of me. For some reason, my career triggers these feelings the most. It's true what they say though - one must ''do it, afraid.'' I just don't think I want to ''do it'' at this company.

Anyways, let's talk about something else. :oops:

How does being an introvert/extrovert show itself in your lives?