Are you an introvert or extrovert?

Again, I argue that is misusing the term.

Introversion/Extroversion is not specific behavior at certain times, it is nature. Think of it as the sum or average of the episodes and circumstances you mention.
It's not an average or a specific circumstance. It's how you recharge. It's not how shy you are.
I could. But, again, I argue that such facile classifications are meaningless.
You just told us that you are (X) episodically and circumstantially, so you're already measuring it. I'm just asking for an average value. Because that gives us an idea of how outgoing you are, generally, in the absence of your entire social resume. :wink:
It's not an average or a specific circumstance. It's how you recharge. It's not how shy you are.
Yes. Which is what I led with, back at the beginning of the thread.
The trouble is, not everyone agrees with the term 'recharge'. It's pretty slippery
And the obvious response will be 'sometime I recharge with a night in, and sometimes I recharge at a bar'.

But we can put that to Jeeves and see what he says.
I like the recharging theory.
Yes, well, me too. See post #2:

This is my litmus test for intro/extro:
Where do you go to recharge?
When I need to recharge, or gather my thoughts, or get inspired to start/finish a project, I look inward. I need quiet introspective time. Meetings and group gatherings fatigue me.
Extroverts get their energy in the presence of people. They rally in meetings, and ride the wave of energy produced by lots of ideas, and talking and interactions.

If Jeeves is comfortable with that description, it's good for me.
Is there a reason Jeeves is deciding on what opinion we should have?

You lot are really something. Lol
Is there a reason Jeeves is deciding on what opinion we should have?
That is not what I am reading.

Jeeves doesn't believe that it is useful to classify himself on the scale of introversion/extroversion. He feels it is situational (for him).

This is an exact replay of what you and I went through in posts 18 and 19:

Yes, this is a great way of explaining it. I feel at different times, in different circumstances, I'm either an introvert or extrovert, or at least those characteristics seem amplified at different times.
That's kind of not what I was saying.
I'm saying you are an introvert by nature.
Being an introvert does not mean you don't like to go to parties or socialize.
It means - when you need to recharge - it'll more likely be at home than at a night club.
That is not what I am reading.

Jeeves doesn't believe that it is useful to classify himself one the scale of introversion/extroversion. He feels it is situational (for him).

This is an exact replay of what you and I went through in posts 18 and 19:
What are you running by him? If he already said what he believes about himself.
To clarify further: the terms still apply to him. In the context of the MBTI, he is still somewhere on the E/I scale between 0 and 100.
I'm retired and live in the country with only one other person, and our last friend has recently moved into a seniors' apartment. So we spend a lot of time together, and even more alone, each occupied by different tasks.Sometimes I wish my friends were not all either dead or far away.
I don't need emotional "recharging" - there is almost zero stress in my life. If I happen to be out among strangers, I don't mind talking to them; I've done some volunteering and enjoyed the companionship, but don't particularly miss it.
I get ideas from conversations, books, the news, cats, dreams, or just sitting watching the grass grow and feeling a physical reluctance to cut it.
In my youth, I liked to party at weekends, but lived alone and worked with four to six other techs, (on co-ordinated but well defined individual tasks - no pollinating) and enjoyed going out with colleagues Friday after work; did some teaching and student counselling; gave some popular lectures; dated, though not extensively, until I met my present partner. By the time I acquired a family, I was working in a lab all my own; we socialized with a few other couples and attended both of our work-related functions.
I enjoyed that period and do not miss it. I enjoyed doing a solitary craft - still do, and enjoyed running a craft shop, talking to customers, giving children lessons, after which I would feel tired. Most of my life, the balance between solitary and social time, co-operative and solitary work time, time with children, pets, lovers, friends and family have been quite well balanced - because I kept it balanced.
I do some solitary writing - right now, I so much don't enjoy being stuck in a plot-snag, I keep switching over to internet -- in the next tab, there's a Google-map I'm supposed to be consulting. Nobody's fooled, certainly not my poor protagonist, stuck in Monticello, in tornado season, with that crazy preacher, while I figure out where to send him next. So, at the moment, this is the bulk of my socializing, and it's more escape than recharge.
But I'm toying with the idea of stand-up comedy. Most of them are so rude and crude; I'm much funnier.
What was the question?
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Is there a reason Jeeves is deciding on what opinion we should have?

You lot are really something. Lol
Who made the accusation that I was attempting to do any such thing?
I'm not appropriating anyone's opinion, nor accepting anyone's label.
I usually answer direct questions as truthfully as seems appropriate,
but do not feel that I owe anyone a psychological profile.
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mansplainervert meets its ego ...

"you don't have to tell ME how big my penis is!" said the extrovert
"i wish you would keep that to yourself!" said the introvert

"your not staring at it properly" said the introvert
"im telling you how to measure it" said the extrovert
I had an introvert cartoon posted but deleted it...hence the "..."