Are you an introvert or extrovert?

There's an idea. We should all get drunk and post here over the weekend. You will still sound the same lol jk!!

I think that Beer has a way of expressing herself, that's just different. Like Rainbow, like Clueluss. Unless someone is insulting me, or lecturing me...I don't judge.

It's not a joke. I would still sound the same. :)

I analyse and interpret. I have nothing against. Beer. Actually, I think Beer is the only one who has something against Beer. Beer, no one is thinking of your alien post (I didn't even know you posted that) when you post about "retards".

Why be so insecure? Just have a conversation without all the baggage. It's much easier. :)

And Wegs, of course you judge, just own it. :)

It's 90 degrees where I am, at the moment, with no air conditioning yet I'm still keeping my cool. :)
It's not a joke. I would still sound the same. :)

I analyse and interpret. I have nothing against. Beer. Actually, I think Beer is the only one who has something against Beer. Beer, no one is thinking of your alien post (I didn't even know you posted that) when you post about "retards".

Why be so insecure? Just have a conversation without all the baggage. It's much easier. :)
Yep. Beer, just hang out with us and talk. :)

And Wegs, of course you judge, just own it. :)
Okay. I'll start judging. Look out! :=}

It's 90 degrees where I am, at the moment, with no air conditioning yet I'm still keeping my cool. :)
It's super hot where I am too...but I have a/c. Why don't you have a/c?

You seem pretty even keeled, overall.
Yep. Beer, just hang out with us and talk. :)

Okay. I'll start judging. Look out! :=}

It's super hot where I am too...but I have a/c. Why don't you have a/c?

You seem pretty even keeled, overall.
It's Seattle, I'm home and very few people have air conditioning.
It's Seattle, I'm home and very few people have air conditioning.
Okay, gotcha.

Here you go...

That might not fit in Seattle's place. haha
I have a house and a fan. Actually, I have a room air conditioner in my bedroom but it only works as a fan now.

The real problem is that my home office is hot, I keep the door shut to keep the cat out and that makes it hotter. It's only about 78 degrees in the rest of the house. I do have a small, plastic ball fan in the home office but it's still hot.

what did the sociopath say to the psychopath ?
"fake it till you make it"

what did the psychopath say to the sociopath ?
"just do it"

what did the introvert say to the extrovert ?
"im keeping this to myself"

what did the extrovert say to the introvert ?
"everyone else thinks its a good idea"

what did the socialite say to the recluse ?
"everyone deserves their 15 minutes in the spot light"

what did the recluse say to the socialite ?
"you have no one else to blame but yourself"

what did the OCD say to the BPD ?
"saying it really slowly makes it true"

what did the BPD say to the OCD ?
"you need to make them understand how you feel"
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The real problem is that my home office is hot, I keep the door shut to keep the cat out and that makes it hotter. It's only about 78 degrees in the rest of the house. I do have a small, plastic ball fan in the home office but it's still hot.
See, this wouldn't happen in an open-plan office tower!
Well, the AC might quit, but there wouldn't be any cats.
See, this wouldn't happen in an open-plan office tower!
Well, the AC might quit, but there wouldn't be any cats.
There might be. Dogs are welcome in some offices. True, they don't mix with cats but maybe open-plan offices are cat friendly?
Don't need 'em. We have enough of of the natural stuff. And it won't stop raining long enough for the firewood guy to trust his truck in our yard.
Can't afford to stay drunk all weekend, but I'll dust off my gutter vocabulary.
It would be a fun experiment to have a drink “together,” but we’re all in different time zones. So, it likely wouldn’t work. :oops:
I have a house and a fan. Actually, I have a room air conditioner in my bedroom but it only works as a fan now.

The real problem is that my home office is hot, I keep the door shut to keep the cat out and that makes it hotter. It's only about 78 degrees in the rest of the house. I do have a small, plastic ball fan in the home office but it's still hot.

Hopefully the temps are better at night for you. It’s not so comfortable to sleep if it’s stuffy or too hot, I think.
It would be a fun experiment to have a drink “together,” but we’re all in different time zones. So, it likely wouldn’t work. :oops:
Some friends and I have a fair amount of experience running harvesting (brainstorming) sessions. We've been talking about running an experiment where we all drink a moderate amount (get BAC to about .06 or so) and see if it affects the outcome of the sessions.
Some friends and I have a fair amount of experience running harvesting (brainstorming) sessions. We've been talking about running an experiment where we all drink a moderate amount (get BAC to about .06 or so) and see if it affects the outcome of the sessions.
That sounds like fun! That’s kind of what I had in mind for us here but the time zones would make it difficult.

Does alcohol change how you act around others? I don’t drink often but when I do, I’m usually fun. Extroverted to the max lol

But, I have a couple of friends who become argumentative and overly philosophical when they drink.
Correct. In other words, I act like a responsible adult who is out in public and mindful of the people around him.
And being at work in a place like that is being "out in public" - which is of course where (according to the guys who want to save a few bucks on office construction) all "responsible adults" go when they need to concentrate on some difficult task, learn new things, think creatively and well.
This is one of the things I mean by discouraging entrenchment. No employee should feel he a special right to privacy more than his job requires. It's not my TV den. It's not my fort. I'm here to work, not build a wall of shrubbery.
And the cat comes out of the bag.

After all, the whole point of having a workplace at all is to avoid having to find a den or build a fort just to get something done. That's extra work. That's overhead. Introverts have better things to do. They aren't volunteering for conflict - they're introverts, remember. So why the attitude?

Being treated with hostility for not wanting to be disturbed while working - no matter how politely expressed - is a common experience of introverts from childhood on. Because in point of fact it's always somebody's den - and the introvert is just one person.

The expectation of hostility, mild and polite of course but conflict nonetheless, is what governs their decisionmaking, for example, in this situation:
And if there are others who do these things around me, then, just like anywhere else in public, I weigh the consequences of politely speaking up, or just being a little more tolerant.
Ands so the introvert sucks it up and tolerates - just as they do in public, among strangers, on the bus or in a crowded bar. They put the necessary effort into weighing the consequences - every day, several times a day - and then put the necessary effort into tolerating, being reasonable, etc.

But that comes at a price. And the guys with the data have measured that price - what it costs a corporation to lose productivity to increased social tension and pack politics and the mental effort of ignoring distractions and disturbances. And that number turns out to be quite high - a major overhead cost. So what to do?

People thought of simply not hiring these snowflakes who are so "sensitive", who "overreact" to music they can't avoid, or having somebody crunching carrots and jabbering with co-workers clear across the room, say. So they ran the numbers, and found what the gross productivity numbers should have told them: a surprisingly high percentage of people fall into the "sensitive" category, and most will not admit it - they actively hide it on evaluation forms, and have to be tricked into revealing this character flaw.

Any idea why?
There might be. Dogs are welcome in some offices. True, they don't mix with cats but maybe open-plan offices are cat friendly?
Just not the ones with a poster in the elevator prohibiting peanuts and perfume.
I'm wondering how well a dog fit into an open-plan office situation - - maybe a really well-trained stapler-sniffing dog, with a coffee flask in his saddle-bag?
What's the overlap between introvert and just being socially anxious / self-conscious etc?
They're not the same thing, although it seems they often get used interchangeably.
But I know enough introverts to know the difference: some cringe at anything where they are centre of attention while others seem to suffer no embarrassment at all.

As I understand introverts, they are sensitive to dopamine levels in the brain, so when they go out and dopamine rises they get overloaded, hence the need to find a quiet, calm space to bring things back to an even keel.
This could be several hours into the party or within five minutes, depending upon the sensitivity.
Extroverts have no such sensitivity.

There's another chemical (can't recall the name) that is more of a mellow buzz that is released during things like introspection, daydreaming etc.
Introverts like that more mellow buzz, something they can enjoy while not getting too overloaded, whereas extroverts have no real reaction to it at all, like an alcoholic drinking shandy... just doesn't do it for 'em.