Are you an introvert or extrovert?

Or a request for a date.
Not that thers always anythang wrong wit that

For a while at my old job... the area that was most productive for a mounth won pizza for lunch an people worked ther Buts off for the prize... then later on... after people proved what they coud do... that amount of work was then expected... minus the pizza :-(
And if I'm banned, that still doesn't prove I'm a retard now does it?
You are kind of erratic with your responses. Who is talking about banning? Using the word "retard" might "prove" that you are a "retard".

News flash, "retard" isn't an acceptable word to use anymore. I'm starting to think that you aren't really Brittany Spears.
This thread’s a hot mess! :D

Beer, I think you’re an insightful poster and don’t think anyone thinks badly of you. :smile:
This thread’s a hot mess! :D

Beer, I think you’re an insightful poster and don’t think anyone thinks badly of you. :smile:

I don't think badly of here but I hardly find her to be an insightful poster. My usually response is to wonder if she is drunk as her statements rarely have anything to do with anything.

Come on Wegs, it's OK to be direct. Let that inner manager out! Does Beer usually make any sense at all?
This thread’s a hot mess! :D

Beer, I think you’re an insightful poster and don’t think anyone thinks badly of you. :smile:
Everybody thinks badly of me. Ever since posted my alien (or terrestrial lab concoctions) experience.
I don't think badly of here but I hardly find her to be an insightful poster. My usually response is to wonder if she is drunk as her statements rarely have anything to do with anything.
There's an idea. We should all get drunk and post here over the weekend. You will still sound the same lol jk!!

Come on Wegs, it's OK to be direct. Let that inner manager out! Does Beer usually make any sense at all?

I think that Beer has a way of expressing herself, that's just different. Like Rainbow, like Clueluss. Unless someone is insulting me, or lecturing me...I don't judge.

This is one of the things I mean by discouraging entrenchment. No employee should feel he a special right to privacy more than his job requires. It's not my TV den. It's not my fort. I'm here to work, not build a wall of shrubbery.

and because of the nature of human nature this then enrages others.
they may not say anything when asked, but when they are having a particularly hard day and may have lost a contract for no reason of theirs they feel like someone else is being awarded more rights than they are and they will seek to balance that in some way.
if by stealing, breaking things or using amounts of things they simply do not need.
the behaviour of greed & selfishness spreads like a nasty fatal virus.

"in-sertive" ... :mad:
don't mind him, he's a man, he is being Ass-sertive today to prove he has a penis

If it's work-related, then my cow-orkers are remote enough for me to do what I need to do.
personal boundarys are genetic, learned cultural & medical
no one wants to sit next to the person who has a cold or picks their nose in the office.
whos job is it to say something ?
behaviour modification for the group is as much a cultural issue as it is a psychological boundary.
it is not a simple black and white issue obliviously.

negative group behaviuors can spread like rabies through office spaces.
creatives can be highly susceptible to the negative impact on productivity from sch things.
more soo creatives often have higher interactive/functional issues like autism and other social tensions requiring them to need a greater amount of distance to other people, be that audibly visibly and or physically.

how many people could concentrate on their work if they knew a brothel moved in next door and was operating silently right on the other side of the wall to their desk ?
many people are unable to change the way they have been indoctrinated and emotionally tilted(though most are simply unwilling to let go their addiction).

doesn't come without a cost.

... on a different subject(and different person)
some people cant let go of their projected false personality they put on other people because it validates a part of their own personal issues of need.
the need to feel vulnerable via proxy victim vs predator
the need to feel able to cry out at something/someone as being unreasonable because they feel lost and unsure of themselves.
most people have an issue of this type or another.
this is one of the very foundational issues around toxic relationships as a co-dependency issue that drives a vast majority of domestic abuse and child abuse.

it is hard to see how much crack(ego emotional crutches & narcissistic defensive habituations, abusive behaviours and emotional lack of control hurting your self and others) your taking when you only ever started out using it on rare occasions
these are called emotional crutches
it takes true courage to let go of them
it also requires professional advice to not fall over and kill yourself as you let go.
as you learn to walk with a limp, some allow the limp to define themselves and start to build aspects of personal need around that.
this in turn starts new co-dependency issues.
it is very complex
humans are very complex, even the ones who claim to be simple and not soo complicated.
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