I am atheist. I do not believe in any gods or a single God has ever existed.
me))but do you believe in a sub-you. ie., that there is a deeper level of you tan your conscious mind thinks there is?
even advertizers use a sneaky trick called subliminal manipulation. this technique involves whoing images so quick your consciousness mind does't see them but your subconsciou mind, which is quicker, does, and tis is supposed to covertly influence you.
To further answer the question, requires me questioning why people think a God or gods exist. Throughout the history of humans, "we" have believed in all kinds of gods. Numerous gods. One single God. Ideas changed because proof was made that certain gods never existed.
me))as i understand it, itis that originally ther was an understanding of spirit immanent in matter. then personalized 'spirits' part human part animal are belieed to be embedded in Nature, places like well, woods, etc. then there is in Greek myth te Olympian 'gods' who denigrate and suppress te more cthonic gods, and create all human 'distant' gods, and soon abstractions are made that divorces 'gods' from Nature. thi is discisive ,omet in myth which creates the psychological schism between Nature and 'spirit' culminating in te Occidental monoteistic 'God' apart from 'his' 'creation,and the Eastern 'One' believed to be the ultimate reality, where diveristy is deemed 'illusion'
How come we have so many religions? Because a new idea, concept, or belief was thought up. Notice the word "belief". To have faith in a god is to "believe" that it exists, without any proof of its existence.
me)))))yes, in patriarchal religions. but originally there was DIRECT particiation. ie., experincing BEING a 'god'--and/or seeing and experincing 'spirit(s)'
Old readings have been translated many times, and more than likely, they have been translated incorrectly. Translating from one language to another makes the message misleading and not exactly what it originally was, like what happens in the "telephone" game (that I remember playing in elementary school).
me)))of course. patriarchal mythology BEGINS with writing as we understand it. abstract symbols/the 'Word of God'?
Often times religious people contradict what they say, because maybe someone has proven them wrong about something. I kind of think people believe in religions as a way of escaping reality. Almost as if they just made up a god because they don't have an explanation for certain things.
me))))i believe patriarchy has manipulated our deeper NEEDS. that the freedom of ecstasy as was once celebrated in Indigenous cultures has been suppressed, and replaced with alienating symbplogy. tis in includes materialistic science!
More and more science is proving things that make religion more false (
me))))well, yeah, patriarchal religion. but as for the Old Religion, and its sense of interconnection with Nature it continues to suppress tis via its demand of there only being 'objectivity', measure/denigrating 'subjectivity'/Depth
I think the only true good thing that comes from religion are good morals. I believe in good moral values. Well I mean, "good" moral values in my own opinion.
me)))is wolrdmoral in our opinion. have last 500 years, for example, been moral? how you mean, 'moral'
I do not hate religion, I just think people are being misguided, and always have been. I don't mind religion being around, but please just don't let it have anything to do with politics, because that's complicated enough.