Are there any real atheists

theres are only real atheists, there are some who say they are atheist that dont really understand what an atheist is, (these are usually xians, trying to make a point, or agnostics, or deists) when you become an atheist, you will never become religious ever again, not without a blow to the head. it is the natural way of things.

where are these god/gods that 100% exist.
there are no god/gods, all it would take is one single instance of the thing for it to exist, where is that one thing.
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geeser said:
theres are only real atheists, there are some who say they are atheist that dont really understand what an atheist is, (these are usually xians, trying to make a point, or agnostics, or deists)...
Just out of curiosity, what is your understanding of "atheist"?
macabre said:
Any reasoning at all, or just no god.


Never saw god, never felt god. What more do you need? And no, I do not think I will ever become a believer. I was a stinking atheist since I was born.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
i am a god,

i know i exist in this dimension, in a form of energy,


your posts demonstrate you think you are God Chi, but as we are all equal and the same, you are no more special or omnipotent than anyone else, therfore wea re either all Gods in which case, nothing special or we are not and you are not. I shall not be praying to you at night thats for sure.
I would say that an Atheist would be someone who does no believe in theology (religion). the belief in god is sort of a separate issue.

I, like an agnostic, believe that there could (could) be a "god" of some sort. however, I don't believe in any religion.

basically, out of scientific mindedness, I cannot allow myself to categorically deny something, no matter how preposterous. however, I do think the idea of god and religion is preposterous.
I'm with ya EmptyForceOfChi, ;) From one god to another, hey how ya doing?

I'm god.

When some learn the ways of life, as I've seen so far, EmptyForceOfChi, also c7ityi, we have an understanding of ourselves, our being, our sense of reality, that we truly understand and know thy self. So that's why we are god. When you reach this level of self understanding, then you will realize what we mean. We can't lead you to it, we can't even explain it, to ya, all you really have to do is look in the mirror, and truly get to know who you are. That's a start.

macabre said:
Are there any "true" atheists? That is the real question, does anyone 100% truely belive there is no god?

You are twisting the definition of 'atheist' somewhat. Atheism is not a belief in the non-existence of god. Rather it is a lack of belief in god, and there is a very real difference there.

Everyone is an atheist, because nobody believes in ALL of the gods, as some are mutually exclusive.
cato said:
basically, out of scientific mindedness, I cannot allow myself to categorically deny something, no matter how preposterous. however, I do think the idea of god and religion is preposterous.

What's the point of being agnostic? As soon as some evidence arises that points to the existence of 'god' you can just alter your opinion and still become an agnostic. Deep down you must know that the chance that this will happen is so small it is practically zero. I therefore honestly do not see the point of being an agnostic because there might be a chance that there is something supernatural.

I do not think atheists have to deny the existence of god. There simply is no god.
cato said:
basically, out of scientific mindedness, I cannot allow myself to categorically deny something, no matter how preposterous. however, I do think the idea of god and religion is preposterous.

One view of agnosticism IS active denial! It is making a definite statement, saying that knowing if god exists or not is impossible!

Or you take the apologetic agnostic view, which is simply people who have yet to make their mind up. While they are in this state however, they lack belief, and are technically atheists.
phlogistician said:
One view of agnosticism IS active denial! It is making a definite statement, saying that knowing if god exists or not is impossible!

Or you take the apologetic agnostic view, which is simply people who have yet to make their mind up. While they are in this state however, they lack belief, and are technically atheists.
what if i think that all religious ideas are merely metaphors loosely describing a possibly real force that is interpreted as god? but that the people following these religions don't necessarily know they are metaphors.
RoyLennigan said:
what if i think that all religious ideas are merely metaphors loosely describing a possibly real force that is interpreted as god? but that the people following these religions don't necessarily know they are metaphors.

Then I think even you don't know what you believe in, exactly!
macabre said:
To answer the question, yes I do believe 100% with my whole being that there is a god.

So you are still an atheist then, because you don't have belief in pan, loki, ganesh, zeus, apollo, odin, thor, jupiter, juno, shiva, etc etc?
Sarkus said:
Just out of curiosity, what is your understanding of "atheist"?
from the greek atheos a (without) and theos (god).
I think I've posted my views up on numerous occasions, as you know you can find the meanings on many a site on the net, hell even some dictionaries have the right meaning.
but I'll humor you, why I need to, may become clear.

Atheism is "without belief in god." Therefore, an atheist would have "no belief."atheism, is not a belief, just the opposite, atheism is the natural way of things, the religious have just diversified in to fantasy.
dictionary.con defines it as
1. Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.
2. The doctrine that there is no God or gods.
however two points here, it's not a belief, so there cannot be any disbelief, and there cannot be be any denial, for to deny something you must first believe it exists. I believe that atheism, is an indifference to the issue of God's existence,'s second statement is closer
encarta defines it as, unbelief in God or deities.
most dictionaries get it wrong, because they were originally written and printed by theists.

We are all born atheists til our parents or priest abuse us with the religious mind virus
atheism is individual, there is a commonality amongst atheist, but each has his own opinion, however atheism has a basic tenet. it's just a way of life, there are no clubs, no churches, atheism is what you are, before religion has taken hold, The word atheism. is from the greek atheos a (without) and theos (god). the natural way of life.
nobody who has been atheist from birth or rediscovered it/cleared his head, would go back to being religious not without the use of drugs or brain damage.
does that help you
I am 99.9% (edit: make that 100%) sure there is no God that would resemble anything spouted by religions. Certainly nothing that will cry when someone has gay sex LOL.
I am personally sure at this time that there is no separate being that rules over everything. I'm not an agnostic, but a gnostic, in that I think certain aspects about the nature of the universe can be known.

There may be advanced beings out there that we would consider godlike in their power and understanding.

The concept of God may be a useful metaphor for the interconnected and living universe, like Tao, or the way Jesus considered it.

Religion may be useful and true for it's believers.

God may be a useful term for something we don't or can't know about, like a variable X in an equation.

It may not be possible to believe in God, since our conceptions will never match the reality.
Theoryofrelativity said:
your posts demonstrate you think you are God Chi, but as we are all equal and the same, you are no more special or omnipotent than anyone else, therfore wea re either all Gods in which case, nothing special or we are not and you are not. I shall not be praying to you at night thats for sure.

so i am the same as a somebody in a wheelchair who is in a vegetable state?, i think i am a little more strong/fast/agile/tough/intelligent etc etc, than somebody who has a vegetable for a brain and cant move because there in a wheelchair, i would say i am more godly than them,

and yes many many people are god, because they can create life, take away life, and imagine endless possible wonders, and actually form a abstract universe of there own in there mind,

and if its not real then how can my imagination and minds eye exist? it must be real or we would not be having this convo about my imagination and my godlyness,

i can create a universe inside my own mind, i can create man, i can take away the life of man, i can communicate with nature, i have immense stregnth/speed/power/toughness etc, i have maxed out my human limitations as best as i can for my age so far, i have evolved into something much stronger/faster and powerfull than the average man,

but humans are gods in my opinion, can you tell me otherwise seriously? im not talking about the christian defenition of a god, nor the muslim, or buddhist, or any of that, a god dosent have to be able to create the universe to be a god, zeus did not create the universe in greek mythology, yet he wa sking of the gods, he was not the creator, his father chronos was father of time, zues was eldest of gods but created nothing,

the word god does not mean overall creator, thats just christian barstadization, when you hear religion, i bet you think of chirch or the bible etc, when you hear god i bet you think of the christian or muslim god etc, different culture have different meaning you know,

if i say humans are gods, then humans are gods, understand? obey the word of god,

I hate the fact that there is no god,


1) Millions died in Genocides, they all prayed god,

I wish , god was there and had helped them.

2) Millions die in wars for religions,

I wish gods form both side had showed up in public and made a truce with eachother or should have merged the religions. But ...