Are there any real atheists

Archie said:
… I know … Christians … not say the equivalent of 'fecal matter' if … I know a very scholarly pastor and theologian who can strip paint and start small fires by cussing. The point is, theists believe in a God upon whom to call. Atheists supposedly do not. But if they really don't; why call out His name or title in moments of high stress?
(Q) said:
I've only heard gods name taken in vain from theists, I've not heard it from atheists. Perhaps that's only coincidence?
Did you mean to put this in quotes? I don't recall from where it came.
Archie said:
I don't think that follows. I don't think atheists say exactly the same thing each time they are hurt or surprized, do they? Why should Christians?
This is from me. But I wasn't responding to the citation directly above and seemingly linked. My response as above, was in reply to your comment or question:
(Q) said:
Are we to further assume that if a theist said "Crap" instead, he doesn't actually believe?
Which is a very good attempt at muddying the argument. Just curious, Q; did you mis-format the quotation and mis-quote intentionally?

I'm just trying to follow your logic.

By the way, if you've never heard "Goddammit" from a so-called atheist, you just don't get around much. In my experience, atheists use that phrase far more than believing Christians.
By the way, if you've never heard "Goddammit" from a so-called atheist, you just don't get around much. In my experience, atheists use that phrase far more than believing Christians.

Personally I fail to see the problem. I could go into some long explanation but it has already been explained to you sufficiently. I would suggest that you pay attention to those explanations instead of focusing more on people's spelling and "mis-formatted" quotations.
And if atheists use the lovely phrase 'goddammit' more than theists it clearly shows that atheists don't give a goddam shit about the wrath of god. They are clearly daring the little fucker to come out of his hellhole and do something about a mortal who clearly doesn't give a fuck about his supernatural powers.

In fact. I dare you to strike me with lighting or a swarm of locusts right now.

See, no hesitation whatsoever to insult god because there is none.
Archie said:
Did you mean to put this in quotes? I don't recall from where it came.

Yup, now that I look at the post again, I did screw up the quotes. Sorry, my bad.