Are all discussions of God speculative nonsense?

i'm not lost. i'm found.

i think you're equating "christians" with "a lot of religious people", and a lot of religious people wouldn't know christ if he slapped them across the face, which hopefully one day he will.

You don't need religion my friend. Religion only uses your good faith to spread its word. Religion is ill logical. If God made all man, and he intended to be worshiped by man he would have created his own religion. Religion only causes wars. Religion doesn't get you closer to God, love, however, does.
You don't need religion my friend. Religion only uses your good faith to spread its word. Religion is ill logical. If God made all man, and he intended to be worshiped by man he would have created his own religion. Religion only causes wars. Religion doesn't get you closer to God, love, however, does.

i know i don't need religion. i don't think you understand me. i have god. i know, in the kingdom there will be no religion, only communion. don't get me wrong, i value scripture. i'm just not a fan a lot of the time with what people choose to do with it and why. religion is kind of like the po po. it's only necessary because we're fucked up. and then we go and fuck that up too.

anyway, spiritual experience is why i believe, and scripture confirms my experience.
SciWriter said:
OK, supply your notion of God in as complete of a form as you have it, along with any thinking that led to it, and I will have a go at it.
Nuh uh, no cheating.
You supply your own notion, then show that it's self-contradictory, as you claimed.
Nuh uh, no cheating.
You supply your own notion, then show that it's self-contradictory, as you claimed.

It's not cheating, for there are differing notions. What is yours?

Shall I assume that your God existed forever and is the One who planned and created everything else, such as the universe?

Does He provide ongoing maintenance or did He just leave everything on its own?

Does He provide an afterlife?

Is there a soul?



Angels and other types of higher beings?

SciWriter said:
Shall I assume that your God existed forever and is the One who planned and created everything else, such as the universe?
Shall I assume that all you can do is assume that, along with all your other assumptions?

Or is that all the notion you can muster?
So where is your "proof" that any notion of God is self-contradictory?
So, a voice in your head, which was not your own, of course, made itself known as God or you decided it as such (which?), and it told you ultimate truths and facts?

among other things.

it answered the call, and it's characteristics and capabilities rule out anything else.
Shall I assume that all you can do is assume that, along with all your other assumptions?

I assumed the most common notion of God being the First and Only before all else that it made, It having been forever intact as a whole and functioning entity.

I think we can rule out that God is merely some alien life-form who evolved or is made from some more fundamental constituents like we are, such as at least atoms and molecules, as that would not be God the Fundamental.

The other assumptions may or may not matter, but could be dealt with on their own, too.

Fair enough mustering?

If there is no notion, then there is nothing to disprove.

You can still add or subtract from the description.

Also, what is your thinking for there to be such as entity as God?
among other things.

it answered the call, and it's characteristics and capabilities rule out anything else.

So, you actually heard its outright statements of truths and it wasn't just a mere sensation or feeling molded by you into something more, that is, you heard from Him during the call about what He is and what He did and does? Or you just ruled out anything else and thereby concluded that it was God?
OK, so it is that human mammals invented various notions of God and there is some amount of commonality to these descriptions. God is an entity who was First and Only before all else that it may have created in all its foundation and further details, for whatever reason, such as for sure a very large universe in which said mammals came to be alive on Earth. This entity of God is thus usually described as the ultimate thinking Being who is all powerful, all knowing, and may even be invisibly everywhere doing everything.

We won’t worry about all the details of His operations since they won’t matter if He is shown not to exist via self-contradiction. We should hope to not only disprove the most common God, the God of the Bible, but also the most difficult One, which is perhaps that of a Deity who foresaw everything and is no longer even nearby or at least not affecting anything. (Even sounds like the greatest scientist of all.)

It is already a given that God believers have no evidence for Him in His various incarnations, for if they did, there would be no unbelievers. While that is a total failure, a reason for diminishing and even disproving the notions of God is that believers unethically proclaim God as truth and fact, which leads to many problems. They will only continue to be dishonest if left alone. We won’t bother to get into the neglect and denial that they must have in order to always and ever proceed in their pronouncements and declarations of God’s existence, for at least that is easily seen through.

Anyone else have any God definitions or any amendments to what we have so far? Or any reasons why there must be God to explain us and the universe? For example, a person on another forum said that there had to be a Higher Intelligence behind our lower intelligence. Don’t worry, though, for we won’t be dismissing God on the basis of these faulty reasonings; it’s just to round out the picture of why people want or wish for a Creator.
SciWriter said:
It is already a given that God believers have no evidence for Him in His various incarnations, for if they did, there would be no unbelievers.
That's just ridiculous. You're claiming now that if God existed everyone would believe it?
So since not everyone believes it, God must not exist?

That form of argument is logically invalid, because you're denying the consequent of it.
You aren't much of a logician, are you?
We won’t bother to get into the neglect and denial that they must have in order to always and ever proceed in their pronouncements and declarations of God’s existence, for at least that is easily seen through.
We won't bother to get into your denial and declarations of God's nonexistence, which are really easy to see through.
You claimed that the notion of God is self-contradictory, but all you've managed to come up with is a completely invalid argument. You have not demonstrated any self-contradiction except for a statement that contradicts logic.

Want to try again, or have you run out of ideas?
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That's just ridiculous. You're claiming now that if God existed everyone would believe it?
So since not everyone believes it, God must not exist?

That form of argument is logically invalid, because you're denying the consequent of it.
You aren't much of a logician, are you?
We won't bother to get into your denial and declarations of God's nonexistence, which are really easy to see through.
You claimed that the notion of God is self-contradictory, but all you've managed to come up with is a completely invalid argument. You have not demonstrated any self-contradiction except for a statement that contradicts logic.

Want to try again, or have you run out of ideas?

I didn't even start yet, but I didn't realize you couldn't see that at all in any way, shape, or form.

And, no, I'm not saying that God must not exist because not everyone believes it, I'm saying that no believer can prove God, since if they did then unbelievers would have to concede (if they were to be honest). You're not much of a reader, are you?

So, read again and perhaps reply if you have anything more about the God notion to add or take away.

The rest of your post can be ignored since it was based on a false premise of what was not said.

Am I dealing with an angry person or just one who can't read well?
SciWriter said:
I'm saying that no believer can prove God, since if they did then unbelievers would have to concede (if they were to be honest).
So now you're saying that if someone could prove God exists, unbelievers (if they were honest) would realise they were wrong?

How many unbelievers would need to see this proof, all of them, some of them, or just one of them--namely yourself?
How honest are you, though?
So, you actually heard its outright statements of truths and it wasn't just a mere sensation or feeling molded by you into something more, that is, you heard from Him during the call about what He is and what He did and does? Or you just ruled out anything else and thereby concluded that it was God?

it happens the same way you get to know anyone or anything, you experience it. if you experience it, you become familiar with it. you observe it's characteristics and capabilities. it affects you.

it wasn't some warm fuzzy feeling i had, no. i'm talking about real accomplishments that nothing else could possibly be capable of.

iow i didn't hear about what he is and does, i experienced it. i couldn't conceive of something like this by just hearing about it, and i certainly didn't believe because i heard about it. hence the call...
OK, so it is that human mammals invented various notions of God and there is some amount of commonality to these descriptions. God is an entity who was First and Only before all else that it may have created in all its foundation and further details, for whatever reason, such as for sure a very large universe in which said mammals came to be alive on Earth. This entity of God is thus usually described as the ultimate thinking Being who is all powerful, all knowing, and may even be invisibly everywhere doing everything.

We won’t worry about all the details of His operations since they won’t matter if He is shown not to exist via self-contradiction. We should hope to not only disprove the most common God, the God of the Bible, but also the most difficult One, which is perhaps that of a Deity who foresaw everything and is no longer even nearby or at least not affecting anything. (Even sounds like the greatest scientist of all.)

It is already a given that God believers have no evidence for Him in His various incarnations, for if they did, there would be no unbelievers. While that is a total failure, a reason for diminishing and even disproving the notions of God is that believers unethically proclaim God as truth and fact, which leads to many problems. They will only continue to be dishonest if left alone. We won’t bother to get into the neglect and denial that they must have in order to always and ever proceed in their pronouncements and declarations of God’s existence, for at least that is easily seen through.

Anyone else have any God definitions or any amendments to what we have so far? Or any reasons why there must be God to explain us and the universe? For example, a person on another forum said that there had to be a Higher Intelligence behind our lower intelligence. Don’t worry, though, for we won’t be dismissing God on the basis of these faulty reasonings; it’s just to round out the picture of why people want or wish for a Creator.

seek and you will find. knock and the door will open. it doesn't get much clearer or easier than that. it's a personal endeavor, and the proof is provided to you personally by god. if you're not willing to do what it takes to know god, then you're not going to know god, and it will be your fault.

you make your intentions and desires quite obvious you know.
So, a voice in your head, which was not your own, of course, made itself known as God or you decided it as such (which?), and it told you ultimate truths and facts?

I feel God has spoken too me, using my voice. All he said is "your right."
Lori, you don't owe these people a thing. It is their choice to not have faith. More power to anyone trying to spread the good word, but when you get shunned for it then it is time to move on.
It's not cheating, for there are differing notions. What is yours?

Shall I assume that your God existed forever and is the One who planned and created everything else, such as the universe?

Does He provide ongoing maintenance or did He just leave everything on its own?

Does He provide an afterlife?

Is there a soul?



Angels and other types of higher beings?


Theres Life. And theres Death. That simple.