Are all discussions of God speculative nonsense?

She is a sneaky one who likes to deflect.


it's not a trick; it's common sense and an aspect of all of our lives every day wether we believe in god or not.

do you have faith in science? why?
do you have faith in technology? why?
do you have faith in yourself? why?
do you have faith in humanity, friends, family? why?

it's based on knowledge. it's not a trick; it's reality. it's obvious.
God would never show him self to a non believer, and there is no reason for him to show him self to the faithful .

sure there is. it's the ultimate goal of christianity actually. it's the reason we were created in the first place. it's communion.

you're familiar with the bible and with christ's teachings yes? the entire book, and his entire message is about this communion; this interaction with god via his spirit.
Thanks for sharing your delusion.
Show your proof or at least a good story or remain an idiot in my eyes.


i'm fine with remaining an idiot in your eyes, since you're a world class douchebag and all.
sure there is. it's the ultimate goal of christianity actually. it's the reason we were created in the first place. it's communion.

you're familiar with the bible and with christ's teachings yes? the entire book, and his entire message is about this communion; this interaction with god via his spirit.

Christians are lost.
SciWriter said:
The notion of God can be disproved by its self-contradiction.
Well then, let's see you do just that.
I think you can't. I think what you're claiming is self-contradictory.

I think you have less than no idea what you're talking about.
Christians are lost.

i'm not lost. i'm found.

i think you're equating "christians" with "a lot of religious people", and a lot of religious people wouldn't know christ if he slapped them across the face, which hopefully one day he will.