Are all discussions of God speculative nonsense?


my apologies, it seems you have answered more than I thought.
You put your answers in quotation tags along with my response and
I didn't see them until now.

I'll go back through them and respond.

the big bang didnt happen on it's own
Apparently it did.

and as many atheist beleive evolution is random
No, they don't. Evolution is not random.

Besides, how can a big bang, creat all that on it's own, I mean, there was no laws at the point before the big bang (or I think there was, or else how would the previous univerce before the bigbang stay together, or even explode, or do any thing) so how did those laws formed?
No one really knows what preceded the big bang, there could have always been laws inherent in the mathematics of existing.

Let's suppose it had the same laws, that may mean that the universe have a cycle, expand, then shrink to become a point, then explode, and expand again, and etc... But where's the starting point?
Where's the starting point of God?

Well, my point is, there must be a starting point somewhere
There doesn't have to be.

Beleiving in God, doesnt come against scientific theories on how the univerce started or how life started,
It actually does. It introduces an unnecessary and magical element which doesn't need to be there and for which there is no evidence.
And how do you distinguish between luck and divine intervention?

Many years ago I was talking to my boss when a co-woker walked up and shot him. Some of the shots missed me by inches.

Was it luck? If not, why wasn't god looking out for my boss?

Yes, I know - there's some things we're just not meant to understand... like luck.

The sad truth of man, thats why.

We cannot be aware of what the extent of animal awareness is but we do know they have it.

Ours, as far as we can tell, is better or optimal in that we can for instance, look at the sky and using imagination and our ability to be aware of space and time, ponder what is out there. An animal is aware of it's immediate surroundings but man can be aware of much more.

I can only assume animal and human awareness is the same.
Where I think the difference lies is our ability to make sense of the data.
Even within humans there are vast differences of ability.
I don’t think it is by accident or Darwinian evolution that we (humans) have this ability.
I believe we have it for a specific reason, which is to understand that there is more to us than
matter. This is the general theme and purpose of all scriptures, including the bible.

I recognize that I have no proof. That is always the way with apotheosis.
This is also why I prefer to stick to issues of morality because no one has yet been able to prove that God is real.

Looking for ‘’proof’’ of God is a contradiction. It implies that God and our perception are separate.
This instantly affirms to us that God is NOT God, without even realizing it.
If God is not the sum total of all perceptions (which contain everything we can possibly think of or imagine, then he’s not God. Or at least there is no point in belief.
That, IMO, is how we are being tricked and fooled.
I think we can understand God by understanding ourselves, but regarding God initially, we can either believe in him or not.

I prefer to thrash out moral issues that can actually find an end point.

I’ve noticed that. But the problem I find with your issues is that you equate God with humans.
For example if God wipes people out, you think he is no different to a human who wipes people out.
I think this stems from your material outlook of spirituality.
From all scriptoral documents (including the bible), the essence of life is a spiritual component which is qualitively the same as God, but quantatively different. Therefore, like God, this component (soul) does not die when the body dies. In this case if God takes out some bodies, he takes care of the soul (the essence).
Is there any specific reason why you disregard the soul in you criticisms?

My apotheosis basically says that I am to discaurd whatever God I found, God as a set of rules that is, not idol worship, it but instead, raise my bar and seek further.

That’s hardly surprising as your consider yourself elevated the rank of god.

My apotheosis also showed me that God has no need for love, adoration or obedience.

My understanding is that ’’love’’ is the currency, communication, and language required to elevate ourselves to our true essence.


Where's the starting point of God?

idk, where's the starting point of the univerce or what precides the universe?
There doesn't have to be.


It actually does. It introduces an unnecessary and magical element which doesn't need to be there and for which there is no evidence.

hmm, like?
(effcorse you're not going to talk about God in a medical conference or something..)
No, they don't. Evolution is not random.

I mostly agree with your stance but think this statement wrong.

The way I understand evolution is that change is created by errors in DNA replication.

They are random as no one can tell which gene will have the errors in them.

Jan A

“I don’t think it is by accident or Darwinian evolution that we (humans) have this ability.”

If not part of evolution then this indicates that you think I D or some God intentionally gave it.
There is absolutely no evidence of this and that is why the U S court threw out the petition to have it taught to our children.

“I think we can understand God by understanding ourselves, but regarding God initially, we can either believe in him or not.”

Belief is a choice yes. One either believes by evidence or by faith. Faith without facts is for fools.
It was facts that led my apotheosis so I do not recommend faith without facts.
You are correct in that knowing God you must look within so I do not understand why you seek a miracle working absentee God without, when the Godhead is accessed from within.

The Gnostics were right.


“ I’ve noticed that. But the problem I find with your issues is that you equate God with humans“

As above so below says the Bible.
We are to emulate God and his policies for a reason.
Further, scripture does say that we think like God. A & E are said by God to, be as God’s knowing good and evil.

“For example if God wipes people out, you think he is no different to a human who wipes people out. I think this stems from your material outlook of spirituality.”

Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

If genocide is a good policy for God and we are asked to follow and emulate his actions then that may be why Christians thing genocide a good form of justice and why they await, rubbing their foolish hands together, for God to return and genocide our ass once again.


“That’s hardly surprising as your consider yourself elevated the rank of god.”

Knowing God is a long road. Apotheosis is finding the on ramp.
As I said, the Godhead I found, I am to discard and raise the bar of what I learned.

“ My understanding is that ’’love’’ is the currency, communication, and language required to elevate ourselves to our true essence.”

Love is an emotion that must be shared to be true. Sent only the one way, it is not true.
I love Shania Twain. It is not true love because she does not know me or return it.

Did you love all the teachers that you learned from?
Do I need to love you to learn from you? I have already learned a bit from you yet do not love you.

Send me a nude photo by P M and I will do my best. LOL.

Greatest I am,

“I don’t think it is by accident or Darwinian evolution that we (humans) have this ability.”

If not part of evolution then this indicates that you think I D or some God intentionally gave it.
There is absolutely no evidence of this and that is why the U S court threw out the petition to have it taught to our children.

I think our bodies determine our capacity, like how a uniform determines someone's occupation. I believe God is origin of all manifestations, but that wasn't the basis of my statement.

Are you aware that the moment you ask for evidence of the supreme origin (a meaningless request), you kill the discussion. Not only for me, but for yourself as well. Another trick by the anti-God-ists.
The US court threw out ID because it is not what is required at this time.
You cannot control free people, or people who seriously want to be free.
Belief in God is the first step to this outcome.
ID makes the most sense, it's all so obvious.

Belief is a choice yes. One either believes by evidence or by faith. Faith without facts is for fools

Those smart and clever social engineers have rigged it so that any time you
quote from a scripture (especially the bible), you are to be considered a religious nut, or they have granted a licence which allows us to turn our nose up at it because it thousands of years old. Another one is we're not allowed to use it to explain anything spiritual or religious. :confused:

Real belief is not a choice, and faith without facts is actual faith.
There is no universal way to empirically prove that God is the Supreme Origin and Being as that would bring into question his Supremacy.
In the bible it is said that '' is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

These engineers are a cunning set of folk.

It was facts that led my apotheosis so I do not recommend faith without facts.

Life cannot be lived on facts. Sure, you can make decisions on them, but be prepared to change your mind as facts unfold. Facts are just another form of information. I seek and use facts all the time, but my life is not based on them, and they aren't necessarily true.

As above so below says the Bible.
We are to emulate God and his policies for a reason.

Oh come on! :)
We are humans, God is Absolute.
We cannot even begin to emulate God, which is why he sends representatives, various aspects of his being.
This is why I asked if you've read Bhagavad Gita. In there God himself (if you believe) explains himself. If you get the chance have a read.

Further, scripture does say that we think like God. A & E are said by God to, be as God’s knowing good and evil.

G(g)ods aren't God.
They are created beings, but are very powerful.
I believe they were present on the earth at the time of A + E, and wanted to do some integrat'n.
Eve would have been the perfect vessel, so like any other woman, or most others, she was turned on by power.
That's my take on it anyway. :D

Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

1) God does not go around killing his creatures willy-nilly.
2) Our instruction forbids us to kill, and if we must then there are rituals we
must perform. That discipline is what keeps us on the road to perfection.

If genocide is a good policy for God and we are asked to follow and emulate his actions then that may be why Christians thing genocide a good form of justice and why they await, rubbing their foolish hands together, for God to return and genocide our ass once again.

I don't know any Christians who think genocide is a good thing, but I do
know of people who claim to be Christians but aren't.

“ My understanding is that ’’love’’ is the currency, communication, and language required to elevate ourselves to our true essence.”

Love is an emotion that must be shared to be true. Sent only the one way, it is not true.
I love Shania Twain. It is not true love because she does not know me or return it.

That's a figure of speech most of us use all the time.
But I think love is an expression, not an emotion. When real love is around
everything is positive and joyful. When it's not around things eventually becomes tense and edgy. When love is present, the truth is accepted for what it is, be it positive or negative. When it's not we eventually become suspicious and blameful.

In a nutshell Love IS the top banana.

Did you love all the teachers that you learned from?

If you are a person who has love in their heart, then love is always present, no matter the circumstances.
We have been fooled into carving up the word, and serving it up with different dishes on a conditional basis.

Basically, we've been had. We're all arse over tit.

Do I need to love you to learn from you? I have already learned a bit from you yet do not love you.

Send me a nude photo by P M and I will do my best. LOL.

I know you're only kidding, but see how you've labelled love.

I believe that 'Love' is height of intelligence.


p.s. you are only kidding aren't you??
I mostly agree with your stance but think this statement wrong.

The way I understand evolution is that change is created by errors in DNA replication.

They are random as no one can tell which gene will have the errors in them.


That's not the entirety of evolution. Evolution is variation (caused by randomness) in addition to natural selection. Natural selection is not random, so evolution is not random.
idk, where's the starting point of the univerce or what precides the universe?
The starting point of our present universe appears to be the big bang. This universe could have been preceded by another one.

How can there not be a beginning? ...If it is infinite and endless.

hmm, like?
(effcorse you're not going to talk about God in a medical conference or something..)
Or a serious discussion about cosmology. God is unnecessary to the science, and therefore incompatible. The Biblical creation myth is certainly incompatible with the timeline we now know to be true regarding the Earth and life on it.
Or a serious discussion about cosmology. God is unnecessary to the science, and therefore incompatible. The Biblical creation myth is certainly incompatible with the timeline we now know to be true regarding the Earth and life on it.
If you are trying to say "science disproves god" I think its time for you to shirk off into the corner now ...

The starting point of our present universe appears to be the big bang. This universe could have been preceded by another one.

I did say that.
Did you really read my post?

How can there not be a beginning? ...If it is infinite and endless.

Can you define what is infinite or endless?
How do you know if the universe is infinite?
(we can take that to the free thought section or the science section btw)

If you are trying to say "science disproves god" I think its time for you to shirk off into the corner now ...
Science disproves a personal God. But you are correct, I cannot disprove an infinite variety of Gods.

I did say that.
Did you really read my post?

Can you define what is infinite or endless?
How do you know if the universe is infinite?
(we can take that to the free thought section or the science section btw)
If something preceded the big bang, then that could be the cause. Or the big bang could be uncaused.

Can you define God? Probably not.

Or a serious discussion about cosmology. God is unnecessary to the science, and therefore incompatible. The Biblical creation myth is certainly incompatible with the timeline we now know to be true regarding the Earth and life on it.

Therefore what?
Including God, doesnt make it wrong..Still the same science.

The biblical creation, wich also says that Jesus christ, is god, or the son of god, that makes god, according to the bibal of the christians, nothing more than a human, or an unknown father...

God I'm talking about is no close to that, I can't say God is a living thing, or being, it's simply beyond our undestanding (Meh..that wan't be weird if i said that, we barely know know what's in the universe)

You say the bible is incompatible with the timeline we know of the life on earth, I don't know about the bible, doesnt say anything about, the age of earth? or when did life appear or started? or how?
Can you explain more pleas?

Quran however, doesnt say anything about this timeline, maybe earth age, or the universe age, and such things, but it's not against science (there are even proofs of evolution of humans).