Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

My psychic powers/spidey senses tell me that you have no psychic powers.

That is because you have NO-sense! :m:Otherwise, you would have known that I did not claim to have any power...I am a good user of people who have though!

Could that be considered psychic power...when one recognizes the special ability in others and use them for ones greed? I wonder....
How often would do you encounter these dreams?

Maybe a maximal seven times a year?

I can say it happened the other day as well, and my mate, Brian, came to the door, and i just woke up. I had a dream he had exciting news.

He knocked the door, i opened it, with him smiling away, ''I got a new job.''

I know that's quite close proximity, however, near enough the same time span has happened once before. I had a dream i was going to see something, and behold, just as i wake up, i see it for real.

I have been searching for answers all my life concerning these phenomenal events. From using quantum mysticism, to other more extreme meditations.
The example with your mate seems more like your brain putting you through a predictive simulation based on ques picked up from your mate's behavior and the context of him previously being jobless and looking for a job.

The human mind does alot of information processing and dreams are simulations often based on available information.

What would be great is if you can write down the details of a "future" dream that is as far away from environmental context as possible. We can then compare objective events to it that occur within the next day or so and see how they match up.
One day, a few years back, I left work early.
It was about 3AM and I was driving home pretty fast, because the highway was empty and I wanted to get home.
Suddenly I had this... I hesitate to use the word "vision" because of all the baggage it carries...
Anyway it was as vivid as it was really happening.
A tractor trailer lost control in front of me and overturned.
It landed with the bottom of the truck facing me, and blocking three lanes of traffic.
I actually heard the sound of the crash.
I was directly behind it, and, like I said, it was blocking three lanes of traffic, so I could not swerve to avoid it.
Just as I was about to crash into the truck, I came out of it.

I was very shaken by this.
I had never experienced anything like it before.
It was so much more than a daydream.
I slowed down quite a bit and called my girlfriend at the time, who was at home.
As I was telling her about what happened, I came across a truck lying on its side, blocking three lanes of traffic in front of me in the exact same position I "saw" not five minutes before.
It had to have just happened, because there were no other cars there, the driver was standing outside his truck dazed and confused and the police hadn't arrived yet.

Remember, I saw the truck after I told my girlfriend what I had experienced, so it wasn't a dream, figment of my imagination or a deluded memory.
The example with your mate seems more like your brain putting you through a predictive simulation based on ques picked up from your mate's behavior and the context of him previously being jobless and looking for a job.

The human mind does alot of information processing and dreams are simulations often based on available information.

What would be great is if you can write down the details of a "future" dream that is as far away from environmental context as possible. We can then compare objective events to it that occur within the next day or so and see how they match up.

I don't know how to recognize a dream from something more intimate. In other words, i have a lot of dreams, and i don't know which one's may be potential ''prophecies?''

People will obviously be sceptical in regards to what you say because to this point in time there has never been any conclusive proof that anything like that is possible.

This forum has a history of people coming here and posting small stories like yours (no offense meant) just so they can pull the chains of those that participate in a thread, they then run off back to other forums to state "That sciforums lot believed this... and they call themselves a Science site" etc.

So you'll have to understand why people are likely to doubt you.
Of course they will doubt me.
I know what happened.
I talked about how my I spoke with my girlfriend because I would have doubted myself if I hadn't - not to prove it to anyone else.
I'm not trying to prove it to anyone, I'm opening it up for discussion, because I am curious what may have happened and what could be the mechanism behind such occurrences.

If I hadn't spoken to her before I saw the truck, I would have wondered about whether I drifted off to sleep, or my sense of time was skewed because of the time of the night.

If people will argue what could be the explanation for what they can argue away and simply accuse someone of lying when they can't explain it away, why bother with the discussion at all? And how are the so-called "skeptics" any better than the fools that accept every story they hear on faith? They are both apologists at that point.

Regardless, assume it is true for the sake of discussion - otherwise what's the point?
What could be a possible explanation for what happened?
One day, a few years back, I left work early.
It was about 3AM and I was driving home pretty fast, because the highway was empty and I wanted to get home.
Suddenly I had this... I hesitate to use the word "vision" because of all the baggage it carries...
Anyway it was as vivid as it was really happening.
A tractor trailer lost control in front of me and overturned.
It landed with the bottom of the truck facing me, and blocking three lanes of traffic.
I actually heard the sound of the crash.
I was directly behind it, and, like I said, it was blocking three lanes of traffic, so I could not swerve to avoid it.
Just as I was about to crash into the truck, I came out of it.

I was very shaken by this.
I had never experienced anything like it before.
It was so much more than a daydream.
I slowed down quite a bit and called my girlfriend at the time, who was at home.
As I was telling her about what happened, I came across a truck lying on its side, blocking three lanes of traffic in front of me in the exact same position I "saw" not five minutes before.
It had to have just happened, because there were no other cars there, the driver was standing outside his truck dazed and confused and the police hadn't arrived yet.

Remember, I saw the truck after I told my girlfriend what I had experienced, so it wasn't a dream, figment of my imagination or a deluded memory.

How far away was the truck from you when you originally snapped out of it?
Of course they will doubt me.
I know what happened.
I talked about how my I spoke with my girlfriend because I would have doubted myself if I hadn't - not to prove it to anyone else.
I'm not trying to prove it to anyone, I'm opening it up for discussion, because I am curious what may have happened and what could be the mechanism behind such occurrences.

If I hadn't spoken to her before I saw the truck, I would have wondered about whether I drifted off to sleep, or my sense of time was skewed because of the time of the night.

If people will argue what could be the explanation for what they can argue away and simply accuse someone of lying when they can't explain it away, why bother with the discussion at all? And how are the so-called "skeptics" any better than the fools that accept every story they hear on faith? They are both apologists at that point.

Regardless, assume it is true for the sake of discussion - otherwise what's the point?
What could be a possible explanation for what happened?

When it comes to non-embellished stories that seemingly break the bounds of known perception, the best that can be done is to accept that a person had an experience. What caused a particular experience is of course a question that humans are strongly prone to assigning external supernatural / paranormal influences.
When it comes to non-embellished stories that seemingly break the bounds of known perception, the best that can be done is to accept that a person had an experience. What caused a particular experience is of course a question that humans are strongly prone to assigning external supernatural / paranormal influences.

I agree.
I'm not sure, but not likely.
I very rarely listen to the radio on the way home from work when I am planning to sleep upon arriving home.
If a song gets stuck in my head, it makes it difficult for me to sleep.
The road was pretty empty, and it was raining a bit, but not very hard.
Let me clarify.
If the stereo was on, it would have been a CD, the only time I ever listen to the raido is news radio and that is very rare.
The radio stations aren't even set on my car stereo.

Again, though, the stereo was not likely on.