Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

Lets do a Quick mention on Focus. The ability to tune yourself to certain stimuli. The conscious will only allow for the knowing of up to a 100 or so stimuli before you cannot focus. This could be explained as a Sheet of paper 10' x 10' with the numbers from 1 to 100 listed on it not counting 0. Adjust your stance until you only see the paper. How many numbers can you concentrate on at one given time without eye movement. If you can imagine all numbers you have a very high perception and thus a more likely chance to experience phanomina due to your highly elevated awarness.

On to the dots. I experience those too, I can imagine somewhere around 90 numbers in my head at one given time. I see blue dots and ocasionally a really really bight dot. It appears during procrastination and is generally in the direction in which my task lies. As for the hearing phanamina. My father and I were playing hackey sack in the city park, and there was a group of people around 150 feet away and I could hear them clearly, but as soon as I tried to "Hear" as in listen regularly their voices dimmed to almost 0 decibals. I had my hearing checked and I hear a 3ma at 3db in both ears, I hear up to the 10,000 frequency range and if it is over 70db I can hear a 12k. My hearing is very well, so well if I play a game and have my headphones on I hear my computer compute. It is rather annoying.

As a concentration experiment. I was laying in bed, I could hear my clock ticking. I thought of a naked woman and the ticking went away, and a visual image appeared in my mind. I let the thought go and the ticking came back. I continued to do this for thirty minnuted and the same was experienced each time. This is proof to me of the conscious limit and the limitless unconscious. The unconscious mind manifested the image of a naked woman, sorry ladies needed to be a very focusing thought, this image diverted my conscious mind and everything went black, but my eyes remained open.

This is a day dream, but as a day dream I remained conscious enough to still listen for the clock ticking.

I have had one very disturbing incident with my father. We had just finished playing our daily hackey sack and we turned the T.V. on. We began to wire up the stero reciever. As the T.V. was going neither of us spoke a word, but I heard his voice asking if he was doing it right. I was disturbed when i asked, Father did you say something, He said no. I said dad, your doing it right. He had a very bewildered look on his face as if he had experienced it too.

My father has told me his experiences with walking the silver line with OOBE, out of body experience when he was in prison. He began reading on this subject and during his sleep he began lucid dreaming, but these dreams began in his cell and he was able to pass though things, but to wake he had to follow the silver line. I have no clue or any experience with this. Anyone who knows please PM.

Of no coencidence, my father has MS. This is a rapid degeneration of the milan sheething of the axon of the nerves. He is doing well, has learned to walk three times and speak five. He still walks and the scary thing, he has lost more than 35% of his brain activity and is still conscious and well.

I know of peoples claims to healing, Telepathy, visions, and so on.

Last strange experience.

I looked into my mirror, I stared into my eyes. I asked who I was. I asked again and did not know. I asked again and no answer in my mind. I kept asking. I only could stair into my eyes, everything went black, even though the lights were on. I could only see my eyes. Blue I saw, and then Red. Everything was red. I looked away and glanced at the clock. I relized I had stared into my eyes for more than an hour, just standing there asking who am I. I experienced a out of body experience.
Well, you don't know me too well do you.

I know you are an emotionally immature 20-something year-old with mild schizophrenia, a 6th grade education, and a strong propensity to attribute both normal and abnormal subjective experience to "psychic phenomena". I also know that you are jobless and in the beginning stages of alchoholism. Your family is afraid of you, you are very socially anxious, and you still get mild acne.

None of these traits are the least-bit attractive to a perspective intimate partner; hence, no-sex-for-you.

You do have two redeeming features however. One is that you appear to be pursuing higher education. The other is that you don't want to be the way that you presently are; however, that desire is not enough until you are willing to value and face truth... and you might not have the mental and emotional capacity for that.
I know you are an emotionally immature 20-something year-old with mild schizophrenia, a 6th grade education, and a strong propensity to attribute both normal and abnormal subjective experience to "psychic phenomena". I also know that you are jobless and in the beginning stages of alchoholism. Your family is afraid of you, you are very socially anxious, and you still get mild acne.

None of these traits are the least-bit attractive to a perspective intimate partner; hence, no-sex-for-you.

You do have two redeeming features however. One is that you appear to be pursuing higher education. The other is that you don't want to be the way that you presently are; however, that desire is not enough until you are willing to value and face truth... and you might not have the mental and emotional capacity for that.
CC I am disappointed in you. Seriously there was no need for any of that. Except maybe the no sex explaination. That is the description you have of me in your mind.

I have no acne, first of all. I am not beginning or planning on starting any form of alcoholisms. or whatever.
You're very wrong about the psychic explaination though. I had intended on posting my opinions and thoughts about it which I know greatly exceed anything posted as of yet to this thread.

I have a pretty good education. To be honest at the moment I am suffering still, but I try to keep that quiet. What you know about my suffering is next to nothing.

My family is not afraid of me,, I am afraid of them. There is a large difference. Sometimes calling someone something that you believe you know about, when it all falls to peices in the end and in truth, is sort of rediculious.

Can you give me any reason to accept anything you have said whatsoever, and not ask for the encouragement to continue posting to this stupid thread.

CC I am disappointed in you. Seriously there was no need for any of that. Except maybe the no sex explaination. That is the description you have of me in your mind.

I have no acne, first of all. I am not beginning or planning on starting any form of alcoholisms. or whatever.
You're very wrong about the psychic explaination though. I had intended on posting my opinions and thoughts about it which I know greatly exceed anything posted as of yet to this thread.

I have a pretty good education. To be honest at the moment I am suffering still, but I try to keep that quiet. What you know about my suffering is next to nothing.

My family is not afraid of me,, I am afraid of them. There is a large difference. Sometimes calling someone something that you believe you know about, when it all falls to peices in the end and in truth, is sort of rediculious.

Can you give me any reason to accept anything you have said whatsoever, and not ask for the encouragement to continue posting to this stupid thread.


The benefit of provoking you was to control you... specifically to get your perspective on yourself. You are sort of a side-experiment for several people on this site and sometimes provoking you gets to the heart of what we're interested in.

Don't worry about the thread Sisy, it's only purpose is to give people whom can demonstrate real "psi" an opportunity to do so and even make a few bucks in the process.
The benefit of provoking you was to control you... specifically to get your perspective on yourself. You are sort of a side-experiment for several people on this site and sometimes provoking you gets to the heart of what we're interested in.

Don't worry about the thread Sisy, it's only purpose is to give people whom can demonstrate real "psi" an opportunity to do so and even make a few bucks in the process.

Certainly can't look to good on me, to have someone say what you have said about me. That makes me wonder about you, Crunchy Cat.

Anyhow. If it takes provoking me, whatever it takes, I am interested in having a debate. Bla bla bla, poor pathetic debilitated unrelaxed uncomfortable bastard, who doesnt appear to care about any body or any god damn thing. I dunno though.

... To me, I have had experiences with what I consider as definately psychic of nature. Several dozen threads on this site has lead me to believe that, not 100%, but definately edges past what has been said in all of those threads, I do not remember one single occurance of the reverse.

I have had some really spooky occurances and I continue to have them... Not as extreme perhaps but definately on par. You see, there is this "thing" with people (i am talking to the choir, so, read on), which I am not sure if is normal, but when others are unaware of what taking place, in extreme cases it can come off as definately abnormal and usually unrecognized. By a lot of people of course. Say for example, that I have no power. Where does no power come from?

Well quite naturally power is the ability to will. If you have [/i]no[/i] power then obviously you don't have any ability to will a change, to will through communication or voice.

Others in this example would obviously take it as your voice being quiet. Now, I know this is not the most apt example and I may get a little deeper into some of this bullshit that has konkockted in my head of the past while (sigh!).

What if, by some chance the reason existed (and infact does, as a reason for lack of power), in the body. Ok, so your changes and odd occurances of whatever as you have called them are at that time .. odd. Or whatnot. Subject to the body. Changes occur in your body and it is expressed through your misguided and confounded experience. Say that this expression got it self outwards towards the outside world??? Say that, just say that you expressed or let some of that power (the power shifted from your voice to your body- just typical experiences i have out of the thousands) out of yourself and into the environment, and caused a total case of what is in actuality manipulation, or control, unintentionally say you take a deep brath and out of your body seeps a manipulative drive.

What is the self if your fighting it?

CC, I don't know what you're asking for. But things of that nature do exist.

I have a girl who likes me as well and I am very hopeful and caring.
I have taken the freedom to tell her some of these things.

But in every case the manipulation of the people in the street is now full existing, and they obviously fight it. Is not telepathy the communication or reading of thoughts from one mind to another. You may consider this a normal experience but there are a lot more things to the psychic than you do consider I believe.

hah, what a stupid ass word.

CC, I don't know what you're asking for. But things of that nature do exist.

We'll do it by example.

Claimant: I can move objects using pure thought.
Me: Here's a rubber ball. Move it across the room using pure thought.
Claimant: *moves rubber ball across room using pure thought*.
Me: Congratulations! Here's $500.

It's that simple and anything else doesn't matter.
We'll do it by example.

Claimant: I can move objects using pure thought.
Me: Here's a rubber ball. Move it across the room using pure thought.
Claimant: *moves rubber ball across room using pure thought*.
Me: Congratulations! Here's $500.

It's that simple and anything else doesn't matter.

Let me guess.. including that huge post I just made..
I have to agree with Crunchy Cat here - at least as much as I understood.
With all the parentheticals, "whatnots" (and other assorted words and interjections placed about), atrocious punctuation, and rambling, roaming thoughts, it's very difficult for me to discern any meaning from it at all.

What do you have against, simple, concise, straight-forwardness?
Your posts often read like the rambling thoughts of a crackhead with ADHD.
Please try and filter what you say and try and help others to make sense of what you are trying to communicate.
If others can not understand you, what is the point of communicating at all?
A somewhat wise guy once told me that there is a lie in between every be-lie-f ;)

If your still interested, I'd be happy to step up to the challenge again..