Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

...if I go to a club and I started dancing, slow and nice very precise and set movements pretty much everyone around me will feel like energy waves go through them. Most people after awhile are not able to stand it anymore and have to sitdown or walk away. True story. Have done it many times and the same thing always happens.

Are you sure the reason they walk away from you ant dew to bad case of "BO" on you'r part.???
Hey Crunchy cat, we are just about to run another Telepathic trial similar to the one we ran ages ago with Ozzie. interested?
need to find at least one cynical/skeptical person who has an ounce of integrity to run as referee...

The trials wouldn't be able to start for about 2 weeks so there is plenty of time to get organised...

Hey Crunchy cat, we are just about to run another Telepathic trial similar to the one we ran ages ago with Ozzie. interested?
need to find at least one cynical/skeptical person who has an ounce of integrity to run as referee...

The trials wouldn't be able to start for about 2 weeks so there is plenty of time to get organised...


Hi QQ,

While I could certainly fill the shoes of a cynic or skeptic, I would be happy to help as a referee ;).


Unless there is something psychic/paraphysical you can demonstrate, I am afraid you have found the wrong thread.

cc I am amazed ...he indicates shared dreaming, foreknowledge of events and a small indication of how relationships are developed and maintained in a psychic/paraphysical way...

having evidence that is credible now that's a bit different...
cc I am amazed ...he indicates shared dreaming, foreknowledge of events and a small indication of how relationships are developed and maintained in a psychic/paraphysical way...

having evidence that is credible now that's a bit different...

This thread is solely a demonstration thread. Claims of the past are not very useful.
Thanks, Quantum Quack!
I wouldn't know a glimpse of this kinda stuff... :( Btw, somebody told me it was actually around 12:30 A.M. here, when it took place, and I usually go to sleep at about 11 P.M. I reckon dreams usually occure from 1 to 4-5 A.M., don't they?
Anyway, I guess foreknowledge wouldn't be the subject here, but paraphysical stuff... Yeah. I always somehow knew we're all connected in a way, that's beyond our comprehension, but I personally give it a 70% chance that during this very century, scientific examples will be out, and people will start caring about each other more than ever.
If it were for me, to try and explain what happened, from my idiotic knowledge, I'd say the moment M. Jackson died, his frequency (every object in this Universe, living/non-living, I guess you know, has a certain frequency) somehow interfered, I don't know... With the frequency of thousands of ecstatic fans (my highschool colleague, too - she was also sleeping, 'cause she's in Romania, too).
Then, her freq. interfered with mine...
Really... I don't know this stuff... But it amazes me...
Are you sure the reason they walk away from you ant dew to bad case of "BO" on you'r part.???

you're way too late on that one clueless, imo its "whilst being careful not to make sudden movements, carefully move away from the mental asylum escapee".
I'd say the moment M. Jackson died, his frequency (every object in this Universe, living/non-living, I guess you know, has a certain frequency) somehow interfered, I don't know... With the frequency of thousands of ecstatic fans (my highschool colleague, too - she was also sleeping, 'cause she's in Romania, too).

Then, her freq. interfered with mine...
Really... I don't know this stuff... But it amazes me...

I thank its amazin that the amazin thangs you speek of are aparently happenin all the time an yet they have no practical use... well... escept for makin a lot of authers of paranormal books rich.!!!
Please refer to post #407

The applicable thing IMO is that his experience is one in real time and only foreknowledge as he attempted to describe it to his partner and now at this forum.

The event as he described it happened at the real tme moments of MJ's passing. If this is not so called paranormal than I don't know what is. The problem of course that it is unable to be used as proof of ability as you CC have asked for.
His dream lover obviously was so tuned into MJ that when she suffered intuitive grief which then passed on to Ktulu also her dream lover. The girl acting in this case as the pivot for the news of MJ's death.
Dream lover relationships happen all the time and are the linch pin of most relationships as we know them. IMO
And there a few things so far reported concerning MJ's death that are very suggestive of his possible psychic activities [ occult ] however I shall wait until the dust settles and we get some proper news reporting before commenting any further.
The event as he described it happened at the real tme moments of MJ's passing. If this is not so called paranormal than I don't know what is.
How about "coincidence"?

His dream lover obviously was so tuned into MJ that when she suffered intuitive grief which then passed on to Ktulu also her dream lover.
A one-off occurrence is proof of nothing.
He dreamt of someone (who he claims dreams with him - evidence?) and in that dream she's sad. And then he somehow sees that of "proof" of HER seeing Jackson's death as it happened?
Specious nonsense.

Dream lover relationships happen all the time and are the linch pin of most relationships as we know them. IMO
Any evidence for that? At all?

And there a few things so far reported concerning MJ's death that are very suggestive of his possible psychic activities [ occult ]
Also crap.
How about "coincidence"?
You ever tried to prove the reality of "Chance" "randomness"? Ever tried to prove that these things actually exist. [ after all what is a random number generator but a sophisticated bit of predetermination.]
I asked once in Physics and Maths about 3 years ago for any mathematical of physical evidence to show that coincidence was real. No one coudl prove coincidence has any reality to it at all.
It has never been proved that coincidence is actually as it is defined.
And until coincidence is proven I don't believe in it....why do you?
YOu ever trued to porve the reality of "Chance" "randomness"? Ever tried to prove that these things actually exist.
I asked once in Physics and Maths about 3 years ago for any mathematical of physical evidence to show that coincidence was real. No one coudl prove coincidence has any reality to it at all.
It has never been proved that coincidence is actually as it is defined.
And until coincidence is proven I don't believe in it....why do you?

So everything that looks like a coincidence is actually a result of linked phenomena? :rolleyes:
So everything that looks like a coincidence is actually a result of linked phenomena? :rolleyes:
well duh! 'tis called cause and effect is it not...even emotive values have cause and effect...
any ways if you wish to push coincidence, chance and randomness you need to prove it as real... and i think you will find science is in direct conflict with itself on the issue of deterministic and undeterministic aspects such as Physics and Probability.
Cause and effect?
And what cause/ effect would there be in, say, me coming across a new word (to me) in a book I'd just bought and then hearing someone use that very same hours later in the day?
Cause and effect?
And what cause/ effect would there be in, say, me coming across a new word (to me) in a book I'd just bought and then hearing someone use that very same hours later in the day?
determining the reason for events is different to actually having those events occur.
In your example there could be a hundreds of reasons why you would have had that concordance of experience. However most likely just a way to reinforce the memory of your new word...unless that new word has greater value than you realise....
So the use of that word later on, by someone else, was CAUSED by... something, simply to help me remember it?

You lost me.
and who says "synchronicity" as they call it has to be grandeous or sensational when it is probably the most mundane and boring thing around.

a bit like red car syndrome, seein gmore red cars doens;t mean there are more red cars but your mind has determined it necesssary for various reaosns to highlight more red cars than usual. So it is no coincidence that you see more red cars.

It is the premise of science to debunk all apparent coincidences as the word is actually more aligned with occult and superstition. SCience is about finding reason for events and not writing them of to the mystery of superstition. [ co-incidence is the ultimate in superstition when comparing it to sciences pragmatic approach.]

No such thing as co-incidence according to science so what now brown cow?