Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

The reason I said what I said about the MJ experience is that I have had many similar experiences my self except most of the time I have them whilst awake and conscious instead.
evidence...nope...proof ...nope.... [ well not yet any ways ]
and who says "synchronicity" as they call it has to be grandeous or sensational when it is probably the most mundane and boring thing around.
You're wandering off topic.
You stated: However most likely just a way to reinforce the memory of your new word...
So what exactly do you mean?
Someone I don't know used that specific word to reinforce my memory of it?

No such thing as co-incidence according to science so what now brown cow?
You're wandering off topic.
You stated: However most likely just a way to reinforce the memory of your new word...
So what exactly do you mean?
Someone I don't know used that specific word to reinforce my memory of it?


In your example it could be akin to red car syndrome...heard of it?
It could also be a sign of "angels weeping" on your grave ...sheesh who knows this sort of detail.
The point being is that coincidence is probably more unscientific in usage than "weeping angels"
either way whether self mind induced or "action at a distance" type event it doesn't matter as coincidence is a non-reality.

So if coincidence is not real then your suggestion that the MJ event experienced by the poster as being merely coincidence is potentially invalid.
so you are left with two options:
1] he was being fraudulent and lying to seek some sort of self reward.
2] he was genuine and telling the truth as best he can with out any understanding of the why or how of it.
I tend to think that his testimony is truthful as I am aware of certain things that allow me that call.
In your example it could be akin to red car syndrome...heard of it?

It could also be a sign of "angels weeping" on your grave ...sheesh who knows this sort of detail.
Definitely not.

The point being is that coincidence is probably more unscientific in usage than "weeping angels"

either way whether self mind induced or "action at a distance" type event it doesn't matter as coincidence is a non-reality.
Also wrong.

So if coincidence is not real then your suggestion that the MJ event experienced by the poster as being merely coincidence is potentially invalid.
Except that coincidence is real...

so you are left with two options:
1] he was being fraudulent and lying to seek some sort of self reward.
2] he was genuine and telling the truth as best he can with out any understanding of the why or how of it.
I tend to think that his testimony is truthful as I am aware of certain things that allow me that call.
And option 2 is the likeliest, with the proviso that he fails to state ALL his other dreams and the times they didn't "come true".
Except that coincidence is real...

you'll have to prove that by proving that randomness is real and that I bet ya will be extremely hard to do given that science will fight ya all the way.
you'll have to prove that by proving that randomness is real and that I bet ya will be extremely hard to do given that science will fight ya all the way.

How do you define "random" then?
Is radioactive decay not random (for any given individual atom)? (or are you going with "hidden variables"? - which still leaves it effectively random).
There are no stochastic processes?
How do you define "random" then?
Is radioactive decay not random (for any given individual atom)? (or are you going with "hidden variables"? - which still leaves it effectively random).
There are no stochastic processes?
the definition of the word stochastic tells it all actually...

A stochastic process is one whose behavior is non-deterministic in that a system's subsequent state is determined both by the process's predictable actions and by a random element. Stochastic crafts are complex systems whose practitioners, even if experts, acknowledge that outcomes result from both known and unknown causes. Examples are warfare, meteorology, and rhetoric, where success and failure are so difficult to predict that explicit allowances are made for uncertainty.

do you see the contradiction in the definition?...c/o wiki
weather for example is entirely predictable if one has access to quantify all variables and compute a solution to the query. Just because the variables may be infinite doesn't make it random only less determinable. Determinable means predictable. So just because we lack the capacity to make predictions of value doesn't make the issue random....using the terms "random" and "coincidence" is merely a cop out demonstrating our inability to account for all variables.
The applicable thing IMO is that his experience is one in real time and only foreknowledge as he attempted to describe it to his partner and now at this forum.

The event as he described it happened at the real tme moments of MJ's passing. If this is not so called paranormal than I don't know what is. The problem of course that it is unable to be used as proof of ability as you CC have asked for.
His dream lover obviously was so tuned into MJ that when she suffered intuitive grief which then passed on to Ktulu also her dream lover. The girl acting in this case as the pivot for the news of MJ's death.
Dream lover relationships happen all the time and are the linch pin of most relationships as we know them. IMO
And there a few things so far reported concerning MJ's death that are very suggestive of his possible psychic activities [ occult ] however I shall wait until the dust settles and we get some proper news reporting before commenting any further.

He's not really describing anything except for the vague and nebulous. How could he know the "interference" he experienced had anything to do with Michael Jackson's death? What about Bob's death down the street or any other number of people who died when MJ did? I made this thread's intention very clear and all this fellow is doing is drive-by posting his personal "psychic" blog.
tell you what I'll make a prediction:
I bet ya in my travels around town today I will not hear any one use the word "stochastic"....where did you did that one up from?:)
He's not really describing anything except for the vague and nebulous. How could he know the "interference" he experienced had anything to do with Michael Jackson's death? What about Bob's death down the street or any other number of people who died when MJ did? I made this thread's intention very clear and all this fellow is doing is drive-by posting his personal "psychic" blog.
you are probably right on CC probably right on....

I wondered about this usage of the word interference myself and as yet haven't found a rational to help. [ unless this interferrence stuffed up his romantic intentions - dream due to her sadness which sounds a bit trite if you ask me...:).]
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Dig it up from?
I have a vocabulary...
I'm the sort of geek that would use "stochastic" in conversation down at the pub.
Dig it up from?
I have a vocabulary...
I'm the sort of geek that would use "stochastic" in conversation down at the pub.
" and stochastically Oli hit the pavement as he was thrown out of the pub for using what the publican thought was offensive his ears any ways" ha
The event as he described it happened at the real tme moments of MJ's passing. If this is not so called paranormal than I don't know what is.

His dream lover obviously was so tuned into MJ that when she suffered intuitive grief which then passed on to Ktulu also her dream lover. The girl acting in this case as the pivot for the news of MJ's death.

Dream lover relationships happen all the time and are the linch pin of most relationships as we know them. IMO

And there a few things so far reported concerning MJ's death that are very suggestive of his possible psychic activities [ occult ] however I shall wait until the dust settles and we get some proper news reporting before commenting any further.

I dont know much about you but i thout you was jus jokin when you made the above (unscientific) statments.!!!

You ever tried to prove the reality of "Chance" "randomness"? Ever tried to prove that these things actually exist. [ after all what is a random number generator but a sophisticated bit of predetermination.]

...well duh! 'tis called cause and effect is it not...even emotive values have cause and effect..

Good ponts about cause an effect an coincidence... escept that you seem to indicate thers a "paranormal" connecton between such events as 2 people havin simular dreams.!!!

so you are left with two options:
1] he was being fraudulent and lying to seek some sort of self reward.
2] he was genuine and telling the truth as best he can with out any understanding of the why or how of it.
I tend to think that his testimony is truthful as I am aware of certain things that allow me that call.

What are you aware of that allows you to make that call.???
in everyday use, coincidence just implies that supernatural forces had nothing to do with it.
so instead we claim randomness or chance whihc is more or less the supernatural force that scinece uses...[chuckle]

prove randomness and you disprove most of science. Do you see the paradox in the use of this word coincidence.

If science believes in coincidence then it is believing in something non-scientific [unknown or unkowable ] anfd thats the paradox because it is often people who subscribe to scientific thought that use this word.

Which I find rather ironical don't you?