Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

I like that belief argument.

Anyway, a few years ago I got I a lot of trouble in school, and I just had this feeling that it would end well for me. I still made myself look worried for my parents and teachers, but inside I knew it would end well. And it did. I ended up being forgiven with almost no consequences, while someone else was suspended for almost a month.

Psychic ability?
I've also been able to tell if something would end badly for me about a week before it happened. Example: nerf wars. I had a bad feeling toward the end, and my leg was driven over by a car.

Anyway, this is my first post on these forums, so be critical more on the "how this forum works" part.
[Q]A doctor who treats patients at the home said she believed there was probably a biochemical explanation, rather than the cat being psychic.[/Q]


I'm sure I read a piece on how dogs were being taught to warn people with Diabetes when an attack was potential impending, or heart attacks (I can't remember which).

It's pretty much down to how people produce hormones in relationship to their physical disposition, it's like the cat in the instance you've mention could "smell" the change in physical chemistry for the person.

Currently the senses of Cats & Dogs and their ability to filter out scents are far greater than any artificially created device presently, however saying that with recent occurrence's such as the use of rat neuron's in a robot, there might well be a future Cybernetic system created that could warn when drugs need changing to maintain health etc.

Did you say rat neurons in a robot?? (yikes) that would put a whole new twist on the saying "it smells like a rat," huh.
~of course I would prefer to believe that the cat has psychic abilities rather than a biological sensation, but can't help but feel that most of what has been coined 'psychic' is just that anyway..biological. -Sort of like the girl from Russia with the x-ray eyes. Or, beyond just the ideokinetic movements of the hand, Dowsing would even be a biological talent considering that the body somehow knew where the water was to begin with. (-If you believe in this stuff, of course ;))

I'd be more curious about seemingly non-biological phenomena the premonition of a traumatic event before it happens, and registering the event even if it is not immediate or personally consequential. There has been a bit of interest in results gleaned from the the Noosphere project run at Princeton, right? -isn't the big underlying interest for these results driven more by the look into the nature of space and time, rather than 'global consciousness'?

andrei901, "What's really going to cook your noodle is whether or not the vase would've broken if I hadn't said anything.." :p
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hey, hey, CC: howabout a word-a-week challenge? Pick a noun, any noun. Picture both the word, and the object; think it and send it out via the field/space/psychic domain/subconscious inner sanctum? I'll sync emails with you on Sunday night? Maybe next Sunday you could pick an adjective or a verb?

p.s. i feel that it might help if you pick your word tonight or tomorrow morning

hey, hey, CC: howabout a word-a-week challenge? Pick a noun, any noun. Picture both the word, and the object; think it and send it out via the field/space/psychic domain/subconscious inner sanctum? I'll sync emails with you on Sunday night? Maybe next Sunday you could pick an adjective or a verb?

p.s. i feel that it might help if you pick your word tonight or tomorrow morning


Some questions:

1) Why would we need a word-a-week? Wouldn't one word on some particular week do?

2) It would probably make sense to involve a 3rd person. Someone to collect both of our words and announce the results.
CC..I was just thinking last night that syncing emails is just silly. If you'd like to involve a third person that is fine with me, though I'm wondering if that is even necessary? (If I could do it once, I should be able to reproduce it, right?) Would you like me to just post it before, say, 8 pm on Sunday?

I called it 'word-of-the-week because I know that if I don't get it I'll be looking for another chance for 2 out of 3 :)
CC..I was just thinking last night that syncing emails is just silly. If you'd like to involve a third person that is fine with me, though I'm wondering if that is even necessary? (If I could do it once, I should be able to reproduce it, right?) Would you like me to just post it before, say, 8 pm on Sunday?

I called it 'word-of-the-week because I know that if I don't get it I'll be looking for another chance for 2 out of 3 :)

The 3rd person is important because it's necessary for trust. We can both give the 3rd person our respective answers and he can announce them. I'll go ahead and ask around to see if anyone wants to join (or anyone reading the thread can volunteer).

It might be too late for this week's "word of the week"; however, we can target next Sunday for the first guess out of three. That does bring something interesting to mind. When taking a shot at basketball, it is always known whether the ball goes in or not. Why is it that mind readers never know if the shot is successful or not?

Read-Only has agreed to be the 3rd person. Here's the protocol:

EVERY WEEK (for 3 weeks):
* I pick a single-word noun and "psychically transmit" it.
* I'll PM Read-Only the noun and announce the transmission on this thread.
* You do your magic and PM Read-Only the noun you think I have chosen.
* Read-Only will post the results in this thread.

Let's begin Monday mmmmk?


ack. CC, I'm very sorry..most of the 'sensitives' I know are never on time, so it might be said that I'm only being consistent with this most misrepresented character type? ((I am sorry))

Actually, I've sorta' been looking forward to it. Howabout posting the word for you just for fun: bicycle. Whether or not it is validated by others doesn't matter much tonight, anyway. So, bicycle?

(My answer is a question because it can not be validated with reasoning?) Also, it's not easy to feel something out without analyzing it, and it would be very difficult to..connect to it, and differentiate it, without some form of mutual validation or innate understanding for certain cues? I think analytical reasoning is counter-intuitive to feeling. Don't know.
I just spent an hour typing in between feeding the animals, etc., because
I thought I was already too late :( I forgot that your in Cali..anyway, now it's about time for me to hit the pillow.
ack. CC, I'm very sorry..most of the 'sensitives' I know are never on time, so it might be said that I'm only being consistent with this most misrepresented character type? ((I am sorry))

Actually, I've sorta' been looking forward to it. Howabout posting the word for you just for fun: bicycle. Whether or not it is validated by others doesn't matter much tonight, anyway. So, bicycle?

(My answer is a question because it can not be validated with reasoning?) Also, it's not easy to feel something out without analyzing it, and it would be very difficult to..connect to it, and differentiate it, without some form of mutual validation or innate understanding for certain cues? I think analytical reasoning is counter-intuitive to feeling. Don't know.

Heh, if we had enough time this week the word I would have picked is 'Tuna'.

CC- nothing even feels substantial this time, though there are three
questionable possibilities I'd be willing to list. I've just received a summons
for foreclosure(Thursday) on the house that I'm renting so I'm a bit distracted at the moment.. No excuses, just some permeating circumstance.

Anyway, I'm mostly here at the moment and am looking for Read-Only..

CC- nothing even feels substantial this time, though there are three
questionable possibilities I'd be willing to list. I've just received a summons
for foreclosure(Thursday) on the house that I'm renting so I'm a bit distracted at the moment.. No excuses, just some permeating circumstance.

Anyway, I'm mostly here at the moment and am looking for Read-Only..

Ouch, your rental is being forclosed? That sucks. Go ahead and give all three to Read-Only. Here is a thread of his:

So you can easily access his name for PM purposes.


Go ahead and give all three to Read-Only. Here is a thread of his:

So you can easily access his name for PM purposes.



And here's a blow-by-blow results of round one. This is a copy/paste of the PMs involved including the results:

“ Originally Posted by Read-Only

“ Originally Posted by Crunchy Cat

“ Originally Posted by Read-Only

“ Originally Posted by Crunchy Cat

When am I supposed to hear from her? No word yet... ”

I think sometime Sunday, but you know these "psychic-types"... ”

Well, here ya go:

“ Originally Posted by bluemommaphish

CC didn't pay you, did he? (kidding) Are you a real person, or perhaps an alter ego of CCs? Actually, I'm not too concerned, but see the need to do this none-the less.

I suppose I could leave my answer here?

No particular word came to mind this week, however there were a few that made some kind of impression: the name Roger; chainsaw as a compound word; and fraternity. Forgive me for stepping out of bounds, anyway.

Thank you, much, Read-Only ”

Nope, I'm a real, live independent person. Father of three grandfather of three and fully retired living at home.

If you'll check just a few of my posts against his, you can easily see we're not even close in terms of writing style and interests.

I agreed to be the mediator in this experiment because I'm pretty well recognized here as being an independent guy who's main interest is general science. Not that it makes any difference, but I retired from what was THE foremost recearch company in the world until just a few years back - Bell Laboratories.

I'm also sorry to inform you that you missed his word. Here's a copy of the PM where we discussed it. The title was My chosen noun for the week:

“ Originally Posted by Read-Only

“ Originally Posted by Crunchy Cat

When am I supposed to hear from her? No word yet... ”

I think sometime Sunday, but you know these "psychic-types"... ”

Heh, nice. Please do go ahead and post my word and her words in the thread for all the world to see:

Helloa, again, Read-Only.
Bell Labs? Really..The name brings to mind a hundred conspiracies involving the military among other things. Ever read The Wizard War, by chance? Neat.
Nice to meet you, anyway.

I've dealt with CC before at this game, though that seems like it was eons ago..2003-4? I've become somewhat more educated since then, although I am still only a welder by trade. I'm here because I am a left-handed, predominately right-brained artist and aspiring sci-fi writer who is very much interested in pre-cognition /emf/ quantum field stuff, etc..I'm still learning. ~As one of those woo-woo/psychic types, l am also learning humility, among other things.

Hey, CC? snot the word, huh.

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Helloa, again, Read-Only.
Bell Labs? Really..The name brings to mind a hundred conspiracies involving the military among other things. Ever read The Wizard War, by chance? Neat.
Nice to meet you, anyway.

I've dealt with CC before at this game, though that seems like it was eons ago..2003-4? I've become somewhat more educated since then, although I am still only a welder by trade. I'm here because I am a left-handed, predominately right-brained artist and aspiring sci-fi writer who is very much interested in pre-cognition /emf/ quantum field stuff, etc..I'm still learning. ~As one of those woo-woo/psychic types, l am also learning humility, among other things.

Hey, CC? snot the word, huh.


Nice to meet you, too. :)

No, the Labs didn't engage in any of that sort of stuff, that's really just a myth. We concentrated in only two areas - pure, basic research and things that would lead to devices and improvement in equipment destined for use by our parent company, AT&T. Things like fiber optics, more efficient means of call-routing, switching machines - mostly things like that.

I believe you may be confusing Bell Labs with places like Sandia and other National Laboratories that DID weapons research and things along those lines.;)