any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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Another facile and baseless assumption.

Well there's a surprise.

Stop spouting crap would be a good start.

And another facile and baseless assumption.

Are you done? finished? satisfied? When you meet me in person and actually have a conversation about this, like real men, I'll reconsider your opinions about me. Deal?
Are you done? finished? satisfied? When you meet me in person and actually have a conversation about this, like real men, I'll reconsider your opinions about me. Deal?
Sure thing.
You gonna pay my air fare?
You can not practice these things. You are either doing it or not.

That is why I said it many times a chat in person might make everything a little more.. lets say believable.

What I don't understand is why such a chat cannot be recorded? Clearly if during the chat, you begin shifting time and entering a fluid like aura then the video camera can do its job and capture it.


Yes, I make them see the world for what it is like a movie almost. I only speak for my self. My life is like a movie, I laugh at life most of the time because it is so easy to do good and people get tempted to do bad. I also have a strong sense of good and evil.

Is your sense of good and evil good enough to define them explicitly?
Sure thing.
You gonna pay my air fare?

That is quite unfortunate. If anyone lives in Los Angeles they are quite welcome to try to meet with me and maybe they can tell you what they think of me. That is the only posibility that I can think of.
What I don't understand is why such a chat cannot be recorded? Clearly if during the chat, you begin shifting time and entering a fluid like aura then the video camera can do its job and capture it.

Is your sense of good and evil good enough to define them explicitly?

Hold that thought I will return later tonight.
What I don't understand is why such a chat cannot be recorded? Clearly if during the chat, you begin shifting time and entering a fluid like aura then the video camera can do its job and capture it.

Is your sense of good and evil good enough to define them explicitly?

Possibly. I have never really tried any of those things so I cant see it as being wrong or right, but a possibility. Its slightly more complicated than that. I said it before I am not quite that advanced that I can do it on command. When I slowed down time how come I was not the only one that was in that mode? I can't answer you because I don't really know what happened my self. I posted on this forum to get answers because I actually believe that someone else has had experiences like mine before. I assumed wrong, very wrong.

I am a person of details. I consider details essential to everything I do.
That happens on its own because of good old fashioned physics. It doesn't require conscious intervention.

Because our genetics makes us do so.

Yes correct. I actually believe that not everybody is able to receive and give off energy in the same amounts. What that means is that maybe a person is aware of what happens infront of them but not behind them. Lets say that this person is not very tuned to his senses and awarness. Where on the other hand I, well I tend to be aware of everything and anyone in front of me and behind me, to my left, and to my right. So you see that not everyone is able to collect energy in mass amounts as I do, but only to what they believe or limit themselves to. Make sense?
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