Any atheists here who were once believers?

So, you believe you are "clairvoyant?" I see. I saw Bells' advice to you about posting in the parapsychology section? That's good advice ... It might be interesting to see if others identify with you. Never know. Of the little I know about it, there have been people who claim to be clairvoyant but are not religious.

Personally, I don't believe in clairvoyant "abilities." But, that's just me.
So, you believe you are "clairvoyant?" I see. I saw Bells' advice to you about posting in the parapsychology section? That's good advice ... It might be interesting to see if others identify with you. Never know. Of the little I know about it, there have been people who claim to be clairvoyant but are not religious.

Personally, I don't believe in clairvoyant "abilities." But, that's just me.
If a spirit could get close enough to you, it could think thoughts into the neural network of your brain. Although spirits sometimes don't know anything useful either.
So, you believe you are "clairvoyant?" I see. I saw Bells' advice to you about posting in the parapsychology section? That's good advice ... It might be interesting to see if others identify with you. Never know. Of the little I know about it, there have been people who claim to be clairvoyant but are not religious.

Personally, I don't believe in clairvoyant "abilities" But, that's just me.

I don't use "clairvoyant abilities" either. If you went to a clairvoyant, do they say, "come back in a month and see if I have had a dream about it"? No they don't.
To me they are God inspired dreams and I have little to no control over them.

Can an atheist be a clairvoyant? Can an atheist have a God inspired dream and just consider it a weird dream?
We all have personal tales of fantasy to tell. If your tales have some factual basis or can be proven, then and only then can they be considered. Else they remain just stories.
Come armed with a question and spend a night buried underground and see if you get an answer. The cave is still there even though the bulls have rubbed it a little shorter. (So you won't have to wait so long to die, must be some benefit in that!)

The cave could become as popular as Mecca for those that have questions to answer.
Q, you are so boring, that your blood serum was used to create sleeping pills. You are so boring, that your own doctor thought you were dead. You are so boring, that rocks get impatient being around you. You are so boring, that your own dog mistook you for a fire hydrant.
Normal is within 1 standard deviation of the mean, we aren't all the same.
No we aren't all the same but claiming to have powers where spirits talk to you and instruct you through dreams and whatnot is not normal either. It is a sign of psychosis. You said you saw a psychologist, and you were referred to them numerous times? Did you tell your psychologist all of this? Did you tell them that you believe you can predict the future?

Did you tell them that you think God speaks to you in dreams and sets you on missions or whatever you wish to call it?

Jesus soon became the center of attention when the healings started, they were bringing the sick and maimed to him day and night from miles around.
You compare yourself to Jesus?

How likely is it to dream of two murders, and their separate locations and the perpetrators before the police find them? What is the probability of the impossible? There were real locations in real life that matched the dreams I found them and they were one off locations. No other properties matched.
But I had never been to those locations in my life before then.
To me that is so bizarre even I have trouble understanding it from a human point of view. How can you explain it.
Very likely. The media saturation would have been immense.

Everyone gets deja vu. A feeling that you had experienced this before, for example. Or that you have been there before. Where something is said or done and it triggers off a memory of experiencing the exact same thing and having been in the exact same place, even if it is the first time you have been there. It does not mean that your dreams are prophetic or that you know what will happen in the future. It just means that what you are doing or what others around you are doing are triggering a memory in your brain. In other words, it's not prophetic because your sense of deja vu is triggered by the actions, smell, or words of those around you or even of yourself and that takes you what triggers it and that is why you have that sense of deja vu.

Am I in this for me? Am doing this for you and you and you, for all of you.
Please don't.

We are all fighting over you really.
Because this isn't creepy at all...

No offense to Wegs, but no, we aren't.

Same with me, I am sacrificing my life to find the truth so that all may share the truth I discover.
And "all" would rather that you stop and back off.

And preferably seek some professional psychiatric help.

Allow the prophecy to come true, and I will.
Yeah, this doesn't sound creepy either...:rolleyes:

There's a prophecy now?

What the hell Dude!?

What I have learned though is that if you want a job done right sometimes you've got to do it yourself. (story on the BCS thread about this later)
What job? Mass conversion to your way of belief?

No. No one is interested. So stop.

Respect people's choices and beliefs or lack thereof.

This is what I don't get with you. You don't understand the meaning of the words "no" and "stop".

You have so little respect for other people and their beliefs and their choices that you have deluded yourself into believing the voices you hear that you are the one who needs to get whatever job done right and that you are sacrificing yourself to find the truth so that you can get everyone to share it. You are like this "me me me" person. You aren't 'doing this' for everyone. You are doing this because you hear voices that tell you do this and you do this to get recognition from other people. Like your whine that you gave them the information you believe you received and they haven't acted on it.

You know, I dread the thought that you contacted the families of the people involved in those disappearances and either upset them further with the crankery or gave them false hope. You are reaching out to desperate people in the worst situation imaginable and you are feeding them stuff you see or hear in your dreams. I find that galling and revolting. Having actually worked with and fought for victims of crimes and their families and having received calls like the ones you would have made, you have no idea how awful it is for those loved ones who are desperately searching for answers to receive those calls. You have no idea how much it hurts them. How much it sets them back.

Someday you will be a spirit, and you still won't know anything. You were dumb in life, and you will be dumb in the hereafter.:shrug:

Mazulu said:
Q, you are so boring, that your blood serum was used to create sleeping pills. You are so boring, that your own doctor thought you were dead. You are so boring, that rocks get impatient being around you. You are so boring, that your own dog mistook you for a fire hydrant.

Considering you have just come back from a ban for an abusive spray in thread and via PM because you failed to comprehend a simple meme.. ie, "you've got to be shitting me" is not calling your ermm 'experiences' shit. It means that I don't believe it.., I'd suggest you mind your steps and how you speak to people on this site. If you insist on childish insults and abuse, then I can send you away on a time out again, like one sends a child to their room for a time out. Understand?

Trooper said:
And who says that South Park isn't educational. My son said that the "Atheist War" clip was a must see for me. He was right. It was funny.
Nah, the Mormon episode one! Dum de dum dum dum.. :D
Considering you have just come back from a ban for an abusive spray in thread and via PM because you failed to comprehend a simple meme.. ie, "you've got to be shitting me" is not calling your ermm 'experiences' shit. It means that I don't believe it.., I'd suggest you mind your steps and how you speak to people on this site. If you insist on childish insults and abuse, then I can send you away on a time out again, like one sends a child to their room for a time out. Understand?

I'm sorry, where is the classy part of this establishment? I was looking for superior people who had a deeper insight about life and the cosmos. I was looking for people who knew how to enrich the conversation with interesting new ideas, discussions and debates. But what did I find instead?

Where did Stevie go?
You should check out the thread in this section whereby the topic centers around if one can believe in God and still be a Darwinist. You'll see what I mean. It's a pretty interesting thread.

Re: faith. We all have faith in something. Some have faith in a Deity, some don't. Some have faith in humanity. Some have faith in self. Some have faith in love. Everyone has faith in something....

The neat thing about life is getting to a point where you just take an approach of... live and let live. That's all I really want. :m:
No desire to convince someone to understand why I've taken a different path, now. They can accept me or not.

I think those are different uses of the word "faith" however. Having faith in the existence of a little green monster is different than having faith in myself (I have some evidence and experience with myself) and humanity (I have some evidence and experience there as well).

There is a difference between "faith" and "hope. It's OK to hope that there is a God as that doesn't distort reality. To know that there is a God when you don't know is delusional.
Atheists such as yourself like decorum, polite and educated conversation. Believers and metaphysical types of people have honored that. But then you say, "you've got to be shitting me"!!! Then what happens to politeness and decorum? It goes away.
No we aren't all the same but claiming to have powers where spirits talk to you and instruct you through dreams and whatnot is not normal either. It is a sign of psychosis. You said you saw a psychologist, and you were referred to them numerous times? Did you tell your psychologist all of this? Did you tell them that you believe you can predict the future?

Did you tell them that you think God speaks to you in dreams and sets you on missions or whatever you wish to call it?
Yes I did, it was all in the original thread on TradeMe NZ, they had printed and given it to her to read.

You compare yourself to Jesus?
We are Christians so I don't see the problem there.

Very likely. The media saturation would have been immense.
No It was just the kids were missing and no one knew at that stage of the dreams (places , how it happened, by who)

Everyone gets deja vu. A feeling that you had experienced this before, for example. Or that you have been there before. Where something is said or done and it triggers off a memory of experiencing the exact same thing and having been in the exact same place, even if it is the first time you have been there. It does not mean that your dreams are prophetic or that you know what will happen in the future. It just means that what you are doing or what others around you are doing are triggering a memory in your brain. In other words, it's not prophetic because your sense of deja vu is triggered by the actions, smell, or words of those around you or even of yourself and that takes you what triggers it and that is why you have that sense of deja vu.
It is more than deja vu, but similar.

There's a prophecy now?

What the hell Dude!?
So that is a question. Yes there is. (private)

What job? Mass conversion to your way of belief?
Whatever one wants done. Sometimes it is best if you do it yourself. Have you found that?

Respect people's choices and beliefs or lack thereof.
Respect is a two way thing.

This is what I don't get with you. You don't understand the meaning of the words "no" and "stop".
I used to say which part of "NO" do I not understand? The first letter and the last letter. But I've got used to "Stop" lately.

You have so little respect for other people and their beliefs and their choices that you have deluded yourself into believing the voices you hear that you are the one who needs to get whatever job done right and that you are sacrificing yourself to find the truth so that you can get everyone to share it. You are like this "me me me" person. You aren't 'doing this' for everyone. You are doing this because you hear voices that tell you do this and you do this to get recognition from other people. Like your whine that you gave them the information you believe you received and they haven't acted on it.
I'm not sure what you are saying there sorry.

You know, I dread the thought that you contacted the families of the people involved in those disappearances and either upset them further with the crankery or gave them false hope. You are reaching out to desperate people in the worst situation imaginable and you are feeding them stuff you see or hear in your dreams. I find that galling and revolting. Having actually worked with and fought for victims of crimes and their families and having received calls like the ones you would have made, you have no idea how awful it is for those loved ones who are desperately searching for answers to receive those calls. You have no idea how much it hurts them. How much it sets them back.
Well it is difficult when you can see they have the case completely wrong. It like "trick or treat" at Halloween, one takes a punt on which door to knock on.
Sometimes you get it right sometimes you don't.
Jan Ardena,

I'm not trying to debunk evolution. In fact, I accept evolution, and every single scientist that I've heard talk on the subject, accepts it wholeheartedly.

Darwinian evolution is not based on anything that we currently observe in our life, in fact it contradicts current reality.
It asks us to accept something that is totally unrelated to reality as the realistic basis of our existence, by mere explanations fuelled by an atheist worldview.
It's strength is in it's philosophical application, giving much needed character and strength to explicit atheist ideologies. But even then, it's weak.

Well, you're right that you're not doing much to debunk evolution. A bunch of empty claims that it is wrong because it is fuelled by an atheistic worldview is nothing but an expression of your opinion.

But it seems a tad strange that you accept evolution even though it contradicts current reality. That sounds, well, inconsistent, to me.
Did you see the South Park clip in the jokes section, Trooper? Hilarious. The "devil" is just too funny. Such a clever show.

Edit...I watched that clip with "Stewart" lol :roflmao:

Hey there James R :wave: Yes, these were both excellent posts/threads -- I'm glad you put them together here. I for one will continue to refer to them. In my opinion these probably belong at the top of your many excellent posts here. Everyone should read and discuss what they contain. Not enough can be said about the value of recognizing pseudoscience by its symptoms.