Any atheists here who were once believers?

I don't have any interpretation of those dreams. Just that they were completely terrifying.

At the time I was Christian, Presbyterian.

I have deja vu experiences all the time. Quite often, and again...odd. Just an indescribable strange sensation that a series of events has happened before.

As of late my dreams are often lucid...false awakenings. I don't remember too many mundane dreams, but I'm sure that must happen all the time I only don't recall them.
OK and what are your beliefs now?
I'll have to travel soon but I'll come back on later.
Lucid dreams - I thought they were the memorable ones but I'll define it later. Thanks.
I get the feeling you are jealous of me. For even when I say I have no special powers you turn it around and say that I'm special immediately after saying I'm no more special than anyone.
You are jealous that the Lord gifts these premonitions to me.
You are so jealous that you run to the moderators day after day complaining about me. You are envious and jealous, your actions confirm it.
Oh man..




I actually cringed with feelings of embarrassment for you reading that. What the hell mate!?

What do you think you have that anyone would be jealous of? Your "gifts" that you think God gave you?

Get some help Robbitybob1. You have no special gifts. Get some help.
OK and what are your beliefs now?
I'll have to travel soon but I'll come back on later.
Lucid dreams - I thought they were the memorable ones but I'll define it later. Thanks.

Lucid in the sense I am consciously aware that it is a dream. Things are more bright, quite like being awake but you are aware it's a dream. You can push your finger though your palm. Fly...etc. Whatever you want. It's pretty fun, actually, when that happens.

The others I was describing were memorable, but more like a scene I remember as vivid but was playing and aware to me not in the sense where I knew it was a dream.

You could call me an atheist, pantheist...deist....maybe panentheist. I don't know. I am a skeptical person.

If I had a coherent idea of what the metaphysical underpinnings of existence were and if they deserved a title such as 'God' or had a personality I could tell you...but I cannot. I am not religious. In my area this normally gets me labeled as atheist and I'm fine with that.

.... You respond to that request with, in effect, 'I will once the prophesy is fulfilled'. And you get right back to pushing and demanding..


There is no prophecy, no matter how much you might wish it true.

Are you saying you know what it was? But it won't happen. Is that what you are saying?

I'm not "....pushing and demanding.." but it might seem like that to someone, but it isn't me who is doing it.
So that is real weird that it is being perceived as pushing and demanding.

What is a prophesy to you? Have you experienced prophesy spoken over you?
I get the feeling you are jealous of me. For even when I say I have no special powers you turn it around and say that I'm special immediately after saying I'm no more special than anyone.

You claim that God is giving you dreams. You can give lip service to being an average Joe, but your claim says otherwise.

You are jealous that the Lord gifts these premonitions to me.

You mean the premonitions that have never prevented anything, and made you look like a lunatic to everyone you tell? Boy, sign me up.

You are so jealous that you run to the moderators day after day complaining about me. You are envious and jealous, your actions confirm it.

Oh man..




I actually cringed with feelings of embarrassment for you reading that. What the hell mate!?

What do you think you have that anyone would be jealous of? Your "gifts" that you think God gave you?

Get some help Robbitybob1. You have no special gifts. Get some help.
Why is Balerion attacking me all the time? I say I have no special powers, but the dreams are a gift. I'm allowed gifts aren't I? Gift not in the sense of talent but just as a story (someone is telling me a story).
I don't like saying those things to Balerion either but how do I make him shut up?
Why is Balerion attacking me all the time? I say I have no special powers, but the dreams are a gift. I'm allowed gifts aren't I? Gift not in the sense of talent but just as a story (someone is telling me a story).
I don't like saying those things to Balerion either but how do I make him shut up?

Not "someone" telling you a story; God telling you a story. Obviously, there's a difference.

In truth, of course, if you're even being honest about this, what you're having are dreams. Nothing more.

How can I stop you attacking me?

Keep your crazy ramblings to the proper subforum.
Lucid in the sense I am consciously aware that it is a dream. Things are more bright, quite like being awake but you are aware it's a dream. You can push your finger though your palm. Fly...etc. Whatever you want. It's pretty fun, actually, when that happens.

The others I was describing were memorable, but more like a scene I remember as vivid but was playing and aware to me not in the sense where I knew it was a dream.

You could call me an atheist, pantheist...deist....maybe panentheist. I don't know. I am a skeptical person.

If I had a coherent idea of what the metaphysical underpinnings of existence were and if they deserved a title such as 'God' or had a personality I could tell you...but I cannot. I am not religious. In my area this normally gets me labeled as atheist and I'm fine with that.

I really like your Lovecraftian avatar.

You are skeptical, so be it. In my interpretation, your lucid dreams sound as if you came into contact with some spiritually dark entities. I remember a very long time ago in an astral experience I had drifted a little too deep into the soil of a grave yard, and then I came under attack by something that was very angry, very hostile.

Anyway, welcome to the sciforum.
The Old Ones are hungry for ... MODERATORS!!!!

@Geeser - what do you mean by "malice" as in "they can be discarded with malice"?
As I said in my replied pm. it seems I should have used a word like "Disdain" rather than "Malice" as malice gives the wrong connotations

Do atheists have weird dreams, even ones with voices in them?
Of course!
Do atheist ever consult clairvoyants?
I wouldn't, as they are charlatans. However I'm not every atheists, and I do doubt that they would, too!
I really like your Lovecraftian avatar.

You are skeptical, so be it. In my interpretation, your lucid dreams sound as if you came into contact with some spiritually dark entities. I remember a very long time ago in an astral experience I had drifted a little too deep into the soil of a grave yard, and then I came under attack by something that was very angry, very hostile.

Anyway, welcome to the sciforum.

Thanks...yes the Avi is somebody's representation of Hastur. Kind of a weird combo of the King in Yellow and his octopoid form. I have to admit I am drawn to Lovecraftian stuff.

What do you think is the difference between 'astral' experience and just lucid dreaming? Is there a difference in your mind?

I'm a straight up skeptic but have had bizarre dream experience heading towards lucid dream...sensation of vibration. I read some lucid dreaming accounts around the web suggesting that experience is not unique. Then bam, I'm dreaming and flying around the room, move through the around outside. The vibration thing is really disturbing.

I interpret it as some change in breathing pattern combined with conscious focus/imagery. Maybe even some kind of oxygen debt the brain goes into with a slow breathing rate that has the function of...well, something whatever it is that identifies with those experiences.
I really like your Lovecraftian avatar.

You are skeptical, so be it. In my interpretation, your lucid dreams sound as if you came into contact with some spiritually dark entities. I remember a very long time ago in an astral experience I had drifted a little too deep into the soil of a grave yard, and then I came under attack by something that was very angry, very hostile.

Anyway, welcome to the sciforum.

Jesus = the devourer of souls

I love it, and you the great Mazulu who was trained by the ascended masters. You know the truth. Go into the light and be consumed by the great evil one. LOL.
Dreams are mainly an extension of what you are thinking about and of your experiences while you are awake.

If you are stressed or worried while awake your dreams seem to be in that vein as well. If you eat too much before going to bed your dreams tend to reflect that as well...meaning that you are dreaming while your body's digestive system is also working.

I've never had a dream of "Satan". I don't believe in such things and therefore they aren't in my mind. Everyone has dreamed of flying or falling or whatever.

When one is stressed it's not uncommon to have frustrating dreams such as entering into a building and you just never seem to quite make it out of the building even though you try all night :)

I used to (scuba) dive a lot. Sometimes I would have rather mundane dreams that were underwater with me seeing the typical underwater scenes.

If you want to have a lot of dreams involving God then you need to believe in God and read the Bible at lot before you go to sleep. Those who dream about Ascended Masters are those who have read about Ascended Masters (and believe in them). No one else has dreams about them.

You don't dream about things you haven't heard of while awake.

The idea that God has talked to someone in their dreams or that their dreams mean anything (other than to them) is simply nonsense.
Thanks...yes the Avi is somebody's representation of Hastur. Kind of a weird combo of the King in Yellow and his octopoid form. I have to admit I am drawn to Lovecraftian stuff.

What do you think is the difference between 'astral' experience and just lucid dreaming? Is there a difference in your mind?

I'm a straight up skeptic but have had bizarre dream experience heading towards lucid dream...sensation of vibration. I read some lucid dreaming accounts around the web suggesting that experience is not unique. Then bam, I'm dreaming and flying around the room, move through the around outside. The vibration thing is really disturbing.

I interpret it as some change in breathing pattern combined with conscious focus/imagery. Maybe even some kind of oxygen debt the brain goes into with a slow breathing rate that has the function of...well, something whatever it is that identifies with those experiences.
In my interpretation, consciousness requires a soul. Lucid dreams are probably just our consciousness experiencing images generated inside our brain. An astral experience is when our soul enters the astral plane. Somewhere in between, our soul slips out into the astral..

The psychic community has not been able to supply hard cold evidence that such things exist. Other the other hand, there are too many goodies to abandon it. Given the mysterious circumstances surrounding the big bang and the birth of the universe, I just assume that an astral plane, and souls, were created by whatever caused the big bang. Even if it's hard to prove, the theory is still more likely than other "scientific" theories.
What is an Ascended Master?

There is a legit difference between normal dreaming and lucid dreaming. I have little doubt it is some odd altered state of consciousness brought on by breathing patterns and various cognitive processes.

It's not
Har, har har, go talk to the Old Ones.

So you "admit" that the old ones exist? And you have invoked them in your post. You are a piece of work. Your world view is laughable. You need to cut down on your meds. Tell us all what the ascended maters ( the old ones) have told you. I am sure that will be hilarious.