Any atheists here who were once believers?

Can you explain what God meant to you, while you were a theist?


An unfathomable kind of love, I guess.
A Creator, but a destroyer, too.

But, between what the Bible taught me, and what I’ve come to now know…I feel maybe this was all in my mind.
All these years, I was merely in love with the idea of what I hoped God was… :(

Damn, Jan. I didn’t expect anyone to ask me this. I’m um…taken aback right now. lol
Isn't that all anyone could ever have of a god, though...just an idea?

450000000 mm = 450,000,000 mm so for every thousand MM - 1 METER implies 450,000 meters or 450 kilometers on the basis that the original calculation was correct.

So this shows that a movement of incredibly small dimension can add up to a vast distance over a long time.

So if you see incredibly small changes in the genomes of of living things around us, then over a long period of time we will see vast changes.
I'll say this though...

When I believed, people still hurt me.
Now, that I don't ...people still hurt me.

At least now, I don't pretend like there's some 'after life' and that this is all worth it.

And in Christianity, I put up with a lot of crap from people. Let them step on me. Because Jesus said 'turn the other cheek.'

Now, I just walk away, and there's no more guilt in not trying to mend a fence. That part is freeing.

Having said that, I don't harbor resentment towards people...but, there's no more feelings of guilt that I'm somehow letting down ''God,'' by not trying to mend fences.

The idea of 'God' brought me guilt and shame, often, to answer your question. :(
450000000 mm = 450,000,000 mm so for every thousand MM - 1 METER implies 450,000 meters or 450 kilometers on the basis that the original calculation was correct.

So this shows that a movement of incredibly small dimension can add up to a vast distance over a long time.

So if you see incredibly small changes in the genomes of of living things around us, then over a long period of time we will see vast changes.

Sorry Rob, but this doesn't prove the kind of change we're talking about.

I'll say this though...

When I believed, people still hurt me.
Now, that I don't ...people still hurt me.

At least now, I don't pretend like there's some 'after life' and that this is all worth it.

And in Christianity, I put up with a lot of crap from people. Let them step on me. Because Jesus said 'turn the other cheek.'

Now, I just walk away, and there's no more guilt in not trying to mend a fence. That part is freeing.

Having said that, I don't harbor resentment towards people...but, there's no more feelings of guilt that I'm somehow letting down ''God,'' by not trying to mend fences.

The idea of 'God' brought me guilt and shame, often, to answer your question. :(
I think God wants us to restore the walls of Jerusalem. Restore his temple. Not just to mend fences but walls and temples.
I'll say this though...

When I believed, people still hurt me.
Now, that I don't ...people still hurt me.

At least now, I don't pretend like there's some 'after life' and that this is all worth it.

And in Christianity, I put up with a lot of crap from people. Let them step on me. Because Jesus said 'turn the other cheek.'

Now, I just walk away, and there's no more guilt in not trying to mend a fence. That part is freeing.

Having said that, I don't harbor resentment towards people...but, there's no more feelings of guilt that I'm somehow letting down ''God,'' by not trying to mend fences.

The idea of 'God' brought me guilt and shame, often, to answer your question. :(

Is your understanding of God purely from the Christian Church?
If yes, why didn't want to learn more about Him while you had these feelings?

What about miracles in your life?

I don't know.

What about knowledge

We bring ourselves to knowledge, I believe.

what about speaking in tongues

That passage doesn't mean what I think many people think it means. But, if it means what I think you think it means...I never believed in that. lol

what about healings?

You know, I used to attach God's will to a lot of occurrences. If someone I knew was ill, and they healed quicker than anticipated...I attached the sentiment of 'a miracle' onto it. Oh, it must be God's will.

But, how about children who die from cancer? How about the holocaust victims? How about all the people who I would pray for, but didn't make it?

Oh wait. The answer is...well, they went to heaven, right? So...something positive still ended up the end.

It's ok for someone to think like this...I used to. It can ease one's mind, if nothing else.

But, then you realize that you've turned God or the idea of him... into a spin zone. :/
Is your understanding of God purely from the Christian Church?
If yes, why didn't want to learn more about Him while you had these feelings?


No, it's not. When I left following the Christian Church...I considered myself ...''spiritual.''

But, how can a god be something different to others outside of the Church, than in it?

That's when I started to believe...maybe ...there is no god. And it's all just an idea. A really comforting idea.

Agnostic feels at least, more fitting at this time, for me. If that makes sense.
No one ...and I mean no one...has ever asked me this, Jan. So, thank you. (I cried at work...ugh)

I'm sorry if I've been a jerk to you, ever.
I need to not take any anger I have about theism, out on theists. lol :eek:
It is my business.

Yes, I understand that as a Christian you have been indoctrinated to believe you can tell others what to do, but you have absolutely no authority whatsoever. So, no, it isn't your business.
You know, I used to attach God's will to a lot of occurrences. If someone I knew was ill, and they healed quicker than anticipated...I attached the sentiment of 'a miracle' onto it. Oh, it must be God's will.

But, how about children are die from cancer? How about the holocaust victims? How about all the people who I would pray for, but didn't make it?

Oh wait. The answer is...well, they went to heaven, right? So...something positive still ended up the end.

It's ok for someone to think like this...I used to. It can ease one's mind, if nothing else.

But, then you realize that you've turned God or the idea of him... into a spin zone. :/

Do you think you are your body?

I don't believe one kind of animal changes into another.

Sorry Jan, but that is fact and accounts for all species on earth, including humans. You're denial to this fact only proves you're scientifically illiterate and religiously indoctrinated.

Can you prove that occurs by the week is out?


That is just pure stupidity, Jan.
Basically yes, but I take in a lot of information.

From where? What sources? I ask because it seems all--or at least most--of your understanding of evolution comes from Christian-based websites attempting to debunk it.

If evolution is true, then it shouldn't matter what level of education you are, to comprehend that.

Whatever would give you that idea? Physics are true, but it takes a certain level of education to understand how they function. Do you innately understand how an airplane flies, or does it require a level of education?

What do you think about the scientists who do not agree with the darwinian mechanism, and give reason based on their credentials?

Which scientists are those? I've never seen one legitimate scientific argument against evolution. There have been people disciplined in the sciences disagree with it, but they are always Intelligent Design proponents, and almost never experts in the field of biology. There is a reason why you can't find ID papers in peer-reviewed journals.