Any atheists here who were once believers?

So, wait, I'm being warned because I contacted the administrator over what I perceived to be potentially dangerous behavior?

Please tell me I'm reading this wrong.
No, all I am asking is that you and others don't get involved in what is clearly a private matter between two people to the point where you are calling him names and he is making weird arse comments about his desire for your demise.

If you have concerns, then PM'ing the admin and/or moderators is the correct way to go about it.

But leave it there.

Don't drag this into the public forums and commenting about their personal and private issues in public without their consent and making insulting comments in the process about what you think is going on between the two of them in private.

I am warning Wegs and Robbitybob1 about their conduct on this site. But if you or anyone else persists in carrying on about this as you have been in public, then you could very well find yourselves moderated as well. As I said, if you have concerns, then PM the staff. Don't drag personal and private dramas between two other people into the public forum. I get that you are concerned, but don't get dragged down into this as you have been. PM admin and leave it there. The forum doesn't need to know what you told her or what she told you about what is a private and personal issue between the two of them.

I hope this is now clear for you?
You have been praying too hard for your enemies.

New word for the day. Idiosyncracy.
Def. Government by all the idiots working together.
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I usually disagree with everything that you say, but I respect your right to say it.


To disagree, you'd first have to understand it, but you usually don't make an effort to do so.

Heaven knows what you're disagreeing with when you say you're disagreeing with what I said, but you sure ain't disagreeing with what I said. (This is not to say you're agreeing. Heaven knows what's going on ...)

Your freedom of religion is a privilege, but it does not mean that you’re privileged, or exempt from mockery.

So much for your respecting other people's beliefs.

All you do is berate me, not my views, but me...throughout the entire thread.

I've offered an olive branch, you just return it with more mean spirited comments directed at me.
I'm not interested in really anything you have to say, not because I don't think your points have merit at times, but your delivery is always mean spirited towards me.

There's no reason to converse, going forward. Thanks.

If only you could see how you haven't really changed much from the times when you were "religious" and a "theist."

The content of your beliefs and concerns may have certainly changed, but the way you approach thinking and talking about them, apparently hasn't. There's still that smugness, that sense of superiority, that dealing with people at arm's length, that superficiality when addressing philosophical topics - characteristics that are so common for a kind of "theists," "Christians" and "former theists "...

You remind me of the "theists" who bullied me: you, just as they, would accept me only if I agreed to be your/their doormat.

Oh - and don't run away now. I think you have here some excellent opportunities for insight. You've managed to get the attention of and interaction with many people here, people who are also quite different amongst themselves. This is a rare opportunity that few people get. It would be prudent to try to make the best use of that, and not just in terms of defending one's ego and licking one's wounds.

Are we (by "we", I mean you and Wegs and others who have decided to involve themselves in this) clear on this?

I can't see a good reason why you would mention Wegs specifically.
She has been unfailingly good tempered on this thread.
Is there some other thread where she has been going bananas?
I would like to see that. Can you direct me to it?
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No, all I am asking is that you and others don't get involved in what is clearly a private matter between two people to the point where you are calling him names and he is making weird arse comments about his desire for your demise.

If you have concerns, then PM'ing the admin and/or moderators is the correct way to go about it.

But leave it there.

Don't drag this into the public forums and commenting about their personal and private issues in public without their consent and making insulting comments in the process about what you think is going on between the two of them in private.

I am warning Wegs and Robbitybob1 about their conduct on this site. But if you or anyone else persists in carrying on about this as you have been in public, then you could very well find yourselves moderated as well. As I said, if you have concerns, then PM the staff. Don't drag personal and private dramas between two other people into the public forum. I get that you are concerned, but don't get dragged down into this as you have been. PM admin and leave it there. The forum doesn't need to know what you told her or what she told you about what is a private and personal issue between the two of them.

I hope this is now clear for you?

That's a much better explanation. I don't understand why wegs is being chastised, however. Robittybob1 is the one stalking her and making frightening comments about her. Maybe there's something I'm missing, but that was my understanding. In my view, this isn't about private drama, it's about (potentially) the safety of one of our members. I don't think this is the proper way of handling it. Are other moderators investigating this? Is James R? I sent him a PM but received no response. Maybe someone who will actually take into consideration that one of our members might potentially be a victim of stalking and in real danger?
[Offtopic but ontopic with Bells warning]
If Weg's felt endangered by Robittybob1 in any way, I'd suggest informing her local authorities, especially if this carries outside of sciforums on other websites etc

Otherwise if she really doesn't want to deal with him, she just has to use the ignore feature which can be found by going to her settings, looking for "Edit Ignore List" and just adding his name in there. All posts he posts thereafter will be withheld from being viewed, so she doesn't have to observe what he posts.

She could of course tell him directly and publicly that she doesn't want to communicate with him, however I know that she might find that hard, she might not want to be perceived cruel however if she doesn't state it that way then it will likely just lead him on which is worse in the long run.

I'm sure you are probably aware of previous news articles into "cognitive neuroscience of religious experience", what the particular studies show is that either through various chemistry changes or through applying electrodes to certain brain regions it's possible to manipulate the feeling of a religious event. The area's effected include the reward centre, the part of the brain that generates a psychological reward when something is done. In normal people the reward centre just rewards things like getting out of bed, readying for work, eating chocolate etc. In those with theological dispositions it's possible that they can get a reward from posed insightful statement, reading a bible etc. The problem is that it's also possible to merge one disposition with another, for instance having the inclination to have rewards for particular music that you see uplifting with a rationalisation that someone is the love of your life.

In drug induced experiments, it's possible for a person to become obsessive because of their brain chemistry and on reflection such subjects have often stated that they weren't themselves.

I'd suggest you think carefully about what it is you want from life and people in general as you might find that some of your brain chemistry isn't "firing on all cylinders", I'm not stating that your crazy, merely implying that you should be more self-aware about how you currently thing as it might be a precursor to a neurological failure further down the line (In other words you might want to consult a doctor)
The problem is that it's also possible to merge one disposition with another, for instance having the inclination to have rewards for particular music that you see uplifting with a rationalisation that someone is the love of your life.

Repeat in English please!

I'm sure you are probably aware of previous news articles into "cognitive neuroscience of religious experience", what the particular studies show is that either through various chemistry changes or through applying electrodes to certain brain regions it's possible to manipulate the feeling of a religious event. The area's effected include the reward centre, the part of the brain that generates a psychological reward when something is done. In normal people the reward centre just rewards things like getting out of bed, readying for work, eating chocolate etc. In those with theological dispositions it's possible that they can get a reward from posed insightful statement, reading a bible etc. The problem is that it's also possible to merge one disposition with another, for instance having the inclination to have rewards for particular music that you see uplifting with a rationalisation that someone is the love of your life.

In drug induced experiments, it's possible for a person to become obsessive because of their brain chemistry and on reflection such subjects have often stated that they weren't themselves.

I'd suggest you think carefully about what it is you want from life and people in general as you might find that some of your brain chemistry isn't "firing on all cylinders", I'm not stating that your crazy, merely implying that you should be more self-aware about how you currently thing as it might be a precursor to a neurological failure further down the line (In other words you might want to consult a doctor)

Wow! Never saw this coming.

Don't you think you're slightly over-reacting in the religious accusation part?


Oh - and don't run away now. I think you have here some excellent opportunities for insight. You've managed to get the attention of and interaction with many people here, people who are also quite different amongst themselves. This is a rare opportunity that few people get. It would be prudent to try to make the best use of that, and not just in terms of defending one's ego and licking one's wounds.

Wegs seems to have the males wrapped around her finger. :D


Wow! Never saw this coming.

Don't you think you're slightly over-reacting in the religious accusation part?


Since we are on a Forum the only potential prognosis is defined by observation. While Robittybob1 does attempt to come across as generally mild mannered, certain religious eccentricism as portrayed fluently by him. I guess you can say it's a "Stretch" to imply such an effect, but we'd only know for sure if Robittybob1 submitted himself for some tests which I'm pretty sure isn't really worth exploring (As it would likely be assumed demeaning and therefore seen negatively.)

As for Wegs and the "Men of Sciforums", it's not actually a phenomena that is purely down to Wegs. Every time and attractive girl steps foot on this forum and starts embracing it with flowery hugs and innocent kisses, some of the men go a little doolally. This usually results in the usual alpha male confrontations and unfortunately tends to run the poor girl/woman off the site completely.

I guess it's to do with stepping into certain peoples zone of control or safety zone, if they enter into it then they are seen as fair game. That however isn't what this site is suppose to be about at all, so some self-control should be in order.
As for Wegs and the "Men of Sciforums", it's not actually a phenomena that is purely down to Wegs. Every time and attractive girl steps foot on this forum and starts embracing it with flowery hugs and innocent kisses, some of the men go a little doolally.

This usually results in the usual alpha male confrontations and unfortunately tends to run the poor girl/woman off the site completely.

Ah. Hers is a rather common deconversion scenario that we've seen some times already ...
How do we know that wegs isn't some old man in a string vest?
Or a dog. Wegs, wags. It all fits.

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I've had a great idea.
You can do the reverse of the old man in a string vest pretending to be a young woman.
Use this as your new avatar.

Instead of saying "lol", say "Burrrp. Beg your pardon. Mines a pint"
and instead of saying "hugs" say "Man Hug. Man Hug."
That'll cool 'em down.
I do understand that scientists don't like the idea that God created the universe.

Scientists do not care in the least about your ridiculous religious beliefs. They are too busy doing research and experiments to care about myths and superstitions. When you get up on your soap box and rant, they merely laugh at a fool.
I've had a great idea.
You can do the reverse of the old man in a string vest pretending to be a young woman.
Use this as your new avatar.

Instead of saying "lol", say "Burrrp. Beg your pardon. Mines a pint"
and instead of saying "hugs" say "Man Hug. Man Hug."
That'll cool 'em down.

LOL! In definite need of a man bra...