Any atheists here who were once believers?

It isn't me that is threatening, I'm just point out the Danger signs "Cliffs ahead" and the "Road is slippery when wet."

So you don't even have the balls to back it up? How utterly unsurprising that you're a coward on top of a creep.

Do you really believe I could know something that was going to happen 30 years later? So what did you mean? For honestly I can barely tell you what is going to happen "next", let alone tell you what is going to happen in 30 years time!

You said the voices in your head told you that you'd have sex with her.

And you don't stalk anyone? You do though don't you, for every time Bebelina comes on you give her Hell.

Bebelina is proud of the fact that she's in love with a confessed child-killer. Bebelina has advertised her website here, where she attempts to cash in on the murder of children. I've called her on it, and so have others. You, on the other hand, threaten wegs with exposure on the public forum if she blocks your username so she doesn't have to read your frightening claims that she is your divinely-chosen soulmate. You view her boyfriend as a threat to your happiness. You view me as a threat to your happiness, because I warned her about your creepy bullshit. You even wanted to have me banned for it.

You're a creepy scumbag.
So you don't even have the balls to back it up? How utterly unsurprising that you're a coward on top of a creep.
You said the voices in your head told you that you'd have sex with her.
Stepping closer to the edge I see. What's this about backing it up?
Are you a kid?

So these voices are equivalent to "knowing", as you say knowing who I'd make love to in the future.
You are quite weird you know for I never know who I'm going to make love to in the future, I take it one day at a time.
So you don't even have the balls to back it up? How utterly unsurprising that you're a coward on top of a creep.

You said the voices in your head told you that you'd have sex with her.

Bebelina is proud of the fact that she's in love with a confessed child-killer. Bebelina has advertised her website here, where she attempts to cash in on the murder of children. I've called her on it, and so have others. You, on the other hand, threaten wegs with exposure on the public forum if she blocks your username so she doesn't have to read your frightening claims that she is your divinely-chosen soulmate. You view her boyfriend as a threat to your happiness. You view me as a threat to your happiness, because I warned her about your creepy bullshit. You even wanted to have me banned for it.

You're a creepy scumbag.

Mad props!...going for the "Bullseye"!!
@Robittybob1 - Balerion knows where the center of the target is. As evidenced by the content of Post #641.
But he is saying things that even I didn't know so he must be divulging Private Information from PMs that may have originated from an unnameable source.
Isn't that against the rules of the forum?
Either that or they are reading each others PMs? As per the question Boyfriend girlfriend and discussing opinions. Certainly more personal than I expected, but it was going to get worse before it got better so it is all in a day's work. But to me it really revealed the nastiness that Balerion will resort too.

He is doomed to damnation for sure. I can't ever imagine him attaining perfection.
Let's keep something in mind: You referred to a ten-year-old as "lover girl." You say when you saw her, you knew you would one day have sex with her. Since I know that there are no angels, no gods, and nothing to give you these "premonitions" beyond your own, deeply troubled psyche, I have no reason to believe you when you say you had no interest in the girl when you first met her. Your story marks you as a creep, and knowing that you stalk another member of these forums marks you as an even bigger creep.

That sounds like character assasination. Can you prove that robbitybob said that? If not, than you are a scoundrel.
Judgmental little twerp aren't you.
How would you like the things he says about me said to you? He deserves that judgement in my opinion.
It is funny how arguments show which side of the fence people are standing on.
What would it have to do with you anyhow?
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But he is saying things that even I didn't know so he must be divulging Private Information from PMs that may have originated from an unnameable source.
Isn't that against the rules of the forum?
Either that or they are reading each others PMs? As per the question Boyfriend girlfriend and discussing opinions. Certainly more personal than I expected, but it was going to get worse before it got better so it is all in a day's work. But to me it really revealed the nastiness that Balerion will resort too.

He is doomed to damnation for sure. I can't ever imagine him attaining perfection.

Robittybob1, I am not that familiar with the "rules of the forum".

Mazulu, must know the things that you "didn't know", too, it seems.

Robittybob1, maybe ask Mazulu for the knowledge you seek.
Mod Note

Wegs, Robbitybob1, and anyone else who has been dragged into this sorry saga through a plethora of PM's about who said what to whom and who feels what about whom..

Consider this a warning..

This is the second time that I have had to deal with this issue Wegs and Robbitybob1 and it seems neither you have heeded my warnings the first time about NOT dragging half the forum down into your private affairs on this site.

So if I see a single reference about whatever the hell is privately going on between Wegs and Robbitybob1 in their emails, skype and however the hell else you two choose to conduct your business, then I will moderate all involved.

Wegs and Robbitybob1, last time I was dragged into this, I advised you both to put each other on ignore, especially you Wegs. And I noticed that you both failed to do so. Instead, we have a repeat of last time, where you both PM several people on the forum about your feelings about the other and about what the other is saying, all while maintaining lines of communication outside of this site between each other. Now, what you do in your own private lives is none of our concern. But if you drag half the frigging forum down into your affairs, then it becomes our concern when it starts to break out into this site, such as we are seeing now.

Let me reiterate something here.

Threats, via PM or in the forum are unacceptable. I don't give a shit who said what to whom. I don't care how you feel about each other. But if both of you continue to conduct yourselves this way and continue to involve the forum in your private and personal affairs between each other and continue to try and get members to take sides against the other to the point where threats are being made via PM and in threads, then we will ban the both of you. As for others who have decided to involve themselves in their private affairs, that warning extends to you as well.

Wegs and Robbitybob1, I won't repeat this again. Put each other on ignore. Next time I so much as get a hint of this ridiculous idiocy on this site again, I will ban the both of you.

I hope I have made myself clear.
It means you cannot read the posts or PM's of the person you have on ignore.
Are you insisting on that?
I don't want to do that, but I could just not PM the people concerned. Can you tell whether I've set it like that? It is just the end result you want isn't it?
Are you insisting on that?
I don't want to do that, but I could just not PM the people concerned. Can you tell whether I've set it like that? It is just the end result you want isn't it?

The end result is that we don't want to have a repeat of this yet again.

This is not the first time this issue has arisen because what is obviously a private matter is being dragged through the forums by way of PM's and then exploding in threads. However, we have now reached the point where vague and frankly bizarre threats are being made and other members are seeing it upon themselves to involve themselves in it, because of what they may have been told by PM's and contacting the staff demanding action on the behalf of one or the other involved.

I have absolutely no qualms in banning both of you. None whatsoever. And I doubt my colleagues feel any differently. Because we do not want this site to be dragged down into the personal and private dramas of two or other members.

In an ideal world where all involved were mature adults, I would not have to be issuing yet another warning about your personal and private issues with Wegs and vice versa. However, here we are. And once again, others have gotten involved and it is once again breaking out in the forum to the point where we have the equivalent of 'leave Britney alone' rants from others who have involved themselves in your personal dramas, not to mention the desire of the deaths of members and weird threats against other members. Not acceptable.

I understand some of you are emotionally vested in this. But keep it out of the forum and stop involving others in your private and personal affairs. Ignore works as a great function in that regard. If you both choose to not utilise this tool, then you do so with the knowledge that if I so much as get a whiff of this again on this site, then I will ban the both of you.

Are we (by "we", I mean you and Wegs and others who have decided to involve themselves in this) clear on this?
So, wait, I'm being warned because I contacted the administrator over what I perceived to be potentially dangerous behavior?

Please tell me I'm reading this wrong.
The end result is that we don't want to have a repeat of this yet again.
Are we (by "we", I mean you and Wegs and others who have decided to involve themselves in this) clear on this?
Thanks Bells, but I'm just here thinking "I wonder if anyone will be game enough to talk to me again?
So it has left me feeling quite saddened really, but we'll wait and see what tomorrow brings. I might be able to cheer up again then. What with the death in the family, the loss of the America's up, and the isolation; it has got to me a bit.
You are a pretty good moderator Bells, so I will endeavor to be a good but interesting forum contributor.
Best of Luck.