Any atheists here who were once believers?

I never knew that atheists/agnostics go through such opposition in society. I only thought theists dealt with it. I very well might be the most disillusioned person on the planet. Or naive. Or both.

A sad irony.

I know. It’s a difficult process.

Come on, put on your big girl pants, little Missy. I have faith in you.

You’re a smart one. You’ll be fine. :)

I know. It’s a difficult process.

Come on, put on your big girl pants, little Missy. I have faith in you.

You’re a smart one. You’ll be fine. :)


Aw, thanks, Trooper. *hugs*
Thank you ^^^

ITT: Balerion is being likened to a serpent and accused of trolling. He seems like a cool guy to me.
Thank you ^^^

ITT: Balerion is being likened to a serpent and accused of trolling. He seems like a cool guy to me.
He has to learn to tell the truth though. If I say I had no sexual intentions toward "Lover Girl" why should he deny that? Does he know me better than myself?
Why is he "cool"?

ITT = In This Thread. ok
Yes because you are like the Serpent crawling on your belly, without a leg to stand on.

He has to learn to tell the truth though. If I say I had no sexual intentions toward "Lover Girl" why should he deny that? Does he know me better than myself?

Let's keep something in mind: You referred to a ten-year-old as "lover girl." You say when you saw her, you knew you would one day have sex with her. Since I know that there are no angels, no gods, and nothing to give you these "premonitions" beyond your own, deeply troubled psyche, I have no reason to believe you when you say you had no interest in the girl when you first met her. Your story marks you as a creep, and knowing that you stalk another member of these forums marks you as an even bigger creep.
Thank you ^^^
ITT: Balerion is being likened to a serpent and accused of trolling. He seems like a cool guy to me.

wegs, I want to get your opinion (I seek your counsel). Yes, I know that you are moving to the atheist side. But you are sweet, kind, and you are allowed to live your life as you see fit. OK, here it is.

I do understand that scientists don't like the idea that God created the universe. Human ingenuity is very human, it's why humans beat out other species to the top of the food chain. But why are scientists so certain that it's not true? I created a little thought experiment where I said that the universe was created by "undetectable mechanisms". Some say it's a quantum foam that spits out universes. But why can't it be more simple than that? Remember that consciousness cannot be duplicated in an IC chip or by the IBM blue brain project.

Whatever created the universe can also create souls, souls with consciousness. The universe and every soul is still connected to God (or the quantum foam if you're a hard core atheist). It seems like such a simple theoretical model. What exactly prevents it from being true?

The argument that miracles do not happen is false. They do happen. But whenever something amazing happens, atheists show up with a bunch of insane people who say crazy things. The one person who had a legitimate story or experience is drowned out by the crazies. The fact that religious people can become too zealous, and blow people up or express terrible hatred, is probably a disincentive for real paranormal powers to act.

Whatever God can create, he can probably automate so that HE (SHE) doesn't have to operate it. The laws of physics are automated. Whatever attaches this universe to the greater cosmos is probably automated as well. Automated things are things that can be understood by physicists. Eventually, physicists might be able to do things outside of the space-time continuum.

So my point is: why is it impossible for God to create the universe? To create souls?
Let's keep something in mind: You referred to a ten-year-old as "lover girl." You say when you saw her, you knew you would one day have sex with her. Since I know that there are no angels, no gods, and nothing to give you these "premonitions" beyond your own, deeply troubled psyche, I have no reason to believe you when you say you had no interest in the girl when you first met her. Your story marks you as a creep, and knowing that you stalk another member of these forums marks you as an even bigger creep.
I went back through those post s to see where you are coming from.
So Mr and Mrs Grey have a daughter and give her a name, but I'm not going name her on this thread so I call her "Lover Girl". So "Lover Girl" starts off as a baby - I do not know of her.
"Lover Girl" gets to 10 and I'm told the prophecy.
"Lover Girl" gets to 40 and we met up again.
"Lover Girl" is now 50 odd - I haven't seen or spoke to her for years.
One day "Lover Girl" will die.

Not everything that the guardian angel said came true for you listened and took a different path.
So was I thinking about it all of those intervening 30 years? Not at all.

You can believe what you like, but don't call me a liar OK.

And you don't stalk anyone? You do though don't you, for every time Bebelina comes on you give her Hell.
I love someone but you hate someone.
God is Love, but Hate is devilish (Serpent).
You ought to listen to the prophecy above and just think what it might mean. Life has many pitfalls and you could be heading for one.
Let's keep something in mind: You referred to a ten-year-old as "lover girl." You say when you saw her, you knew you would one day have sex with her. .....
Let me ask you a question please. You wrote "... when you saw her, you knew you would one day have sex with her."

Do you really believe I could know something that was going to happen 30 years later? So what did you mean? For honestly I can barely tell you what is going to happen "next", let alone tell you what is going to happen in 30 years time!