Another question for atheists: Morals...


One who claims to be a messenger of God is expected to live a saintly life. He must not be given to lust, he must not be a sexual pervert, and he must not be a rapist, a highway robber, a war criminal, a mass murderer or an assassin. One who claims to be a messenger of God must have a superior character. He must stand above the vices of the people of his time.

But they forgot the Ace card. That's how it was back then in the "Real World". Haaa! Take That Apostate! Back Yea to the Pits of HELL *splashes Muslim holy sand* :D
Interesting Testimony from someone how became an atheist for Allah (in addition to all the other Gods and Godessess he was already an atheist for at the time)

For many reasons. First Quran is full of mistakes; Hadith doesn't make any sense in many.many cases. The prophet who married more than 4 because he was a prophet and was trying to solve the problems of these unmarried women. A religion with no miracle except words. I wish that somebody said that Mohamed had some miracles like what the Christians claim for their Jesus. Contradiction between the verses and even satanic verses.... But I did not left Islam totally and I can't say that in public especially in my home country because you know the consequences. Sometimes under social pressure I go to the mosque without doing any ritual!!!

However, because Islam is not a good religion some people went to attack other people for a crime their neighbors or relatives did. Yes because talibans attacked the US, Iraq is paying the price. These new crusaders invaded that country for no reason but to find the WMD. I wish that they said we came to kill Saddam and that's all without any lies. But now Iraqi finished with saddam to face the torture of the Americans, torture for freedom. The treatment of terrorism is to fight the terrorists not all Muslims whatever their believe because some of the Muslims, because they are naive, think that Islam is a religion of tolerance. In fact this is true for the Meccan part of Islam when its people were under aggression. In this era before Hijra you can read the verses quoted by Muslims as a proof of the tolerance in Islam. However, when you read the Medinan part when the Muslims became strong you can see the verses of ordering violence and kill of non-muslims and jihad especially in Surat Eltawba. Finally if the US is backing Israel because they are waiting for Jesus, then we will continue having troubles for ever because Jesus died and will not come back again. What a ridiculous belief.

SO, this guy is now an atheist for this one last god as well. He seems pretty moral? no?
Interesting site because this is written by Muslims who left Islam. They sound just like the ex-Muslims I know that left. Anyway. About Mohammad they say:
If Mohammed was truelly a prophet, he would have set better examples.
If Allah was a true god, he would know that Mohammed would be called a pedophile in the future. How could Allah allow his last messenger to be called a pedophile in the future? Was it necessary for Mohammed to have married a 9 year old little girl and result in being called a pedophile later on?

Two things.
1) on the topic of morality. I consider a sexual relationship between a 54 year old man and a 9 year old child immoral. That's my point of view. I'm pretty sure most women if approached by a 54 year old man claiming to hear god in his head and wanting to sexually be with their 9-12 year old daughter would call the police.

IN essence - everyone agree that this is immoral behavior.

BUT much like Scientology and Xenu, why worry about this little thing when one can just make it up. So we have the ace in the sleeve. THAT'S how it was back then in the REAL world. Ahhh now the conscious is eased and we can go back to worshiping Xenu,... Ooo I mean Allah.

2) I do not think Mohammad was a pedophile because pedophiles surround themselves with children. Did he do that? No. So he's not a pedophile in the classic sense. BUT, that's not the point. The point is anyone with an once of foresight would have adopted the girl and then allowed her to marry someone around her own age. ALSO, they make a good point about Allah allowing his last messenger to be called a pedophile in the future.
Bravo! he sounds just like you. :)
It's funny, across culture, time, space and here we have someone with a bit of common sense! :)

Anyway, I thought his comments on the USA invasion were more interesting - really.
I found these poignant.

to face the torture of the Americans, torture for freedom.

Finally if the US is backing Israel because they are waiting for Jesus, then we will continue having troubles for ever because Jesus died and will not come back again. What a ridiculous belief.
How about the morals of this agnostic??

Seems morally sound to me.

I read the material in the debates section of It was enough to see that Islam is not a divinely inspired religion. Since the Quran is proven to contain errors of anatomy, geography, history, biology, astronomy, grammar, logic etc. it cannot be from God.
If there are so many errors it must be man-made. So if the Quran is man-made, then the whole Islamic religion is man-made. While I believe God could exist, He may also be just human mental construct. I do not know, so I am an Agnostic. I am open to futher information to prove it one way or the other.
I found numerous Quran chapters (ayats) to be extremely hateful and violent. Thus if being a Muslim means I cannot have friendships with Christians, Jews, Hindus, Bhudhists or Atheists, etc then I do not want Islam to imprison me. I love Muslims but I hate Islam.
This thread is about the morals of Atheists (actually that should be agnostic atheist in regards to all gods)

I think the site is interesting because the reason most people LEFT religion is because they were GOOD MORAL individuals!!! Does no one see the irony in this?!?!?

Any testimonial sites on people leaving other religions and becoming atheist? The logical of reason is natural for some people - but I what I really think is interesting is to see their moral perspective.
Yeah good ole western values!!! The best there are!

What are they, anyway?

To again quote from above:
While I believe God could exist, He may also be just human mental construct. I do not know, so I am an Agnostic. I am open to futher information to prove it one way or the other.

Seems pretty open minded to me?

Wester values are based on open minded inquiry. That why when one asks an open minded person if the possibly exists that God is not real - they are able to say YES such a possibly does indeed exist. Regardless if they believe in a God or Alien or whatnot.
SAM said:
I think most of my morals are based on American social norms. Do not lie. Do not steal. So not cheat. Play fare. Help those in need of help when you can. That sort of thing.

So I'd say social norms. I also think they are pretty much universal now a days.

Since when are those American social norms?

Have you read this book? Now those are American social norms.
Dunno why someone would confuse US foreign policy with American social norms.

Unless all they knew of American social norms was US foreign policy.

But in any event, Americans are not atheists, by and large, and their social norms are not derived from atheism. Neither is their foreign policy - which has been dominated by the more religious factions of American life for some time now, the military being as in other countries a gathering place for those whose morality is more overtly based in a formal, disciplined religion.
My morals are based on whatever my "intuitions" (as my philosophy professor says) are. If I feel something is wrong or bad for me then that goes against "my" moral code. You don't have to agree or understand it. I do think that I share many of the same morals as Christians or any other religion since most moral laws seem to be a universial. Just because I don't believe in the Bible or other relgious doctrine doesn't mean they don't sometimes have good things to say.
Dunno why someone would confuse US foreign policy with American social norms.

Unless all they knew of American social norms was US foreign policy.

But in any event, Americans are not atheists, by and large, and their social norms are not derived from atheism. Neither is their foreign policy - which has been dominated by the more religious factions of American life for some time now, the military being as in other countries a gathering place for those whose morality is more overtly based in a formal, disciplined religion.

I was referring to the oblivious indifference.
To again quote from above:

Seems pretty open minded to me?

Wester values are based on open minded inquiry. That why when one asks an open minded person if the possibly exists that God is not real - they are able to say YES such a possibly does indeed exist. Regardless if they believe in a God or Alien or whatnot.

Well of course open mindedness is a good value... but it is so vague and unpracticed, so what good is it to call it a Western value? It's almost like saying
being good is a Western value ;)
What are (some of) your morals.
I only have one - rational self interest.

This leads to the following -

Only do things that support my personal survival. Those things involve assisting in supporting communities and happy relationships since all those have long term effects on my long term survival. Do things that encourage life, health, and longevity.