Another question for atheists: Morals...

morality is man-made bullshit. god makes law, not morality. and we are all subject to it.
What are (some of) your morals. Are they the same/similar to judeo-xtianity? What do you base your morals on? If there is no God, How can there be morality?

I'm off to a meeting, so I'll be back in a few hours to catch up.

Some of my morals: Putting certain others first/living for the sake of important people to me.

Similar to Judeo-Xianity: Somewhat.

Morals based on: experimentation... I've found this works bests with my uncontrolled portions (subconscious). It gives me energy that is not under conscious control... makes me happy, etc...

If there is no god there can still be morality, just no official and correct one.
I have had to, apparently its a necessary part of being in a society where religion is assumed to make you impervious to science and substitute your brains for mush
I fully understand the mental dichotomy you face. But rest assured, only part of your brain is mush.
Tell me again why your knuckles are scraping the ground. :confused:
It's the weight of all the moral ambiguity of theists bending my back. Someone's got to help clarify things for you. Like: "Claiming things that you have no evidence for is bad", and "blowing up others in the name of your god is bad", etc...
It's the weight of all the moral ambiguity of theists bending my back. Someone's got to help clarify things for you. Like: "Claiming things that you have no evidence for is bad", and "blowing up others in the name of your god is bad", etc...

But its okay when The Godless do it?:rolleyes:
What are (some of) your morals. Are they the same/similar to judeo-xtianity? What do you base your morals on? If there is no God, How can there be morality?

Quite simply, do not intentionally do harm to others. No gods were necessary in the making of this concept.

The godless blow people up in the name of their god???


Of course. They call their God <insert some ideology, which atheists will adopt>, which is righteous and most high. Like the LTTE suicide bombers.