Another question for atheists: Morals...

What are (some of) your morals. Are they the same/similar to judeo-xtianity? What do you base your morals on? If there is no God, How can there be morality?

I'm off to a meeting, so I'll be back in a few hours to catch up.

sums up as not doing for others what I done want done to myself, because that makes sense
SAM said:
I was referring to the oblivious indifference.
You were referring to the absence of desirable social norms in Americans, and offering as evidence instances of bad American foreign policy.

As far as obliviousness goes, the OP is a fine example. Apparently the assumption is that theists get their morals from their theism, or their God, or some such source, rather than from their common human nature and wisdom in upbringing. So we have a question that seems to suppose that if a person doesn't believe in a God of some kind they have no basis for morality !

At least the question implies an interest, and not indifference.
You were referring to the absence of desirable social norms in Americans, and offering as evidence instances of bad American foreign policy.

As far as obliviousness goes, the OP is a fine example. Apparently the assumption is that theists get their morals from their theism, or their God, or some such source, rather than from their common human nature and wisdom in upbringing. So we have a question that seems to suppose that if a person doesn't believe in a God of some kind they have no basis for morality !

At least the question implies an interest, and not indifference.

The oblivious indifference of Americans to the consequences of their forays in the world, implies a lack of both interest and morals to me. They don't really care what their government is cooking around the world, as long as they are insulated from any effects.
Isn't it interesting that this thread is about atheist morals and then when we trun to the opinion of why people left their religous beleif the majority seem so suggest the religions immoral intolerant teachings that were incompatible with their ethic moral code that resulted in thier becoming agnositic and atheist

Give them a read - its something to thing about.
The oblivious indifference of Americans to the consequences of their forays in the world, implies a lack of both interest and morals to me. They don't really care what their government is cooking around the world, as long as they are insulated from any effects.

You managed to squeeze in an off-topic anti-american slag. :rolleyes:

I'm planning on squeezing in a banana later on today. :shake:
If there is no God, How can there be morality?

Morals were first (don't kill your own tribe) then came the gods...

Also, have you heard of the law of the land?? You might want to check up on drinking laws when visiting Saudi Arabia, so just you don't behave imorally...
Isn't it interesting that this thread is about atheist morals and then when we trun to the opinion of why people left their religous beleif the majority seem so suggest the religions immoral intolerant teachings that were incompatible with their ethic moral code that resulted in thier becoming agnositic and atheist

Give them a read - its something to thing about.

Does this mean that if some democratic countries behave like idiots on smack, using freedom as a justification, we should all abandon democracy?
Does this mean that if some democratic countries behave like idiots on smack, using freedom as a justification, we should all abandon democracy?

You are off-topic again, Sam. Can a moderator deal with this troll, please?
The oblivious indifference of Americans to the consequences of their forays in the world, implies a lack of both interest and morals to me. They don't really care what their government is cooking around the world, as long as they are insulated from any effects.
That's pretty fucking bigoted and stupid there sam.

Try this: Indians clearly are a dirty, loathsome race that stratifies itself more than any other and can't control their own fucking-like-rabbits breeding behavior.

Bite it, sammy dear.
That's pretty fucking bigoted and stupid there sam.

Try this: Indians clearly are a dirty, loathsome race that stratifies itself more than any other and can't control their own fucking-like-rabbits breeding behavior.

Bite it, sammy dear.

Are they doing anything about it? As compared to the passive indifference of the average American to having their country flushed deeper and deeper into immoral poo?:mad:
Are they doing anything about it? As compared to the passive indifference of the average American to having their country flushed deeper and deeper into immoral poo?:mad:
Sam, pardon me, but I've lived here my entire life and am a citizen. I've done everything a normal citizen can do to help steer the course of the country. My friends are all fairly well educated and have done the same. Are you trying to tell me that your biased, limited, TV show level of experience with the US gives you some deeper insight than mine or that of other conscientious citizens?

Well then, fuck you. In case you haven't noticed, we're in an historic debate here over who will lead us and how that will affect our foreign policy in the coming years. Most of us hate our current situation, and are voting to change it. So again, fuck you.

Did I mention that your ill-informed arrogance really pisses me off?
Sam, pardon me, but I've lived here my entire life and am a citizen. I've done everything a normal citizen can do to help steer the course of the country. My friends are all fairly well educated and have done the same. Are you trying to tell me that your biased, limited, TV show level of experience with the US gives you some deeper insight than mine or that of other conscientious citizens?

Well then, fuck you. In case you haven't noticed, we're in an historic debate here over who will lead us and how that will affect our foreign policy in the coming years. Most of us hate our current situation, and are voting to change it. So again, fuck you.

Did I mention that your ill-informed arrogance really pisses me off?

Ill informed?
Yeah, sucks, don't it?

Why don't you just come over here sam and do your goddamned moral duty and start shooting american citizens at random based on this wonderful book. Take out as many of us as you can before the cops mow you down. If you're truly morally righteous, you'll make sure you're wearing a trinitrotoluene vest so that any bullet that hits you will take out at least some police officers.
Yeah, sucks, don't it?

Why don't you just come over here sam and do your goddamned moral duty and start shooting american citizens at random based on this wonderful book. Take out as many of us as you can before the cops mow you down. If you're truly morally righteous, you'll make sure you're wearing a trinitrotoluene vest so that any bullet that hits you will take out at least some police officers.

Go back to sleep, theres a good boy.
Go back to sleep, theres a good boy.
Go back to your hovel of moral rectitude. There's a good selfrighteous muslim.

So, just what are you doing to help stop the most heinous regime of the 20th century? (No not Nazi Germany, no, not Stalinist russia). I hope you're doing something substantive (unlike us americans who just sit around all day and blow ganja smoke rings).

So, what's your agenda for us sam?