Another question for atheists: Morals...

Religious people adopt their share of ideologies. Atheists are at least not subject to the irrationality of faith.
SAM said:
Does that include psychological harm?

Like lying and intellectual dishonesty?

Or, childhood cult indoctrination?

Perhaps, the oppression of critical thinking?

How about being treated like cattle or furniture?
Like lying and intellectual dishonesty?

Or, childhood cult indoctrination?

Perhaps, the oppression of critical thinking?

How about being treated like cattle or furniture?

Are we talking about living in atheist Russia? Or China? Or North Korea?
Are we talking about living in atheist Russia? Or China? Or North Korea?

We weren't talking about that at all. Are you on acid? :bugeye:

Or, just demonstrating my point about intellectual dishonesty, yet again?
If you refer to Americans, remember most of the Bush administration claim to be religious :O As do most of the military, including the higher ranks.

I meant the brilliant (atheist) scientists who design the weapons of mass destruction. Surely you don't think its the moronic theists doing that?:eek:

Of course they do it for rational reasons like getting rid of cumbersome parasites and to make society more to their liking (less poor people, morons, delusional people, gays, guys who wear glasses, laugh too much etc, basically all signs of theism and or genetic inferiority)
We weren't talking about that at all. Are you on acid? :bugeye:

Or, just demonstrating my point about intellectual dishonesty, yet again?

The descriptions you gave suggested those societies to me.:shrug:
I meant the brilliant (atheist) scientists who design the weapons of mass destruction. Surely you don't think its the moronic theists doing that?:eek:

Of course they do it for rational reasons like getting rid of cumbersome parasites and to make society more to their liking (less poor people, morons, delusional people, gays, guys who wear glasses, laugh too much etc, basically all signs of theism and or genetic inferiority)

Source? :p

Any officially atheist society. For some reason, all (really really brilliant) atheists gravitate to eugenics.

In a letter to the editor of the Sunday Herald (Scotland), Dawkins says that while one would not want to be seen agreeing with Hitler, eugenics is practical and desirable. He says that ‘if you can breed cattle for milk yield, horses for running speed, and dogs for herding skill, why on Earth should it be impossible to breed humans for mathematical, musical or athletic ability?’

Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.-Dawkins

I meant the brilliant (atheist) scientists who design the weapons of mass destruction. Surely you don't think its the moronic theists doing that?:eek:

Of course they do it for rational reasons like getting rid of cumbersome parasites and to make society more to their liking (less poor people, morons, delusional people, gays, guys who wear glasses, laugh too much etc, basically all signs of theism and or genetic inferiority)

What are you babbling about now? Einstein?
Quite alot apparently.

It's funny you speak of eugenics. By maintaining patriarchal control over who marries whom, Muslim and Christian societies have been practicing eugenics for millenia.
What are you babbling about now?

When you speak like that - saying someone is "babbling about" something - this is such a low blow. I don't think it's a mark of a nice, moral person to say of others they are "babbling".
edit: I have to qualify. These are western style atheists. Eastern atheists, or atheist like Hindu sects are like theists in their behaviour.

Please clairfy -
Those Eastern atheists are like which theists in their behavior?
Do you mean that Hindu theists and Hindu atheists are alike in their behavior?
I think most of my morals are based on American social norms. Do not lie. Do not steal. So not cheat. Play fare. Help those in need of help when you can. That sort of thing.

So I'd say social norms. I also think they are pretty much universal now a days.
Isn't that mindless obedience?

no his law makes sense to me, unlike much of the "old fat white man christian crap" standards that the majority of society adheres to. who do you obey?