Animal cruelty

Every time you breath you kill some part of life, every time you take a step you kill some part of life, those neurons die in your brain, bacteria perish to hell, and all you have is no regret but animal cruelty on hand. We dominate this planet, we kill for fun, for sport, for lust and our souls are covered in animal's blood. There is no wrong and there is no right, if you want to help others, then commit a suicide. Buddha was a killer, he killed his own ecoli that dwell in his stomach and helped him survive. Your youngest sister's a killer she like's that red meat. Your baby is sleeping just fine in his bed, he's also a killer, he loves the omelette from a pet chicken he bought from vet.
Every time you breath you kill some part of life, every time you take a step you kill some part of life, those neurons die in your brain, bacteria perish to hell, and all you have is no regret but animal cruelty on hand. We dominate this planet, we kill for fun, for sport, for lust and our souls are covered in animal's blood. There is no wrong and there is no right, if you want to help others, then commit a suicide. Buddha was a killer, he killed his own ecoli that dwell in his stomach and helped him survive. Your youngest sister's a killer she like's that red meat. Your baby is sleeping just fine in his bed, he's also a killer, he loves the omelette from a pet chicken he bought from vet.

very true! please admit you are selfish like everyone eles!;)
Every time you breath you kill some part of life, every time you take a step you kill some part of life, those neurons die in your brain, bacteria perish to hell, and all you have is no regret but animal cruelty on hand.

Let's stick to the killing of sentient animals, ok?

There's no evidence that bacteria feel pain, or think, or appreciate their place in the world, or have an expectation of their lives continuing. There is abundant evidence that cows, for example, do all these things.

We dominate this planet, we kill for fun, for sport, for lust and our souls are covered in animal's blood. There is no wrong and there is no right, if you want to help others, then commit a suicide.

Sounds high and lofty, but really it is just avoiding taking responsibility for your cruelty.

"There's no wrong or right. Therefore, when I kill an animal for fun, it doesn't matter."

That you would try to rationalise your actions this way is really stretching things. And, you know what? I don't think for one moment you believe your own rhetoric.
Oh, very good argument. So, you'd agree that President Bush is more important than you. If it came to a choice of killing you or killing Bush, obviously you would sacrifice yourself, because Bush is the ruler. Right?

No i won't but he will make me cause he is as i said the ruler!

Why not? Because J.J always gets what J.J wants? J.J likes killing animals and eating them, so any interests they have automatically come second. Great argument.
you right! cause i'm eating more chicken then ever!:)

for every chicken you don't eat i eat 3 more!;)

What you mean is that eating animals is fine because you like the taste of their flesh. But you think eating animals doesn't really involve pain, so it is fine, despite the fact that an innocent animal died for your arbitrary tastes.
like i said earlier are you an vegetarian?
and why do you think plants don't "hurt" because they can express? well then in your thoery we should fight for them even when they can't fight for them selfs right?
and i think you need to eat everyday right? hopefully... you do

and again buddy why don't you fight for the right for the bunnies who got killed by a tiger. LOL tell the tiger to stop eat meat and see what he says;P

So, according to you, the only value in an animal's life is its usefulness to you
true cause i want to live, don't you!

it's ok to eat me but if you can pass by my pit bull attack LOL

Excuse me? Is this an insult? Why? Because I am challenging your views? Do you feel threatened?

wtf you talking about? i didn't feel threatened, and it is an insult, and just to let you know i insulted you on purpose;p because when i diss you my day be come a whole lot better :)
please answer every question i posted don't skip, good boy!

More weak arguments, which have already been covered in the thread. Why don't you read back and save me educating yet another person?

No i won't but he will make me cause he is as i said the ruler!

So, according to you, might makes right. You admit you have no morals, other than "the strongest rules". Is that correct?

J.J likes killing animals and eating them, so any interests they have automatically come second.
you right! cause i'm eating more chicken then ever!

Ok. I'm glad we've cleared that up. You're ethically stunted. But at least you now admit it.

and why do you think plants don't "hurt" because they can express?

Do you have any evidence that plants feel pain? No, you don't. But there is abundant evidence that animals you kill for food or fur or fun feel pain.

well then in your thoery we should fight for them even when they can't fight for them selfs right?

Yes. Absolutely. I believe in defending the weak and helpless. Which is why I have such a hard time understanding the mindset of people like you, who asserts that all that matters is ruling with an iron fist. I despair at ever breaking through to somebody with such an underdeveloped moral sense.

and again buddy why don't you fight for the right for the bunnies who got killed by a tiger. LOL tell the tiger to stop eat meat and see what he says;P

Tigers are carnivores. They need to eat meat. You don't. You just do it for fun.

So, according to you, the only value in an animal's life is its usefulness to you

true cause i want to live, don't you!

Are you really this thick, or are you putting on an act? One more time:

You don't need to eat meat.

You just do it for fun.

i didn't feel threatened, and it is an insult, and just to let you know i insulted you on purpose;p because when i diss you my day be come a whole lot better

I'm guessing you're a teenaged kid. I can only hope you'll grow up eventually.
James R, what are u a vegetarian? and u never ate anything from an animal havent u? well ha! thats more meat for me....yummy...
James R, what are u a vegetarian? and u never ate anything from an animal havent u? well ha! thats more meat for me....yummy...

What's your argument here? Oh, that's right, you don't have one.

You're just asserting your right to eat meat because you want to do what you want to do.

Revelling in your depravity isn't an argument, dragon.

Oh, and by the way...

thats more meat for me....yummy...

No. You'll eat the same amount of meat, regardless. But fewer animals overall will die, or be bred for food, if other people act ethically while you wallow in your self-absorption.
James R...say...that dog in your avatar looks yummy...I am sure I can cook some dog meat in chinese style and enjoy this fine delicatessen.
Tigers are carnivores. They need to eat meat. You don't. You just do it for fun.

yo james you know that many animals was from the see but they evolve and change to adapt to live on land does that mean tiger can't eat grass?
and i'm telling you if pig can eat meat and grass and they are eating it then why can't us?
and i thought you are a very nice person, and like to protect the weak ones like animals but why don't you protect plants being eaten, you said that we can't prove that plans feel pain, but as matter of fact they are living being we can prove that, then killing living beings are wrong right? and if we cannot prove they feel pain then are you saying it's ok to kill them? cause dog can't tell me that he hate being tortured you only can tell from it's emotion and can you prove 100% emotion all ways right or counts?

I'm guessing you're a teenaged kid. I can only hope you'll grow up eventually.
ok do that but before i "grow up" i guess you have to suffer more diss from me, sorry about that, can't help it LOL ;P
why don't you drink your mom's milk in that way we don't kill anyone!:)
James R said:
Let's stick to the killing of sentient animals, ok?
Oh, so it deserves to exist only if it's sentient? Now who's the bloody hypocrite, jim boy? :rolleyes:

James R said:
Yet, you then spend the rest of your post attempting to defend your evil acts again.
Because you fucking bitch and whine when I don't.

So, might is right, eh? I guess if somebody decided to dominate you, torture or rape you, you'd be just fine with that then.
No, because I wouldn't enjoy that at all, now would I?

Sure you do. Every time you eat an animal, it is dead. Ever noticed that?
Doesn't mean that I killed it myself. I simply don't have the guts to kill something larger than an insect, I'll be the first one to admit it, but that doesn't mean I won't eat it if someone else does.
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James R...say...that dog in your avatar looks yummy...I am sure I can cook some dog meat in chinese style and enjoy this fine delicatessen.

Go play somewhere else.


yo james you know that many animals was from the see but they evolve and change to adapt to live on land does that mean tiger can't eat grass?

Yes. Tigers evolved in such a way that their digestive systems do not process grass efficiently.

and i'm telling you if pig can eat meat and grass and they are eating it then why can't us?

Do pigs kill other animals for food?

and i thought you are a very nice person, and like to protect the weak ones like animals but why don't you protect plants being eaten, you said that we can't prove that plans feel pain, but as matter of fact they are living being we can prove that, then killing living beings are wrong right?

Too simplistic again.

I never claimed all living things have an equal right to life. Want proof of that? Look at my views on abortion, in any of the threads on that topic.

Since you are clearly a novice on this matter, consider the words of Jeremy Bentham, who said that what matters is not (first) whether a living thing can think or reason, but whether it can suffer. That is a good first step.

So, ask yourself: Can plants suffer? Can a cow suffer? Can a 2 week old human foetus suffer?

and if we cannot prove they feel pain then are you saying it's ok to kill them?

In certain circumstances, yes - particular where other interests take precedence. Ethics is always a balancing game - of one interest versus another. The trick is to decide which of multiple interests is more important in particular cases - something which takes some thought, rather than the typical knee-jerk assumptions we've seen throughout this thread.

cause dog can't tell me that he hate being tortured you only can tell from it's emotion and can you prove 100% emotion all ways right or counts?

I'm having trouble penetrating your English expression here.

If somebody tortures a dog, it seems pretty obvious to me that the dog would be in pain. You could tell by its yelps, whimpers, seeking to escape, etc.

Can't you tell when an animal is in pain? Don't you care?

ok do that but before i "grow up" i guess you have to suffer more diss from me, sorry about that, can't help it LOL ;P

Believe me, I've been "dissed" by better dissers than you.

why don't you drink your mom's milk in that way we don't kill anyone!

Is this another lame, teenager insult?

Let's stick to the killing of sentient animals, ok?

Oh, so it deserves to exist only if it's sentient? Now who's the bloody hypocrite, jim boy?

This is a straw man, Hasburg, young boy. Please try to keep up.

Yet, you then spend the rest of your post attempting to defend your evil acts again.

Because you fucking bitch and whine when I don't.

Why do you feel like you need to justify your immorality to me? What do you care what I think?

Look, if you just admit that you kill animals because you like the taste of their flesh, with no good reason, then I'm happy to leave the discussion there. We can agree you're morally bankrupt and be done with it. Ok?

So, might is right, eh? I guess if somebody decided to dominate you, torture or rape you, you'd be just fine with that then.

No, because I wouldn't enjoy that at all, now would I?

Who cares? According to you, might makes right. The strong rule over the weak. Why should you have any special rights?

Sure you do. Every time you eat an animal, it is dead. Ever noticed that?

Doesn't mean that I killed it myself. I simply don't have the guts to kill something larger than an insect, I'll be the first one to admit it, but that doesn't mean I won't eat it if someone else does.

Isn't that worse? You won't even take responsibility for your own actions. You get other people to do your dirty work for you. It's like saying you wouldn't think twice about having somebody you didn't like murdered, as long as you didn't have to pull the trigger personally. Is that really how you think?
Jim, you just don't fucking get it. So, just...fuck it.
It's gonna be impossible to explain anything to that moralistic religionist.

What are you talking about?


You're right. I don't get it.

How can you happily act immorally without a twinge of guilt?
So, might is right, eh? I guess if somebody decided to dominate you, torture or rape you, you'd be just fine with that then.
hapsburg said:
No, because I wouldn't enjoy that at all, now would I?

a dog would not enjoy torture either, so you are saying the only difference between torturing a dog, and torturing you, is that it is you. that is clearly trying to justify torturing other animals because your species is dominant, and that exactly what you oppose when it said that you think 'might is right'.
Here is the discussion ender. Mankind by nature is a predator. We are the firercest meanest, and deadliest predators on this planet. We kill to eat. We kill to clothe ourselves. And unlike animals we kill for sheer pleasure. Take meat away from us and eventually you get people who have no outlet other than killing each other. That is the world PETA and James R strive for. Personally I'm gonna go have a cheeseburger.
TW Scott,

So, your "discussion ender" is that you have to eat meat in order to stop yourself from killing other people?

How weak-willed you are. Can't you control yourself at all?