Animal cruelty

razz said:
I want to know how many of you feel this idiot was within his rights to treat his dog how he did?

If this had been a persons life, how serious would it have been treated?

what values do you place on an animals life?

what rights does an animal have ?

Well done first of all!

What people don't realise about humans that mistreat animals (in our culture anyway...important to make that distinction!) is that they treat their kids the same way. Here in the UK we have the RSPCA and they say that when they go to the home of a mistreated animal they often see cases of neglect/abuse with regards to the kids. When people have this disregard for sufferring it applies across the board. This is the greatest sadness!
Chagur said:
Also, having been in Corrections for some thirty-eight years and not doubt having been in more altercations than anyone of you will possibly experience in your lifetime, I still have a respect for the law. anthills with firecrackers.


I myself have been on receiving end of lots of unprovoked violence and standing at 5'4 weighing 8 stone and being female, I'd have still jumped that fence, and indeed have come to the aid of many I thought to be in peril. Helping those in need help is instinctive not based on logic, if that is your nature that is, some are made of weaker stuff, hence the case of me being kicked in the head by four people while a crowd looked on and no one helped, hence me being kicked with ice hockey blades while a crowd looked on and no one helped, hence me being used a jump rope while someone held my ankles and others jumped over my head, and the corwd looked on, do I take this lack of care into my future dealings with those that need help no I don't!

I've spun my car (nearly risking my life-stupid I agree at this point) at a junction when I saw a girl in my rear mirror being followed and harrassed by a group of men. I pulled up aside and made sure she was ok (stupid boyfriend and his mates so no harm truely intended on that occassion) but I was there if she had been in danger. I've been with mates and rescued a prostitutue from a pimp who was about to beat her up and got my friends to walk her home! The list goes on,

u walk on by, you get no credit here.
Personally i think animal should be protected, but as i always say: you only have rights or freedom when you fight for your rights and freedom.
I believe the situation your are in is called a feeling sympathy situation. you have to understand that animal and human beings are not equal, that's why we eat fish pigs beef and manny animals every day, what is that then? Well i think you might say that it is an exception, but if you still think a human's life is the same as animal then if a tiger want to kill you can you talk to it and rationalize with it? i don't think so i guess!
I understand how you feel about people beating animals and i would do the same thing if i saw someone torture their dog, but still the reason the police will take a human beings life more serious is because human beings are more important. if i killed a dog let's say, is it's family memebers gonna have concern about his death? well if it is a human being then his or her family memeber will find the killer and punish it. So if you love animal then protect them, but just remember that animals are not the same level as us and only if more people fight for the animals rights will they get their rights but clearly we don't have the majority of people in our society want to do it that badly.
JJ I think you've missed the point of the original post, this man saw a dog being beaten to death with a shovel, its a highly emotive situation and the poster reacted on instinct (his instincts are not to tolerate this level of cruelty-not everyone as I have described has this gut reaction)

Maybe he over stepped the mark beating that chap up, but thats just because of laws and the law is an ass. Yes humans are more improtant but as I also said the jackass beating his dog no doubt also beats his kids.

re eating animals that has nothing to do with being against animal cruelty. I am a meat eater by design and I eat food that has been humanely kept and slaughtered as is natures way! It's natural for us to eat meat. It's not natural to torture or be uneccessarily cruel for the sake of it and animals themeselves don't behave like this.

So when we torture and are cruel, we are at that point less than animals.

So you could say at the point the man was beating his dog with a shovel, he was worth less than the dog. Not all humans have value, some are positively not worth the air they breath, they are cruel and intolerable, hence the USA's death penalty to destroy them in the same way we in the UK destroy dangerous dogs.
'Kay, purposely hurting the thing like that, hitting it with a shovel, is cruel. Killing animals for little or no reason, that is mean.
Killing a chicken or a cow for food is a different matter though, because that's,
did i say that i would let that guy beat up the dog? um..... no
I'm just saying and making a point that animals are different than human beings. And it's funny how we make exceptions that we are more important than animals by eating them..
It is funny how we protect a dog being beaten but we kill cows LOL
are dog more important than cows? why is it considered torture? can you beat your dog? no matter what? well i know alot of parents beat their children to teach them a lesson. Another question are you considering pet are more important than those food animals like chicken and cow?
J.J said:
are dog more important than cows?
Yes, actually. They're smarter, thus better and more useful. A cow can't defend you if your house is broken into. A dog can. Thus, it's useful while still alive.

Another question are you considering pet are more important than those food animals like chicken and cow?
Yes. Like I said, a pet can serve a purpose while still alive. Cows and chickens, can't really do that, besides breeding more cows and chickens. Thus, they are eaten. Also, they probably taste better than most 'pet' species.
Eh, some people they're cute, thus they could be useful. As a...companion or something. I dunno.
Ok Hapsburg
so are you saying that if a mental disable or physical disable human being is different than normal human being and should not be treated equally?
That's different. I've been over this a hundred times: humans are a different matter entirely. I am a human and treat all human equally. Other species are another matter.

Personally i think animal should be protected...

But not protected from being eaten, obviously.

..., but as i always say: you only have rights or freedom when you fight for your rights and freedom.

Did you fight for your right to vote? Did you fight for the right not to be wrongfully imprisoned, or held without trial? Or to have a driver's licence? Or did somebody else just give you those rights?

I believe the situation your are in is called a feeling sympathy situation. you have to understand that animal and human beings are not equal, that's why we eat fish pigs beef and manny animals every day, what is that then?

Selfishness. You like the taste of flesh, so you kill innocent animals.

As for your "animals are not equal" argument, would you say a 1 year old baby is "equal" to you? If not, do you think it would be ok to eat it?

Well i think you might say that it is an exception, but if you still think a human's life is the same as animal then if a tiger want to kill you can you talk to it and rationalize with it? i don't think so i guess!

If you want to eat a one-year-old baby, can it talk to you and rationalize with you? I don't think so. Therefore, eating it would be ok, by your argument.

I understand how you feel about people beating animals and i would do the same thing if i saw someone torture their dog, but still the reason the police will take a human beings life more serious is because human beings are more important.


if i killed a dog let's say, is it's family memebers gonna have concern about his death? well if it is a human being then his or her family memeber will find the killer and punish it. So if you love animal then protect them, but just remember that animals are not the same level as us and only if more people fight for the animals rights will they get their rights but clearly we don't have the majority of people in our society want to do it that badly.

Obviously, you don't care, for one. Animal rights are fine with you, as long as they don't interfere with your right to do whatever you want whenever you want - right? If you want to eat an animal, it has no right to refuse to be eaten by you. If you want to wear its fur, you need the fur more than the animal. If you want to torture the animal for fun, what are its rights, compared to your pleasure?

re eating animals that has nothing to do with being against animal cruelty.

Of course not. Killing a sentient being just because you like the taste of its flesh is perfectly fine. Not cruel at all. Animals don't want to live, really, when they could be food on your plate.

I am a meat eater by design and I eat food that has been humanely kept and slaughtered as is natures way!

Do you check that the meat you eat has been "humanely kept"? I bet you don't. I doubt you have a clue where your meat comes from.

It's natural for us to eat meat.

It's natural for humans to murder people, too - judging from millennia of examples. So, I guess murder is ok, then.

It's not natural to torture or be uneccessarily cruel for the sake of it and animals themeselves don't behave like this.

Have you ever watched a killer whale play with a seal pup by tossing it around, all bloodied and dying, but still alive?


Killing animals for little or no reason, that is mean.
Killing a chicken or a cow for food is a different matter though, because that's,

Nothing gets through to you, does it? Poor memory, or stupidity?

Please re-read my previous posts, where I stepped you through this argument.

Yes, actually. [Cows are] smarter [than dogs], thus better and more useful. A cow can't defend you if your house is broken into. A dog can. Thus, it's useful while still alive.

So, according to you, the only worthwhile measure of an animal's worth is how useful it is to a human being. That fits pretty well with your other poor rationalisations. You have so far to go to begin to understand morality, one wonders where to start.

humans are a different matter entirely. I am a human and treat all human equally. Other species are another matter.

Why? What makes humans special? Oh, that's right. Hapsburg is human. Therefore, humans are special, because Hapsburg is special. Of course. So logical.

I don't know why you were arguing.

Because I think it's stupid for people to tell me what the fuck I can and what the fuck I cannot eat. My food.

Then why do you feel the need to defend yourself? If you're happy killing animals for pleasure, why not just admit it?

At least that would be honest.

Did you fight for your right to vote? Did you fight for the right not to be wrongfully imprisoned, or held without trial? Or to have a driver's licence? Or did somebody else just give you those rights?

They did give me the right, but remember buddy i would fight if they didn't.

and to answer your question,Did you fight for your right to vote?
Women fought for their rights to vote,(maybe check out the history text books,that helps)

Selfishness. You like the taste of flesh, so you kill innocent animals.
first of all, i am interested about your diet......
second of all what is innocent? if a tiger killed a human being is it innocent?
If a pitbull bit a baby's arm off is it innocent? are you saying there are two kinds of animals? innocent and none innocent? i though we are all equal.

I understand how you feel about people beating animals and i would do the same thing if i saw someone torture their dog, but still the reason the police will take a human beings life more serious is because human beings are more important.


because we are the ruler! See i hate your kind of phony people, you start to protect animals and their rights and shit, and asking why are they different than us, when we are already treating them differently and eating them. I start to wonder too, did you raise up by a bitch(female dog)?

If you want to eat an animal, it has no right to refuse to be eaten by you.

actually they do! :) a pig or cow can fight me, and a chicken can jump and attack my face! but they didn't do that, and if they did we still kill them cause for food.

And where did you get the information that i like torture dogs or cats. i just feel like some people are over reacting over protecting the animal. Like i once saw this guy hit his dog cause his dog broke an expansive vase then this other guy saw what he did and then start saying that he torture his dog, first of all i believe you should get the punishment for what you have done wrong, second of all dogs evolved from wolves and thus how did we control the wolves? i believe we over powered them, cause i don't think they came to us and ask us to make them pet!
Yes, actually. They're smarter, thus better and more useful. A cow can't defend you if your house is broken into. A dog can. Thus, it's useful while still alive.

so why don't we kill all the cows and make more dogs!LOL

Women fought for their rights to vote,(maybe check out the history text books,that helps)

You mean, just like how animal liberationists are fighting for basic animal rights not to be eaten for fun?

Do you think women should have lesser rights than men, the same as you think animals should have lesser rights than human beings? It sounds like you think the situations are comparable.

Selfishness. You like the taste of flesh, so you kill innocent animals.
first of all, i am interested about your diet......


second of all what is innocent? if a tiger killed a human being is it innocent?
If a pitbull bit a baby's arm off is it innocent? are you saying there are two kinds of animals? innocent and none innocent? i though we are all equal.

This is a diversion. You don't eat pitbulls who tear off babies' arms. You eat cows and sheep, which have never hurt a human being in their lives. Are you attempting to justify the killing of animals on the basis that they might conceivably hurt a human being?

How may humans die from tiger attacks each year, do you think? And how many cows die because humans like to eat them?

[Humans are more important] because we are the ruler!

Oh, very good argument. So, you'd agree that President Bush is more important than you. If it came to a choice of killing you or killing Bush, obviously you would sacrifice yourself, because Bush is the ruler. Right?

See i hate your kind of phony people, you start to protect animals and their rights and shit, and asking why are they different than us, when we are already treating them differently and eating them.

Delicious irony. I'm phony when I say animals are worthy of protection from being eaten for fun. Yet you get all riled up when you're challenged about eating meat.

Why not be honest, and simply admit you have no moral justification for eating meat - that you do it just because it gives you pleasure, and no other reason? Otherwise, it seems to me that you are the phony.

As for your weak argument that it is ok to kill animals because we already kill animals, it is hardly worth responding to. By the same argument, when women did not have the vote, that was right and fair, because they had never had the vote anyway.

I start to wonder too, did you raise up by a bitch(female dog)?

Excuse me? Is this an insult? Why? Because I am challenging your views? Do you feel threatened?

If you want to eat an animal, it has no right to refuse to be eaten by you.

Why not? Because J.J always gets what J.J wants? J.J likes killing animals and eating them, so any interests they have automatically come second. Great argument.

And where did you get the information that i like torture dogs or cats. i just feel like some people are over reacting over protecting the animal.

What you mean is that eating animals is fine because you like the taste of their flesh. But you think eating animals doesn't really involve pain, so it is fine, despite the fact that an innocent animal died for your arbitrary tastes. If you decided you liked dog meat, you'd be quite happy to have dogs killed, just like you're happy to kill cows now.

A cow can't defend you if your house is broken into. A dog can. Thus, it's useful while still alive.

So, according to you, the only value in an animal's life is its usefulness to you. If it is of no use to you, it's ok to kill it.

Are you of any use to society, J.J? If not, would it be ok to kill you and eat you?
James R said:
You have so far to go to begin to understand morality, one wonders where to start.
Morality? Bah! All that does is limit our potential.

What makes humans special?
Because we fucking dominate this planet. No other intelligent being has been so successful.

Then why do you feel the need to defend yourself? If you're happy killing animals for pleasure, why not just admit it?
Yeah, except I don't kill animals...moron. :rolleyes:


You're still not being consistent. On the one hand, you say:

Morality? Bah! All that does is limit our potential.

Yet, you then spend the rest of your post attempting to defend your evil acts again.

Because we fucking dominate this planet. No other intelligent being has been so successful.

So, might is right, eh? I guess if somebody decided to dominate you, torture or rape you, you'd be just fine with that then.

Yeah, except I don't kill animals...moron.

Sure you do. Every time you eat an animal, it is dead. Ever noticed that?