Animal cruelty

Roman said:
How do you know this? Care to substantiate it?
Knock yourself out. I mean, literally, knock yourself out by cutting off your oxygen supply. Oh, it is such a rush. :m:

PS) Just make sure you have someone near you to help you if it goes wrong.
James R said:
TW Scott:

I understand quite clearly that I am fighting for truth and justice here. :)

Do you feel persecuted? Poor old TW...

No, just attacked and luckily for you I do not feel threatened, becuase while you do honestly believe you fight for truth and justice, I can see you do not. It's a sad, sad, sad, state of affairs in your mind. You are fighting to make innoccent people feel guilty for what is not in the least bit a sin.

No. There are many animals products we get which do not involve harming animals. In fact, in some cases, they actually help animals. For example, take the shearing of sheep.

And milking cows, and egg gathering.

Well, obviously, if we decided to abandon all animal products (which I do not advocate).

But you are asking to start the slippery slope that will lead to that.

... like we respect them so much now! Hehe, you do make me laugh.

How are you respecting animals by killing them for your own pleasure?

Actually I do. I respect every animal that dies to feed me. Jusdt as a respect every plant. Part of that respect is being the predator.

We're already doing that. Or haven't you noticed?

Yes, but we still have room to do things. A cattle ranch is just fenced in nature with a few wells and a house and barn. Not fields stripped of everything but the type of plant you are trying to make cash from

We've already made a good start at that too, but we're still eating meat!

True, but that is not the meat eaters doing it. Not the ranchers. It is the people planting wheat, corn, tomatos, and chili's.

Do you think people have to be meat farmers? Is there no other employment available?

With over 5% unemployment and the fact that in some areas the Ranch is THE employer, then yeah I guess some people would prefer it to starving to death.
razz said:
I want to know how many of you feel this idiot was within his rights to treat his dog how he did?

If this had been a persons life, how serious would it have been treated?

what values do you place on an animals life?

what rights does an animal have ?

No, this idiot would have been looking down the wrong end of a Rifle, or dead from the lead.

If that had been a person, you would have been the hero, and it would have been bad for the POS(piece of sh)

I place animals higher then most people, as animals do no wrong. They just do what they feel.

Animals should have more rights then people.

In my case, a friend of mine was burning cats, and I caught him in the act, so I threw gas on him and lit a match. He got 3rd degree burns on his ass and back, and I got a assault with intent to do bodily harm, which was real worth it.
animal rights - certain drug trials/testing i accept needs to be done to establish the safety of potentially life saving drugs - i can see the greater good in that

testing cosmetics and killing animals for fur i believe is very wrong, im not a vegetarian - if the whole animal is being used as in the case of cows - for its meat - for its hide - then i see the necessity.

bastards that abuse and animals, like the pig ignorant fux that set fire to cats, kick dogs to death, poison rabbits, hunt down foxes (and tear them to pieces) would all be in the queue for the hangmans noose.

once caught - instant sentance. No trial, no appeals, no courts of human rights, simple swift justice.

i suspect such a hard line against such cruelty would mean a significant reduction in crimes like have been mentioned.

first to the gallows --> naomi campbell, never wear fur indeed. HARPY !
yes while people who are cruel to animals should not be killed the sentences are way too leniant. however how do you define animal cruelty, my dad is a farmer and i live on one and sometimes you have to give an animal a beating to make it do what you want, and that is the same in all farms. and are you allowed to hit your pet if it does something bad??
Communist Hamster said:
No, people who are cruel to animals should not be killed. Thats just retarded.

perhaps individuals that are cruel to animals are retarded, and so they would only understand a supposed retarded punishment.

i can understand slapping a dog for crapping or urinating on the rug, a short sharp physical reinforcement of a lesson is often necessary. like teaching a child not to play with matches - the greater good is at stake.

But - kicking a cat around till it dies is barbaric, as is scalding a child, as it setting fire to a dog, as is throwing a child down a flight of stairs.

the mentality involved in any such malicious action needs tempering, physical reinforcement is my suggestion - physical reinforcement is the only punishment society has now anyway - think prison, and the manner of denial of liberty that is the ideal behind imprisonment.

Prison alone isnt working for some offenders, the worst offenders in each catagory ought to be made examples of, i put to you - televised hangings, televised electricutions, televised lion feeding.

Lets make the punishment fit the crime - instead of justice being a by word for the soft option - the half measure - the incapability of society to deal with its self made horrors.

If any of you can give me 1 legitimate reason why roy whiting, gary glitter, myra hindley, ian brady, jack the ripper should have been allowed to live, then i will re-evaluate my theory.
my dad is a farmer and i live on one and sometimes you have to give an animal a beating to make it do what you want, and that is the same in all farms. and are you allowed to hit your pet if it does something bad??

Sometimes you have to beat a child to make it do what you want. That's the same in every family. There's no problem with occasionally beating children up, is there?
Quagmire said:
But - kicking a cat around till it dies is barbaric, as is scalding a child, as it setting fire to a dog, as is throwing a child down a flight of stairs.

the mentality involved in any such malicious action needs tempering, physical reinforcement is my suggestion - physical reinforcement is the only punishment society has now anyway - think prison, and the manner of denial of liberty that is the ideal behind imprisonment.

Prison alone isnt working for some offenders, the worst offenders in each catagory ought to be made examples of, i put to you - televised hangings, televised electricutions, televised lion feeding.

Lets make the punishment fit the crime - instead of justice being a by word for the soft option - the half measure - the incapability of society to deal with its self made horrors.

If any of you can give me 1 legitimate reason why roy whiting, gary glitter, myra hindley, ian brady, jack the ripper should have been allowed to live, then i will re-evaluate my theory.
No, I'm sorry. The death penalty does not fit the crime of animal cruelty. I don't care if you set fire to a cat, it's still a cat. It's not human. Yes, it is barbaric but it does in no way warrant an execution, and certainly not a public one. This is not Iran. This is the civilised world. Punishments should be increased, yes, and be made to fit the crime. Bring back lashings.
James R said:
Sometimes you have to beat a child to make it do what you want. That's the same in every family. There's no problem with occasionally beating children up, is there?

You never have to "beat a child up" to get it to do what you want. That is a large exageration. Yes, use physical force, as Quagmire says (for the greater good), give the kid a slap when it plays with matches, but beating is over the top. Different degrees of actual physical 'contact' (in violent terms) differ to the situation, but beatings are ALWAYS wrong. I've been on the recieving end of an aggresive father, and its not nice!
children learn from being beaten, they learn it is an acceptable way to behave, and to make others do as you want.

slapped legs i feel is an adequate detterent for a child, especially in cases where the well being and safety of the child is the issue - for instance - running into the road - playing with matches - messing with the substances under the sink.

punch a child to the ground then kicking it around is horrifying, torturing a child is horrifying.

above are links to child cruelty cases this link is in relation to some bastard that has a 12 month old daughter, i wouldnt trust him to look after her, would you?

all of these ignorant pigs need a severe lesson, they only understand physical violence, it is all they respect.

Lets make the punishment fit the crime - it wont take many executions for the message to take effect.

punishment should mean detterent, not an all expenses paid holiday with the rest of the lads to some prison where 'slopping out is against prisoners human rights'.

Britain in its current state is sickening.