An approach to spirituality without God

Oh come on, he reeks of Abrahamic new age. The "I am" is a dead give away.

I thougth so. I only hope he is not worshiping the AntiChrist without knowing it. Religious people need to be more careful, the Bible mentioned the appearance of the AntiChrist that would come deceiving people.

I do not believe in these things but I would think the perfect AntiChrist would be one who claims himself to be the best, some one is very mundane who likes money or the flesh (who has been married) and who promotes the death of those who do not agree with him. I would also ask myself if whoever I am worshiping has something to do with 666, was he born in this year did he die this year????

Those who worship the AntiChrist would go directly to Hell!!!:eek:
I thougth so. I only hope he is not worshiping the AntiChrist without knowing it. Religious people need to be more careful, the Bible mentioned the appearance of the AntiChrist that would come deceiving people.

the anti are them not continually learning

the good guy wakes up the fools with truth

then the religions are over (rituals are over)

I do not believe in these things but I would think the perfect AntiChrist would be one who claims himself to be the best, some one is very mundane who likes money or the flesh (who has been married) and who promotes the death of those who do not agree with him. I would also ask myself if whoever I am worshiping has something to do with 666, was he born in this year did he die this year????

Those who worship the AntiChrist would go directly to Hell!!!:eek:

I am the hammer, gave up the money, just divorced and you damn right i would prefer any who decieve, gone! ps.... i was also born june 1966.

money is not the game, nor power, nor the 'forgiveness' of the corrupt

but to free the minds of mankind

to share the 'last word' (the name of the boss)

to enable each the understanding of "LIFE"

(What combines mankind is knowledge; not magic or miracles.)

and to share the absolute in truth enables the four horseman (4 colors of mankind, equally)

they be your judges!

Damn straight i be here!

and not a damn thing anyone can do about it; the children will have the truth (what was written, is happening)

and all that religious mumbo jumbo about there being 2 guys is wrong

sorry, but it's the same guy.

just not nice about the irresponsibility

each will be their own judge and equally responsible to all others

like it, don't like it, i could care less

places like this share what corruption is; i call it sleeping with the wolfs

not a one of you can put the hammer down and i know it

i fight for the kids and before the yob is done, there is going to be one hell of a fireworks show

wanna live; get off your butts and start doing

fvk me, screw anything about some prick like me, you are who is responsible for you

either get straight or not (take your own chances)
I thougth so. I only hope he is not worshiping the AntiChrist without knowing it. Religious people need to be more careful, the Bible mentioned the appearance of the AntiChrist that would come deceiving people.

I do not believe in these things but I would think the perfect AntiChrist would be one who claims himself to be the best, some one is very mundane who likes money or the flesh (who has been married) and who promotes the death of those who do not agree with him. I would also ask myself if whoever I am worshiping has something to do with 666, was he born in this year did he die this year????

Those who worship the AntiChrist would go directly to Hell!!!:eek:

I could also invent a mythology and then define anyone who opposed it as an eternal and transcendental enemy. Then I would look real smart when anyone objects to it.
To Bishadi
Are you speaking for yourself or in the name of your god? I do not get your message, is too fragmented. Are you warning me? Are you threatining me? Please explain in plain English and a few words your message.

Why should only those of your religion be the ones who say whatever you want including that other people should be dead and the rest of us be quiet and let you say whatever you want? What make you think that only you guys are the ones that should have an opinion?

We try no to hurt your feelings meanwhile you feel entitled to threat people around. Do not confuse trying to be civilized with weakness.
To Bishadi
Are you speaking for yourself or in the name of your god?

you no different than i

no one is better than another

each are capable

this i just made a commitment and knows the name.....

To know the name, then God is everything at once, at the same time. So no one is speaking for, on behalf, because HE told them or all that funny stuff.

We all can represent what WE experience, learn and can convey and that is it!

If the knowledge so happens to be what enables life; then it seems an Oh Shit! is in order............ meaning, i had no idea back when (3 decades back when the duty was taken on)

but i do now!

I do not get your message, is too fragmented. Are you warning me? Are you threatining me? Please explain in plain English and a few words your message.

want to know what life is and how to live forever....


Why should only those of your religion
wait a minute;

truth is the only faith to maintain.

there is no religion when it comes to being straight up honest

when the absolute is understood, then you (and anyone) will see exactly what is being said.

be the ones who say whatever you want including that other people should be dead and the rest of us be quiet and let you say whatever you want? What make you think that only you guys are the ones that should have an opinion?

when i say something that is a fib, wrong or completely and unequivocally erroneous, then please, i expect to be corrected.

i am no different that you and that is what makes reality so cool

anyone who wants to dig, can understand

the primary observable difference is observing 'light' as the life of all mass

then from that comprehension forth, all truths apply (remember truth to me is something that can be grounded to existence (GOD/mother-nature: the boss)

ie.... if life is the sought intent of living things, then to continue that life is the universal intent of 'we the people'.....

in nature, things that combine for life live longer. (The energy of the life continues.)

SO then follow the rules: Good actions imposed to existence, by YOUR choice, will support life to continue.... (by being a contribution to life; adding yourself to that chain/pyramid)

Now PEOPLE can feel like they a separate wave (life) within the pond of existence. Bad is easy to define: a choice (action imposed to existence) that becomes a loss to the common (like a wave trying to jump out of the pond; a loss to the common)

We try no to hurt your feelings meanwhile you feel entitled to threat people around. Do not confuse trying to be civilized with weakness.

any action that harms others is wrong (a fib is misleading)

it is like harming you and me, directly as we are ONE with existence; whether you like it or not.

truth is not a fashion statement

existence only operates ONE way

and i am learning how to share what i can actually say, i have done the homework over the course of my life to understand: How life works.

any can have the chair, the namesake, the glory of being called a god (the new Michael Jackson)

but all i care about is sharing what is learned and allow the truth to evolve....

and from there; time will reveal
you no different than i

no one is better than another

each are capable

We all can represent what WE experience, learn and can convey and that is it!

I agree with you in those comments. Why couldn't the creator or creators recognize humans as a specie?
to Bishadi

OK I feel much better that you are against harming others. Now the original comment was about Potizo's comment. I want to clarify that I am against any leader either from any government, religion, sect, race or whatever other kind of group that promotes death and war.

If it is true that there is a religion that promotes killing of other people, then I am against it and I will not hessitate to say anything that can help somehow to bring some other perspective to this wrong view that justify murdering people.

Those who kill in a name of a god or a profet should think that the more they kill the more their god/profet looks like the AntiChrist, and the faster that group religion/ sect will dissapear from humanity, as the religion will be rejected everywhere. This happended to the romans, the enquisition(? spelling), the Natzies, they commited atrocities against humanity, but at the end, good always prevailed over evil.
Unless you believe in a creator or creators I can not see how you can really achieve any spirituality .

Yes is obvious that something or someone started all of this. Now my whole point is: who cares who did it or how??. why is that so important to people, perhaps to define themselves? to define who they are? or how better or different they are from others? I do not know.

People are obsessed even killing each other trying either to impose their chosen god to others or to impose that there is no god at all. No body can prove neither of those positions. It is a total waste of time.Our mind is too limmited to figure that out.

Meanwhile most people with or without a religion do not have a clue about the answers to those questions that I posted initially. I believe they address every day life's circumstances. People want to figure out what they cannot prove or see, yet they have no idea of the reason of their surrounding realities.

Some would blindly accept whatever their chosen god say is the truth at the expense that they will not be allowed to think. So they repress their thoughts and continue living following rules and rituals imposed by their religions. There have been lots of deaths and abuse in the name of religions, childen raped,wars. etc. All because the religious followers are trained not to have their own thoughts, or use their own sense of right and wrong to analyze facts.

Some others will refuse the idea of any God, and when life turns sour, for instance, when they are confronted with the approaching of their own death (as I see in some of my atheist patients) they are the most stressed out and hopeless of all, their death is the most emotionally painful. As they usually go through life blind and unprepared for life's challenges. As they do not believe in the after life they see death as the real end, and die in terrible fear. Very sad to see indeed!
...why is that so important to people, perhaps to define themselves? to define who they are? or how better or different they are from others? I do not know....
You said yourself, in order to fool themselves into thinking life has some eternal meaning, so as to comfort themselves about approaching death.
Originally Posted by earth
I agree with you in those comments. Why couldn't the creator or creators recognize humans as a specie?

Originally Posted by Bishadi
man created the word "species"

bet even a homo sapien defined 'itself'

By your reply I can recognize, homo sapiens defined themselves and established a new “word” for the creator or creators to recognize and understand for the first time.

By man creating the word “Species”, man out did the creator or creators and provided a new word to the current deity vocabulary.
to Bishadi

OK I feel much better that you are against harming others.

discipline is not the rule; responsibility is

Now the original comment was about Potizo's comment. I want to clarify that I am against any leader either from any government, religion, sect, race or whatever other kind of group that promotes death and war.
good for you

but.......................... if you take medication, then you are killing 'the bad' from the total, for life; choices are relevant

If it is true that there is a religion that promotes killing of other people, then I am against it and I will not hessitate to say anything that can help somehow to bring some other perspective to this wrong view that justify murdering people.
lying is murder

Those who kill in a name of a god or a profet should think that the more they kill the more their god/profet looks like the AntiChrist,
'anti christ' is any against truth (personal responsibility).

No one has a right to decieve; existence (god) records everything.

human tolerance of Good and Bad is bound to opinion (culture), not life.

and the faster that group religion/ sect will dissapear from humanity, as the religion will be rejected everywhere. This happended to the romans, the enquisition(? spelling), the Natzies, they commited atrocities against humanity, but at the end, good always prevailed over evil.

my favorite part of God; time

all pans out, eventually
Elaborate then.....;) .
Well, there are several spiritual paths that don't necessarily believe in deity. A few Eastern religions, especially Jainism and Buddhism, are spiritual without believing in a Creator.
Another example is Spiritualism and Spiritism, similarly related religions/philosophies from the 19th century. They didn't particularly believe in a god or gods, but were very spiritualistic.

So, obviously, belief in a god isn't necessary for spiritualistic thought and practices.