America in the bible


You can not pull out 1 number and say 'America is alway 13'. (Well you can do that, but it's kinda stupid)


Look around you, Paul'll see there are not many great men, nor many wise.

Because God has chosen the "foolish" and weak things of this world to confound the wisdom of the "wise".

So it's the truth......and not just that "one" scripture.... I quoted dozens of places America fits this in Rev.13 using world history, Roman history, church history, and spiritual types.

I really gave you too many "clues", ......God said not to just give people all the revelations........

They have to be able to figure some things out for themselves.
It's like helping a baby bird out of it's'll kill it.
It needs the strugle to build it's muscles....of faith

Jesus told Peter: Flesh and blood hath not revealed this to you....but your father in heaven hath revealed it...

I've practicaly chewed it for you already...but I can't make you eat it.
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What about those that are not in the false system, like me...?


You can be a denomination of your own ideas.
I'm not saying this to be different.

But if God has "ordained" a message to lead His people, thats all He will accept. He provided a way.

In the military there is a chain of command.
I don't care if a soldier thinks he has a better idea or not - he better follow the orders of his superiors or it's insubordination....right

Same here..........if God sent a messinger with a message, He won't accept anyone going around that provided way.
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But that doesn't mean you have to do something else in order to be saved. John 3:16 says that all that needs to be done is to accept Him. If we would have to do something else, then we are back to works and His death means nothing at all.

Besides, how can you differentiate between someone that is saying the truth and someone that is not? Pretty hard, eh? God said that all righetous ones would be saved. Well... Jesus made me righteous. Then I'm already saved.
Accept Him...thats the key, yes.......

But He is the Word. as I've told before.

You can't accept Him, if you don't know who He is.

You can't know Him in your own ideas, or imaginations of Him...

He is real. He is the Word of God in it's fullness. He won't accept less in this day.

You don't have to "DO" anything. Actually you do....forget your calvanism, Read in Revelations the leter to the Laodicean church....To he that overcomes in this age...I wil give...

You do have something to do, OVERCOME.......overcome the deception of this day.

Just reflect back to Him, the revelation of who He is, and He will reflect who you are. No works... but works are faith expressed.
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Jesus said "I am the Way, I am the Door...

In a parable of "this day" they found a man would had "got" in some other way and he was thrown out into the (weeping and nashing of teeth) -the tribulation.

He who accepts whom I sent, accepts me.
He who rejects whom I've sent rejects me....

Have you ever seen "The Matrix", I love that movie - it's like a combat training manuel for the Sons of God.

Remember, even though were trying to save these people, whoever's still "conected" to the potentialy an agent.
Jesus said: who's not for against me

Now substitute "Devil" for A.I.,........You were born a slave, to the bondage of sin.
The Agents, are like Satan and his angels they wrote the program so they are faster than the humans in it......but they are still a part of the "program".........a creation....... themselves.

We are above , outside the program. The Sons of God are above the angels in power and authority.
We are a part of God's own life....I and my father are one.

We are eternal. We never had a begining or will ever have an end. We were not created. The devil was.

Once "we" realize who were are, the saints of God will be an invincible army.

All creation groaneth and travaileth for the manifestation of the Sons of God.
That day is now.

This is the revelation of the Son of man promised in the last days.
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Two things: I don't believe in calvinism and....
If He lives in us, how can we not know Him?
Originally posted by TheVisitor
America is alway 13, 13 stars, 13 stipes, 13 original colonies.
It is the nation with the two horn like a lamb (lamb - christ, America has alway been considered to be the Christian nation.
This is the political (civil) power that will support the Harlot. Just as Rome once did to the Catholic Church.

While I am no fan of organized religions. What you are saying here is wrong. There are far more catholics and protestants in Europe who continue to follow that church and her teachings.............(ie: Marian Doctrine) AKA....Jezebel, Diana, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Ishtar, The Many Breasted Mother and Mother of God to name a few of the names taking on a different personna down through the years that have culminated themselves into the Catholic church.

The mark today is spiritual, I never said during the Tribulation it may not manifest into a physical mark.
It does not say it will put an unseen beast mark prior to the mark..........this is adding to the prophecy period.......The Greek word used for the mark is a literal word not figurative and cannot be taken figuratively.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker

For how long have you beedn studying greek?
I began using the Strongs concordance for translation of Greek and Hebrew words about 10 years ago. My friend who was trying to teach me Greek said I should always look up words in the Strongs because so much is lost through traslation. Strongs will give you the meaning of the word and whether it is a figurative and literal word or whether it is literal only.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker

I don't think there will be only 144000. This number is written in the beginning of Revelation and what it seems from the end of the Book is that many more will be saved...

The 144,000 are from the 12 tribes of Israel.
The multitudes which no man could count in Rev. 9 are from all nations, kindreds, people and tongues.

I began using the Strongs concordance for translation of Greek and Hebrew words about 10 years ago. My friend who was trying to teach me Greek said I should always look up words in the Strongs because so much is lost through traslation. Strongs will give you the meaning of the word and whether it is a figurative and literal word or whether it is literal only.
I have the Concordance. Sometimes I try to fstudy a passage in greek. I wish I could study greek... it can help a lot while reading the Bible... I know a lot is lost in the translation...

The 144,000 are from the 12 tribes of Israel.
The multitudes which no man could count in Rev. 9 are from all nations, kindreds, people and tongues.
I thought so... :)
you two come at me from one way , I explain it and then you twist it and come from the other...I NEVER SAID THE GREAT HARLOT WAS seem incapible of seeing the's absolutly amazing the blindness thats been put on "christians" today.....

It's very clear Rev. 13 is the Image to the beast America's political...civil power.

Rev. 18 is the Great harlot denominational chuches...not just in america- they are worldwide..........

Now, turn it around again, and accuse me of saying something I never said....GO BACK AN READ FOR YOUR SELF....I NEVER SAID WHAT YOU HAVE SAID I SAID.......I'M DONE BEING MISQOUTED BY PEOPLE WHO ONLY WANT TO PROVE ME WRONG....

If someone raised from the dead, you would'nt listen to them either, if you can't see this........I'm sorry I ever told you...
I never wanted to condeme people by turning them away from the truth......thats why it must be handled very carefully, not in an argumenitive manner, which could provoke some to wrath.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker

I have the Concordance. Sometimes I try to fstudy a passage in greek. I wish I could study greek... it can help a lot while reading the Bible... I know a lot is lost in the translation...

I thought so... :)

Too bad, TruthSeeker that a lot is also lost in the greek, because the langauage of the bible is not greek, but is ancient hebrew that is no longer spoken....Forever lost.....Still, probably the greek version is much less corrupted than the English version.

Neither of us never said that. I agree with you that in Rev 13 it is America and Rev 18 is the false church.

What I don't agree with you is that in Rev 18 it is ALSO America and the mark of the beast is a physical sign, not a spiritual one. And also that only 144000 will be saved. I totally disagree about that.


The New Testament was originally in greek. The Old Testament was in Hebrew.

The New Testament was originally in greek. The Old Testament was in Hebrew. [/B]

I see, whoever recorded Jesus words as he spoke was a greek deciple...Is that it? Because I didn't hear of any Greek Deciples....Correct me if I'm wrong.

Do you know anything about Bible History?!?:confused:
In Jerusalem 2000 years ago, there were the following languages spoken in the following places:

Aramaic: houses
Greek: marketplaces, spoken by merchants
Hebrew: in synagogues
Latin: military and also a more general one

Most people knew all of those languages.
Your belief in the do nothing doctrine is absolutly wrong and you are misleading others with it to receive the mark of the beast...
This is a major false denominational doctrine....If you are not in them, you have carried the belief over with you.
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The muslims call America "the great satan", That's not correct - it's is refered to in Revelation the 13th chapter as the "Image to the Beast".
The serpent was not Satan, the serpent was a beast Satan entered, and possessed. He used this beast to kill Abel, He pesecuted through them the children of Seth.....The false vine has always tried to kill the true vine, In Moses day they killed all the babies two and under, again in Jesus day it happened with Herod .....everytime Satan thinks he has identified the seed of God, he quickly moves to try and kill it...Satan was usings those beasts when he spoke thru the pharisees trying to trip up Jesus.
He said "you are of your father the devil"...

But the beast is only the physical body, just as it is also typed as the beast in a political power as it was in Rome.
The religious rulers of Israel had no power to crucify Jesus and take His life.......
They had to go to Rome, the political power of the day,to actually kill Jesus.....and Rome prided itself as a fair impartial judge who didn't even believe in the jews religious affairs.

Yes Rome as the beast was the political power in it's day.
And America is the Image to that Beast in this day......fair, republic, justice and freedom.......just as Rome was....
But also she's a christian nation...........who finally ends up speaking as the dragon - satan.

The religious rulers can't kill Christ today without it, the "Nominal" Christians today "crucify Him to themselves as the reject His Word, and His Spirit., which are one

The Seals were opened by the Son of Man, in 1963, and a catching away prossess has been going on ...Sealing some and marking others. The key to the pit releasing 200,000,000 demons was opened at the same time.
These possess them who reject the truth for today, and accept the false truth of Satan's Bride. "God said: "I will send them strong delusion so they will believe A lie and be damned by it".

These demons are called to the Supper of the Great God, to feed on the flesh of men....(Just as Jezebell and Ahab, were fed to the dogs). by Elijah -

The true Bride is called to the Wedding Supper to feed on the flesh of the Son of Man. - These are the True sayings of God.
Jesus said in John 6, "In that day, unless you eat the flesh (Word)of the Son of Man and drink His blood (Spirit), you will have no life in you.

The false Bride seeks to kill these "Christ's" as they are identifed.
For now it's only killing their influence with their lies and hatred of the truth. (killing your brother with hatred in your heart).
When the true Bride is "translated" totally.....This group with the mark...Satan's Bride will seek to destoy anything of God thats left.

They turn to kill the Jews as they receive thier message from their prophets and receive Christ, just as he came to us in this day through a prophet, and they seeked to kill his influence.....
The restainer was here won't be when the Jews try to accept their "Visitation" from God.
They have to use a political power ( which will be America ) attempt to carry out the executions, just as Rome had to crucify Jesus.

These religious reprobates are the Great harlot and her Harlot daughters.......The nominal christian church. Rev. 18:1-4
They may appear on the outside to have the fruits of the spirit, so did the kindy old priests in Jesus's day.
But because they have no true understanding of the word, they are blown about by every wind of doctrine, they are dry wells, broken cisterns full of stagnat waters....the hold of devils, hatefull unclean birds.....
The anointing they have on the outside, falling on them like rain.
When the rain stops, then we'll see how mild and loving they are....

When their "bridegroom" comes, it will be Satan incarnated into a man....probably a pope. There's your anti-christ...Satan totally incarnated.....
We've had the anti-christ with us in measure since the first church age, but the truth also was only known in measure.
Not untill the truth is revealed in it's fullness, by the revelation of the Son of Man...GOING ON NOW.....and Christ incarnates fully in His true bride, can Satan also incarnate in his fullness, into a man. The whole world will unite around him.

The Church and State will unite........then...Who is like the Beast, ?
Who is able to make war with Him..?
Then The Great Harlot's church systems will unite,
The Governments will unite....The Image to the beast. just as it was in Nicea Rome 325 A.D., when Pagan Rome was wounded to death, and replaced by Papal Rome.....(The beast who's deadly wound was healed.......yes)
It's a uniting time.

The Holy Spirit is the Seals those who accept Him in this day with the Seal of God on their foreheads(revelation), and Seals the ones who reject Him with the mark of the beast in their foreheads (revelation), and hand (fellowship) in these false churches. Those who already have the mark will fight this teaching, for ......IT IS OF GOD.
If any of God's people are in there still....they better come out now. Rev 18:4

You'd better be sealed with God on the inside by then, and He is the Word - it and His Spirit are one. That oil has to be on the inside, to light your way... when the rain stops..(Holy Spirit is lifted).
Truth and understanding are the virtues of today.
The Foolish Virgins come crying "give us of your oil": but it will be too in Noah's day the door will alredy be shut....
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