Alpha and Beta Males?

Hey Joeman, I'm sure that Mallory Knox would appreciate that forum.....

*Wink wink nudge nudge*

Mayhaps you should tell her?

*Xev giggles*
Originally posted by Xev
Hey Joeman, I'm sure that Mallory Knox would appreciate that forum.....

:D Good idea. I am sure those guys will enjoy her presence. I am going to tell her.

And to think that there was a time I did not like her. I do hope that she takes that up. :cool:

Edit to add:

You know, I think we've been a tad too harsh to Chosen. Yes, he has reduced the complexities of sex and love to a game, yes he's insincere, yes his attitude towards other humans is rather shallow....

So fucking what? He is pursuing power in the only way that he really understands - money and women, the ideals that society has inculcated him to chase.

He is at least honest about his gameplaying. He's not after love, he's not even after sex - he's after manipulation and power.

Is that really so shocking?
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Originally posted by Joeman

If I show you reasonable causes to flame you, what do I have to gain from this? Nothing. Exactly.

It is amusing seeing you responding to everyone's post like your life depends on it.

Here you go belittling again.

You don't have the balls to post in that forum and tell us we are all idiotic and our advice doesn't work. I'll say it again: You don't have the balls to do it. If you do, you will be shot down like a flimsy salt cracker, that's why I predict you aren't going to do it. It's amusing that you make little excuses to avoid. :rolleyes:

The belittling needs to stop, period. Sorry if I'm argumentive, but I won't let an insult fly freely at me. If you are mature, stop the insults.
Originally posted by Xev
You know, I think we've been a tad too harsh to Chosen. Yes, he has reduced the complexities of sex and love to a game, yes he's insincere, yes his attitude towards other humans is rather shallow....

I hope I can dis-spell much misconceptions here.

Yes, attraction is a game (that's how I see it), love and sex isn't. I don't understand why people see me as such. I have stated no where, "women are property," "love and sex is a game," etc.

So fucking what? He is pursuing power in the only way that he really understands - money and women, the ideals that society has inculcated him to chase.

You are right I am pursuing power (is anyone going to see me as arrogant stating that?). Why does everyone look at power only as a bad thing? Look at what Bill Gates did to apple. I know power corrupts, corruption is evil, etc. But Bill Gates has trust funds, donates to charities, etc. He created so many jobs and so on.

Most people want to optimize their power, not maximize it. Powerlessness is a sorry state of affairs that most of us try to avoid.

11: Learn to keep people dependent on you.

This law sounds very manipulating, yes? Only if you look to it as evil and manipulating. Powerful people are powerful for a reason, people depend on them. Rockfellar, Bill gates, etc.

He is at least honest about his gameplaying. He's not after love, he's not even after sex - he's after manipulation and power.

Is that really so shocking?

Yes I am honest about my gameplaying in attraction but not sex and love. If you don't know the rules of attraction then you won't get far (or state of mind). It is a fact, obvious rules are: Be confident and don't be desperate.

Xev, I'm in a long term relationship right now...I know what love is. I admit I have manipulated some before, but who is manly enough to admit that? Many will deny but no one is a pure angel here, we all do bad things and learn from them.

"The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."

Understand that when I say that you seek power, I do not condemn you in the slightest. It's simply that I've spent Independence Day barbequing and reading Nietzsche. :)

I am enthralled by power, I am the first to admit it. And I am glad that you have the balls to admit that you are pursuing it.

However, come on, read the links you've given. Here we learn that love is a social illusion* and here and here.

Chosen, I do not diss you for choosing to pursue multiple sexual partners instead of serial monogamy or "love". I do, however, think that you should be honest with yourself. C'mon, this is about more than is about finding out how other people "tick" and using that to your advantage. Don't lie to yourself - above all - NEVER lie to yourself

And please, don't interpret this as condemnation.

*Noooot exactly, but the point is valid if the author was intelligent enough to develop it.
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

Here you go belittling again.

You don't have the balls to post in that forum and tell us we are all idiotic and our advice doesn't work. I'll say it again: You don't have the balls to do it. If you do, you will be shot down like a flimsy salt cracker, that's why I predict you aren't going to do it. It's amusing that you make little excuses to avoid. :rolleyes:

The belittling needs to stop, period. Sorry if I'm argumentive, but I won't let an insult fly freely at me. If you are mature, stop the insults.

I am telling it like it is. None of those theories can ever be published in any credible research journals. It is bullshit until they can come close to proving it.

I don't have the balls to do it because they are going to hurt me physically? So when I do get shot down by some pathetic gayasses who can't get a date, ouch!!!!!!!!!!! that really tickles.

Since I am mature enough, I am not going to waste my time since I have nothing to gain. My time worth a lot of money per hour and your time don't worth anything.

After reading what Xev described, I would say head, meet the nail. Nail, meet the head. She earns the right to be the alpha female in my book ;) She can dominate me whenever she wants to :D
After reading what Xev described, I would say head, meet the nail. Nail, meet the head. She earns the right to be the alpha female in my book She can dominate me whenever she wants to

I'm just saying that the Chosen should be honest with himself about:

A: The pursuit of power.

B: The fact that, yes Virginia, you are manipulating people when you play headgames like "who will call first".

I also note that if Chosen wished to truely posess that which he seeks, he would renounce the games that he studies.

You see, Chosen, when you put so much effort into controlling another person - deliberatly being unavailable, so on, you allow them to control you.

You'll have the superficial feeling of power, but only superficially. A woman who understands these games (as I do) could wrap you around her little pinkie so easily it would not even be funny.

It would be best to do what you want to do, not what she wants you to do and not what you think you should do in order to control her.

Back to Joeman:


Remember when I say dating is like a game, you are playing it and you don't have a choice. People like TC is why. I advocate people to jump in but nothing like what he described. Eventually you see how stupid it is, and with experience, you know someone is playing games.

He thinks I am not trying to make an attempt defeat this whatever theory and I am just doing personal insults. That is not the case. I have been making a lot of rebuttals here and there which are short but straight to the point.

Again attractiveness is about who you are NOT what you know. I don't need to know any theories to get women. You can fool some dumb chicks but the really smart ones are who I am after. Nice guys don't finish last. That is a myth. Also women are more attracted to independent Zeta males like I described rather than the rest of the bizillion guys who try to be the Alpha male.

Edit to add: I like the idea of living honorably and the rest of Xevology. They are hardly original (not a knock on your highness Xev by any means) but I find it very refreshing. It proves you don't need to know how to be attractive, but instead it is who you are that make you attractive.
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Remember when I say dating is like a game, you are playing it and you don't have a choice. People like TC is why. I advocate people to jump in but nothing like what he described. Eventually you see how stupid it is, and with experience, you know someone is playing games.

Aye, as I said, The Chosen is the natural prey of any and every woman who knows that

A: He is trying to manipulate her.
B: How to manipulate him.

Nice guys don't finish last. That is a myth. Also women are more attracted to independent Zeta males like I described rather than the rest of the bizillion guys who try to be the Alpha male.

I much agree. Chosen may end up having fucked a lot of women, and had I chosen to play the game, I could have ended up having fucked and used a lot of men.

But I do not wish to do that. The game is fucked in the end - one wastes time they could have spent reading Foucault :)

The game is also useless. An interesting way to find power, but unsatisfying in the end. One learns to have utter contempt for the people one manipulates.

Lust, and love, cannot exist except between those who are relative equals. At least for one such as Xev. And if you suceed in manipulating a person that way, you lose respect for them. At least I did, and that is the other reason I renounced playing that game.

I suspect that not playing has made you a winner of the game, Joeman.

Edit to respond to edit:

Thank you. I maintain that by living honourably in a world that does not, one wins the game.
I lurk around and read posts. But this, I have to admit Chosen is arrogant, but he has a point and wants to share his knowledge. He may have been arrogant to start with but I believe this is useful in understanding life and people better. Besides, that's how the world is, learn to understand it and use it to your advantage. Not everyone is good, or nice hearted as people think. People who really know how to deal with people most likely succeed.
Hello Xev

Originally posted by Xev
Understand that when I say that you seek power, I do not condemn you in the slightest. It's simply that I've spent Independence Day barbequing and reading Nietzsche. :)

I don't condemn you either. Learning is a great thing.

I am enthralled by power, I am the first to admit it. And I am glad that you have the balls to admit that you are pursuing it.

In no way I am being offensive. But every woman desires a man with some power, no one wants a powerless person. No, you don't need to be powerful like a businessman to get women you want, you just need not be powerless.

However, come on, read the links you've given. Here we learn that love is a social illusion*

Wildthang is one of the respected female posters there. AFC's take love way too seriously. Have you watched Star Wars: Episode II? Anakin is an AFC, saying he is tormented deep inside, can't stop obessesing over the queen, and etc. Tell that to a women and she'll be turned off.

The media promotes desperate behavior such as this. Spiderman was an AFC (not when he was in his costume though :D). We are giving advice against such desperate behavoir and traits. This is why deperate guys get taken advantage of so easily, the same goes for women.

Xev, what about the women magazines, the dating advice, "don't act too desperate around your man" etc. etc. I surely don't think you disagree with that. There are rules, some have it naturally or learn them and they are sharing what they know.

As for the thread, I invite people to read further. People have different views on life.

Bigbob:"I agree with Wyldfire. Just as no two men are alike, no two women are alike either. If you believe all the propaganda in the original post, then expect to lead a very lonely life, still here everyday asking for advice on how to pick up chicks (since you will have never had a meaningful loving relationship 'cause you believed all this junk and ended up pushing away any real potential love)."

I invite you to read another post by Sir_Chancealot

Sir_Chancealot: "Immature love (infatuation)= I love you because I NEED you.

Mature love = I need you because I LOVE you."

Just as people misrepresent say the Bible, people may represent that site. The attraction tips works. NLP is not throughly backed by scientific research, but one point makes it across - it works.

Again, these are people's perspective. The site has advice for people wanting to find one girl or have a great sex life.

Some may criticize it all they want, some people enjoy their lives that way, they are hedonists, no one has the right to criticize them, IMO.

Anti-dump is one of the famous DJ's there. it's not advocating at all to deliberately avoid the women just for that purpose. It's saying you have other things to do, women shouldn't be all there is in your life. This is the truth.

Try the advice and you'll see that it works.

Chosen, I do not diss you for choosing to pursue multiple sexual partners instead of serial monogamy or "love".

I have given that up Xev. But I see that you understand, some are hedonists and some aren't. As of now, I am faithfully committed to one girl.

I do, however, think that you should be honest with yourself. C'mon, this is about more than is about finding out how other people "tick" and using that to your advantage. Don't lie to yourself - above all - NEVER lie to yourself

I make no apology for my sexual desires. It is using to your advantage, would you rather be an AFC who doesn't know shit? Or one that is a master of his world? I'm not lying to myself at all. I admit in some people's viewpoints - it is wrong and immoral, etc. But people have different lives and perspectives.

And please, don't interpret this as condemnation.

Not at all Xev, I'm actually..errr...beginning to like you, don't be too happy now :p

*Noooot exactly, but the point is valid if the author was intelligent enough to develop it.

People on that forum reject that advice, some accept. We are all not sex crazy men, some of us want to find those rare women that are truly worth falling in love for, I believe I have found one...but she is a rules girl. The real tips are in the articles and in the DJ Bible.
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Originally posted by Joeman
I am telling it like it is. None of those theories can ever be published in any credible research journals. It is bullshit until they can come close to proving it.

You are saying it's bullshit again. Post that in the forum, I'm telling you, they will open your mind if you are open-minded.

I'm not being offensive at all here.

I don't have the balls to do it because they are going to hurt me physically? So when I do get shot down by some pathetic gayasses who can't get a date, ouch!!!!!!!!!!! that really tickles.

Yes you don't have the balls to understand what you call "bullshit." Just try it Joeman, then you can decide if it is bullshit or not.

"Who can't get a date?" I'm sorry but that's insulting the entire site, I never said you couldn't get a date Joeman.

Once again, I ask you to post on that forum.

Since I am mature enough, I am not going to waste my time since I have nothing to gain. My time worth a lot of money per hour and your time don't worth anything.

Joeman, don't make excuses. Look at it postively, it'll be a good learning experience for you.

Belittle again? My time "don't worth anything"?

After reading what Xev described, I would say head, meet the nail. Nail, meet the head. She earns the right to be the alpha female in my book ;) She can dominate me whenever she wants to :D

Not all women are "goodies" they are extremely rare. Most women read magazines that give them advice how to get guys falling for them.

It's because of these types of women, that site was created in the first place. If all women were good and like every man that's just "himself" be it DJ or AFC, that site would not exist.

I'm asking you to open you mind and actually consider it, instead of immediately blowing me off.

As for others, especially Xenu, I'm not here to gain "attention or respect," here to help. The reason I'm answering on this post is because I want to clarify things.

If someone did slander in your name, would you sit back and let it fly freely, or fix the false idea they have on you? I respect myself, that is why I'm defending myself, and I don't want anyone thinking I am a low-life that just fucks like a wild animal. I learn from mistakes and wrong things.

Belittling me is just an excuse to try to shut me up and let the false conceptions of me fly freely.
Originally posted by Joeman
He thinks I am not trying to make an attempt defeat this whatever theory and I am just doing personal insults. That is not the case. I have been making a lot of rebuttals here and there which are short but straight to the point.

Where are these rebuttals? You have yet to show me. And I see it as a game, if you don't it's cool.

Again attractiveness is about who you are NOT what you know.

Yep, true statement. This is also true: It's what you know that makes who you are. (If you apply what you know)

I don't need to know any theories to get women.

That's you, other men aren't as fortunate as you, and they have the balls to admit it. Every man loves to protect his pride.

You can fool some dumb chicks but the really smart ones are who I am after. Nice guys don't finish last. That is a myth. Also women are more attracted to independent Zeta males like I described rather than the rest of the bizillion guys who try to be the Alpha male.

Dumb chicks? Tell that to 50+ chicks I have been with in my life and add that to all the other DJ's that have been succesfful also. It's all about a manly state of mind.

and please do try to debunk whatever tip I have given so far. You have shown no reasons yet.

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He is making you believe I am attacking him without presenting arguments. That is not the case. He can't read or something.

I finally found someone with worst English than I am :D
me w.e.

No it has nothin at all to do with u. I don’t even kno wat on erth cud make u think that. I dont mean 2 make any1 self conscious, but if whoever thinks im referring 2 them, i suggest u dont worry about it, and move on. If u disagree with anything I mentioned, please enlighten me.

I finally found someone with worst English than I am
im not gonna assume hu ur reffering 2 or what ur implying. nor will i try 2 find out how u came 2 ur conclusion. jus remember, that the truth is in what is said and not what is read.

being that this is a very casual forum, ther is absolutly no formality in grammar necessary as long as the writer feels the message can get across with whatever words and word arrangement is utilized.

may the force b w/ u
My god. cool skill, please, for the love of all that is good and holy, tell me that you are not the product of the American educational system...:rolleyes:

theyll call u names like rapist or attack ur age and inexperience in life and try 2 use them against u. stuff like that

Well you know, I think that Adam made that comment for a reason:

thers no way id hesitate as long as novody i kno is ther. im glad its all strangers. id jump in and rape all the hot babes!

I think that Adam's comment to you was based on your own statement.

me w.e.

thanx 4 the response xev. :)

please, for the love of all that is good and holy, tell me that you are not the product of the American educational system

ok xev. im not a product of the american educational system.

at least id like 2 think so. i dont think anybody wants 2 feel they r a product of something other than their own achievments.


I think that Adam's comment to you was based on your own statement.

cmon xev think harder.
perhaps Adam's comment to me was not based on my statement at all, but on Adam's interpretation of my statement.

xev ur the best! please dont think me ill bred for not knowing, but wats fuckwit?
Originally posted by Xev
Well you know, I think that Adam made that comment for a reason:

Explain his reason. I'm still waiting. So many avoivd my direct questions. I hate that, I have yet to find a fully courteous debater.

Adam made that stupid slanderous statement because he already hated me before. There is nothing wrong with the dating advice, everyone think it is manipulative when I haven't expressed myself clearly enough.

You say women do not fall for a Don Juan? Don Juan = REAL man. Most women will fall for real men.

I have yet to wait for the reasons against my advice.

Nuff' said, and there goes Joeman insulting cool skill's English, I mean what the fuck is wrong with some people here and belittling. It's so damn pathetic. What? I'm trying to make money? The Don Juan website pays me? :rolleyes: Idiots, I'm here to help, if you don't like my advice don't comment and if you do criticize/insult, give me REASONABLE CAUSES, Adam fails to do this many times. If you want proof, I will link many threads, I reasonably argue and admit where I am wrong.

And Xev none of what I said is directed towards you, you always have reasonable causes to cuss me out or insult :D So it's warranted. Xev, I'll renounce one thing right now, it's called Speed Seduction and used mainly to get into another pants, I don't use this "speed seduction," it's by Ross Jeffries also. His dating attitudes are fine, but Speed Seduction is a major no-no and it's for people that want to have one night stands all the time, pure hedonists.

Back to topic: WHAT IS A DON JUAN??

Read it and it will disspell many many misconceptions of what being a real man is. It was first posted at and now thanks to how helpful and courageous other DJ's have been have accepted the DJ advice and literally hundreds and hundreds of AFC's are thanking us for turning their life around. Don't believe me? Check the dating advice there, by Inspector Clouseau.

It always feels good to help. As for others that insult and criticize, you are all just in denial. Sure SOME women aren't like that, but I invite you to read Sir_Chancealot's post, What is a Don Juan? There is a VERY VERY VERY rare exception of good hearted women, I think Xev would fall in that category.

An excerpt from Sir_Chancealot's What is a Don Juan?

Most of the women (and to be perfectly fair, a great majority of men too) give the kind of advice to the guys that won't actually HELP them. Sure, it may be politically correct to say, and "feel good" to say it, but it won't work. A good example of this is "just be yourself". I vehemently oppose this type of logic. If being "himself" hasn't gotten him anywhere, then it's sheer lunacy to suggest "just being himself" is going to get him any better results in the future! One definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing and expecting different results. That is why I always say "improve yourself". After a guy has improved himself, then, AND ONLY THEN, is the advice justified to "just be yourself". Because, by that time, his "yourself" is a much BETTER "yourself".

That, in essence, is the heart of the DJ principles. Not getting laid. Not out-playing women. Not getting even. Not saying to hell with it. The DJ principles are about men getting what they want out of life. It's about not appologizing for who they are, and what they want. Being a DJ is about having character, dignity, respect, and honor.

If you cannot see that, then it is your loss.


If you don't see the light by now, it's because you don't want to. And you wonder why I say, "it's your loss." :rolleyes:

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