Alpha and Beta Males?


Originally posted by ratbat
the chosen, dark master, & joeman,
You have all proven, in this thread, none of you will ever be an ALPHA male. You don't have the balls to really fight it out. Fisticuffs, anyone?


ALPHA males don't fight like mindless idiots, just to let you know, only in the most extreme and warranted situations.

Read Adam's first post in this thread, alpha males think and don't blow up and beat up some people just to prove his strength, that is very immature thought. And most women don't like this kind of stupid behavoir, from my experience some high school girls do.

Originally posted by Xev
Get together and fight? Sure. Who do I get to fight?

I'll fight you any day sexy :p
Originally posted by ripleofdeath
hey all
yo dark master...

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."

"We attract hearts by the qualities we display; we retain them by the qualities we possess."

and what of those we discard???
and those that discard us???
can you expand on this theory???

maybe not on this thread...?

They are quotes. And i like quotes because they mean something. Yes, I believe when you truly love someone, as they truly love you, it is the best feeling in the world. And that is between two people. And those we discard, I don't really discard anyone but help them see, it's up to you if you want to discard, always be positive, negative tends to worsen things. Those that discard us, I only show them the path, they choose to take it. But what do you mean by discard? Discard what? I don't really understand. Clarify first, although I don't know if i answered correctly.

********to be an alpha male is to always seek the
moral high ground!!!
but if you do not have the genes to start with you are only a clone!!!
so you should not even bother upsetting your self by thinking of such complicated things!
if you were a clone and in denial as most self proclaimed alpha males are
you missout on all the real fun you could be having.
i am not saying you are a clone!!!
i am mearly trying to sweep aside allot of the bullshit!!!

What do you exactly mean? Confusing... It's hard to make out, please make it clear for me to understand next time. I think one thing but another and I'm not too sure to answer it. Real fun? Clone? Could you clearly clarify this for me? So I can know exactly what you are directing at.
Originally posted by ratbat
the chosen, dark master, & joeman,
You have all proven, in this thread, none of you will ever be an ALPHA male. You don't have the balls to really fight it out. Fisticuffs, anyone?


Ratbat, how old are you??? Fight it out? Fighting hardly solves anything, unless there is no other option but to fight...

And you don't come in debunking people. You're joking right?
hey all
yo Dark Master

have you ever found yourself in an abusive relationship[mental/physical]
(and been in love with them!)
and then taken the moral high ground!!!
making the choice that is best for both!
you may end up discarding thier love(as they view it)
inspite of your personal lust or feeling of lonelyness!!!
if you dont then you make it worse and that makes you an abuser more so than those who are blind abusers!

this is very technical stuff on a psychological bassis and im not
sure if you are emotionaly old and or wise enough to understand it.
describing such things is very time consuming in text and my spelling on the bigger words
anthropromorphic reverse psyce dual discord placement...
for instance is kinda hard to work with on boards :D

how many people have you truely loved and then dumped beacause of other issues?
(you dont need to answer that!)
u c ? ...

have you ever been inlove with someone who has dumped you?

DISCARD = psyche/emotional stereo typing!!! OF BREAKING UP WITH SOMEONE

in regard to the rest of the stuff i said about clones and all that it is very ??? sensative stuff!
(defined by a lack of free thought!)
on top of these issues there are a few others but i will leave it there so any true (tilted :/ ) skeptics can write me off as a
"crazzy psycho freak"
pm me if ya wanna get to 'some' of the real "info"!!!

and todays crazzy thought = to write down literally the ideal partner for comparrison, ... would they be too far different from a bag of cash and a bar of chocolate?
keep groovin all
Last edited:
Originally posted by ripleofdeath
hey all
yo Dark Master

have you ever found yourself in an abusive relationship[mental/physical]
(and been in love with them!)
and then taken the moral high ground!!!
making the choice that is best for both!
you may end up discarding thier love(as they view it)
inspite of your personal lust or feeling of lonelyness!!!
if you dont then you make it worse and that makes you an abuser more so than those who are blind abusers!

Yes I see where you are coming from. You're correct I believe.

this is very technical stuff on a psychological bassis and im not
sure if you are emotionaly old and or wise enough to understand it.
describing such things is very time consuming in text and my spelling on the bigger words
anthropromorphic reverse psyce dual discord placement...
for instance is kinda hard to work with on boards :D

I can see either your very smart, or hard to understand. But I can see you know a lot. I understand, it's very confusing and love's complicating as so life. So let's jsut leave this one alone because I don't want to be confused and it's hard to understand you completely. :)

in regard to the rest of the stuff i said about clones and all that it is very ??? sensative stuff!
(defined by a lack of free thought!)

Are you talking about how DJ's learn and have no free thought? No we are not clones if you say so, everyone has their own style. People do whatever they feel like and listen to the tips or whatever. Whatever works for them is good. It is just to help.

on top of these issues there are a few others but i will leave it there so any true (tilted :/ ) skeptics can write me off as a
"crazzy psycho freak"
pm me if ya wanna get to 'some' of the real "info"!!!

Yes it's very difficult to make out completely what you say and direct it back to you... BUt I understand where you are coming from, really confusing you could say tho... But I'll pm you later. So let's just leave this at this.
As I've discovered, it's hopeless for me to even try to read all of the posts in a thread before I reply, as I usually would (to be thourough), so I've given up and I'll just reply to the base topic.

I've noticed several younger sciforums users boasting in almost every thread in which they participate about how incredibly great they are, and declaring themselves to be "alpha males". Of course, such adolescent chest-puffing does not make it so.

People who say they're 'alpha-males' aren't. It's a self-contradictory thing to do.

It's as self contradictory as someone saying 'I'm not stupid!'
It's prettymuch common knowledge, if you say that, you're pretty stupid.

As much as the limited and largely useless concept of 'alpha-male' is, it does somewhat apply to life. It would seem to me that alpha is the person that everyone gravitiates to, that is the top in performance, and that everyone is submissive to. In short, what defines him as being the 'alpha' male is that most or everyone doesn't mess with him, and he prettymuch has his choice of what he wants.

Now, I have never in my life, as far as I can remember, been interested in such group-dominance games. Boasting has always seemed to me a sign of weakness, a desperate plea for attention. When kids shout about how good in the sack they are, how incredibly intelligent they are, how handsome they are, et cetera, it simply seems weak to me. A request for attention to alleviate insecurity.

What this sounds like to me is either pure naivety, or a good rationalization for not competing, performing, or otherwise putting yourself out at all.

First of all, it's not a game if it brings you real results, in reality. Second, boasting has nothing to do with it. In reality, 'alpha-males' are far too smart to do something so purely socially destructive to them. It's far easier for them to underplay themselves, and be overly modest to brag. The people who do those kinds of things aren't the 'alpha' males - they're stupid. The alpha male is the person who has the most influence and who the most people like. That's what makes him the 'alpha' male. But you're right, 'boasting' does alleviate the stupid person's insecurity, probably.

Some definitely take the lead and some definitely follow. I do not take part in such games. I don't care who gets the good seat in the car, I don't care who talks the loudest, I don't care who runs the fastest. I know what I can do, and for the most part I don't wish to do what I can do for philosophical reasons. I will not puff up my chest like some little birdy to impress women. If a woman is serious, she will get to know who I am, rather than be impressed by the bright little shiny things I lay about. (Okay, enough with the bird-behaviour metaphors.)

Some people are leaders, some aren't. You may rationalize 'not participating' by thinking that you are beyond it, or that it is just a game - and it may be in some ways - but that's weak. There's a difference between social status and trivial games.

There's also another little thing.

People don't remember who you could have been - they remember who you were.

If you can 'run fast' why don't you? Are you doing something more productive with your time? Would you time be better wasted doing something else? I'm not saying that social-status in school or whatever groups means a whole lot, but are you accomplishing anything else? I could go on, but you get the point.

Also - there is a difference between 'impressing women' and distinguishing yourself, showing that you have abilities, and raising your social status. These things aren't just 'games' - they're pretty real, and your rationalization sounds pretty weak to most women, except those who rationalize doing it themselves, I would think.

Besides, why would a woman want to 'get to know who you are' if you're the guy that doesn't compete, doesn't talk, and is complacent and all around generally weak? It's a simple fact - if you just take the backseat of the car - that's weak. It may be a meaningless gesture - but it's representative of something that's not.

Simple fact is, if you want someone to take an interest - you need to give them something to spur them on. Do you really go looking for the most complacent, passive, girl that nobody notices because she does nothing to compete with anyone else? See..

Oh yes, and one more thing - what 'philosophical reasons' are you talking about?

So, my question: Does anyone past puberty actually give a damn about such basic behaviour patterns?

You can rationalize being weak and saying they are 'basic behavior patterns' all day, but if you don't compete - you're not going to have success. If you don't have success, you're going to be Joe Blow, or worse. And that makes you weak.

Actually, I recall a good example. A BBQ at a friend's place. After a few drinks, many of the lads decided to play wrestling in the back yard. Typical show-off-for-the-girls stuff, such as you might see in primary school. Amazingly basic behaviour, very primitive.

I wouldn't have taken part either - being 'dominant' or the 'alpha-male' doesn't necessarily mean you're bigger or stronger. That's a stupid, small-minded, steryoptical idea. It means that you're the one that everyone likes, and you're smart enough to go talk to all the ladies while the other guys are rolling around on the ground with each other :)

In reality, I train in Hapkido and Ninjitsu, and for those reasons also I wouldn't have done anything - I'd probably instinctively nail a few pressure points or break someones arm or something if they rubbed me the wrong way.

When I see other guys trying to act tough at each other, threatening to beat each other up and such, I do not have the urge to join in.

In most cases, ditto. Physical dominance is secondary to mental and social dominance in reality now. People who rely on physical dominance are usually stupid and are percieved as such.

When someone threatens me in such a manner, I don't really care, and I don't try to show them how tough I am in return. I know what I can do, and I really don't want to hurt people.

Exactly. I may not be 300 pounds of muscle - but if I'm training in Hapkido and Ninjitsu, it doesn't really matter, does it? But then again, that will give you the discipline to avoid stupid things, and if someone does attack you, you can restrain, or otherwise embarrass or hurt them at your discretion pretty quickly.

On another note - a running diveroll over a fence will really impress the ladies :D :D

Weird..thread is back!

First of all, how do *YOU* know this thread was here? You are a new member. :cool: But good stuff, I admit.

Originally posted by Distortion
People who say they're 'alpha-males' aren't. It's a self-contradictory thing to do.

That's holds true most of the time, but it has a certain (false) logic to it.

If George Bush says he is an alpha male, it mean he isn't? ;)

It's as self contradictory as someone saying 'I'm not stupid!'
It's prettymuch common knowledge, if you say that, you're pretty stupid.

Maybe what you have just said is emotionally based.

As much as the limited and largely useless concept of 'alpha-male' is, it does somewhat apply to life. It would seem to me that alpha is the person that everyone gravitiates to, that is the top in performance, and that everyone is submissive to. In short, what defines him as being the 'alpha' male is that most or everyone doesn't mess with him, and he prettymuch has his choice of what he wants.

It applies to life alright, those that cannot consider or even admit it have problems.

Women, generally, are attracted to the alpha male, that is how our cultures work. Power, respect, etc. brings upon attraction.

You're right also, alpha males aren't people that beat the crap out of everyone, like I said, that type of person is not an alpha male.

What this sounds like to me is either pure naivety, or a good rationalization for not competing, performing, or otherwise putting yourself out at all.

There is always competition everywhere.

First of all, it's not a game if it brings you real results, in reality. Second, boasting has nothing to do with it. In reality, 'alpha-males' are far too smart to do something so purely socially destructive to them. It's far easier for them to underplay themselves, and be overly modest to brag. The people who do those kinds of things aren't the 'alpha' males - they're stupid. The alpha male is the person who has the most influence and who the most people like. That's what makes him the 'alpha' male. But you're right, 'boasting' does alleviate the stupid person's insecurity, probably.

Maybe your "perception" of the term game is different from mine. Playing the game right gets you the real results.

You're right about alpha-males are too smart to do something purely socially destructive to them. Notice you said, "underplay"

It's all one's perception, I consider most things a game, you compete, there are opponents, it's challenging, etc. - I have my valid reasons.

Some people are leaders, some aren't.

Certainly I hope you are not implicitly stating that leaders are born. They are made.

You may rationalize 'not participating' by thinking that you are beyond it, or that it is just a game - and it may be in some ways - but that's weak. There's a difference between social status and trivial games.

Right. :cool:

There's also another little thing.

People don't remember who you could have been - they remember who you were.

Absolutely, and don't make the mistake of liking someone they are supposed to be - some don't change, so don't hope for it.

Also - there is a difference between 'impressing women' and distinguishing yourself, showing that you have abilities, and raising your social status. These things aren't just 'games' - they're pretty real, and your rationalization sounds pretty weak to most women, except those who rationalize doing it themselves, I would think.

The games are real alright. What attributes the "fakeness" of it all?

Besides, why would a woman want to 'get to know who you are' if you're the guy that doesn't compete, doesn't talk, and is complacent and all around generally weak?

"Just be yourself right"? :rolleyes: The only flows for those that are already successful in that certain area. Other than that, you better change for the better. You are the one that makes who you are.

It's what you know that makes who you are, only if you apply that knowledge.

It's a simple fact - if you just take the backseat of the car - that's weak. It may be a meaningless gesture - but it's representative of something that's not.

Simple fact is, if you want someone to take an interest - you need to give them something to spur them on. Do you really go looking for the most complacent, passive, girl that nobody notices because she does nothing to compete with anyone else? See..

Good logic.

You can rationalize being weak and saying they are 'basic behavior patterns' all day, but if you don't compete - you're not going to have success. If you don't have success, you're going to be Joe Blow, or worse. And that makes you weak.

Yes, those have not seen the truth yet. I have seen myself being "beaten" by another man, simply because he was better than I was.

This is where determination and improvement will reap the rewards.

I wouldn't have taken part either - being 'dominant' or the 'alpha-male' doesn't necessarily mean you're bigger or stronger. That's a stupid, small-minded, steryoptical idea. It means that you're the one that everyone likes, and you're smart enough to go talk to all the ladies while the other guys are rolling around on the ground with each other :)

EXACTLY!! Great post so far, those that are confident and take the initiative are the alpha males.

While all the others can wonder their "what if...what if..."

In most cases, ditto. Physical dominance is secondary to mental and social dominance in reality now. People who rely on physical dominance are usually stupid and are percieved as such.

Exactly. Good stuff man :cool:

Keep it up, I will enjoy your presence at

Except for that...err...atheists are smarter comment...:rolleyes:

Other than that, you are cool ;)
First of all, how do *YOU* know this thread was here? You are a new member. But good stuff, I admit.

I was sneaking around and it twigged my interest :D

Maybe your "perception" of the term game is different from mine. Playing the game right gets you the real results.

Something like chess is a game. Something that is in and affects real life, isn't. If you don't believe me, will vouch for me.

Never the less, I agree with you, the strategys are the same, and the manner of thinking is the same.

It's just not a 'game'. It's life. The 'game' of life, if you prefer. :)

Certainly I hope you are not implicitly stating that leaders are born. They are made.

The odd few are born. Ultra-intelligent people, for example. People that are born with massive talent and inclanations in one area or another.

Exactly. Good stuff man :)

Keep it up, I will enjoy your presence at

Except for that...err...atheists are smarter comment...

Other than that, you are cool ;)

Thank you. Please disregard the 'atheists' comment.. and.. I'm sure I'll enjoy your presence as well judging by your good logic. But I don't need to stroke your ego, and, you'll probably be my main opposition, so lets just have fun :)
